I'm a big time switcher of Mac, I have 3 PowerMac, and 2 powerbook for myself alone at my home office (Pic can be seen here). I've bought more than 27 powermacs G5 (dual core) in the past 2 months for my office and replaces all my windows machines and 6 powerbooks. I'm not a mac guru, but after buying so many macs, i know a little about mac. and i'm pretty happy with the transition in my company (i'm a small business owner).
So i wanted to buy my wife a macbook pro and also for myself. I went to Willow Bend apple store, it was so hot in texas that day, so i went home, took out my suite and change to basketball wear as i'm planning to go and play basketball after buying the macbook pros. i dont wear my shoes instead i opt out to wear my slippers
so i'm pretty much look like a broke guy walking into apple store. Now i dont expect royalties treatment, but when i walk in i know what i want, all i want to say is just please give me 2 macbook pros and this is the model i want. I stood there for 10 minutes and no one approach to help me. and i called one of the worker there his name is "S" (i'm going to use his initial only) and he said i'll be right with you with a pretty rude tone. And then a couple walked into the store looking at the new macbook, and instead of assiting me (i was waiting in front of him) he went to that couple and talk to them about macbooks and ignoring me, so i just wait patiently, and another old man walked in looking at the powermac and he went to that old man after assiting the couple that just walked out buying nothing.
I was pretty upset and felt that i'm not been given any services, until another lady worker came to me and she's very friendly and help me with my 2 macbook pros. So i checked out right away and drop off my macbook pro at home for my wife. she called me 30 mintues later telling me it has dead pixels, so i went home and came back to the apple store, i show them that there is 6 bad pixels on the screen, and i guess it wasnt my luck, the guy that was rude to me came and tell me that it's within apple operating specs, i cant exchage for a new unit. I dont expect to pay for 2600 (with tax) for each machine and an hour later when i turn it on comes with defects. Would you buy a car with small dent on it?
And he was very rude to me when i say i want an exchange or if it's not possible refund, i dont care about the restrocking fees. and finally after calling around Apple, they say i shuld be able to get an exchange in store, so i get a reference number and went back to that Willo Bend apple store to get an exchage.
I'm very very dissapointed at the service level i got on apple store, all my mac was purchased online, and i'm not saying i wont be going to apple store, but i just wont step into Willow bend apple store anymore.
Well, this is my first apple store experience.
Still love OSX, just not that particular store
So i wanted to buy my wife a macbook pro and also for myself. I went to Willow Bend apple store, it was so hot in texas that day, so i went home, took out my suite and change to basketball wear as i'm planning to go and play basketball after buying the macbook pros. i dont wear my shoes instead i opt out to wear my slippers
I was pretty upset and felt that i'm not been given any services, until another lady worker came to me and she's very friendly and help me with my 2 macbook pros. So i checked out right away and drop off my macbook pro at home for my wife. she called me 30 mintues later telling me it has dead pixels, so i went home and came back to the apple store, i show them that there is 6 bad pixels on the screen, and i guess it wasnt my luck, the guy that was rude to me came and tell me that it's within apple operating specs, i cant exchage for a new unit. I dont expect to pay for 2600 (with tax) for each machine and an hour later when i turn it on comes with defects. Would you buy a car with small dent on it?
And he was very rude to me when i say i want an exchange or if it's not possible refund, i dont care about the restrocking fees. and finally after calling around Apple, they say i shuld be able to get an exchange in store, so i get a reference number and went back to that Willo Bend apple store to get an exchage.
I'm very very dissapointed at the service level i got on apple store, all my mac was purchased online, and i'm not saying i wont be going to apple store, but i just wont step into Willow bend apple store anymore.
Well, this is my first apple store experience.
Still love OSX, just not that particular store