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devilot said:
Yup. I think I will have to gulp up that extra gas $ and just go there from now on. I've only been in there once or twice before they closed to remodel and haven't been there since. I've also only been to that other Palo Alto location (larger w/ a small theater inside)-- but only once and I only ducked in to find my father. But that one's parking situation is tougher so I guess I'll stick to the Stanford Shopping center location. :eek:

but don't spend too much money in some for cartier, nieman marcus, and wilkes bashford

i only go there to stare at stuff...but i can afford the food there, but that's about it ;)
well if i need something that i have to pick up locally i'll go to compusa or microcenter, they have mac section too.
The store in my area is hard to get service at, I've been there a number of times. Apple is riding high right now, and many of the people working there know it. THey know their jobs are "high demand" amongst us Apple groupies, and I thinm sometimes it goes to their head. I've had good and bad service at my local store here in Wisconsin.
There's a few stores within reasonable distance of me here. I used to go to the Chestnut Hill store, but found the "geniuses" to be both condescending and fairly useless technically - but the other people in the store were beyond helpful. I've been to the stores in cambridge and Buffalo NY, and found the service to be much better, at least at the genius bar. It depends on where you are, I think. Unfortunately, the stores are hit and miss.
I don't mean to hijack the thread, but does anyone know about the Jacksonville, FL or Atlanta, GA stores? I'm considering driving 4 hours to either to pick up a MacBook in a month or two.
Sucks that you got treated wrong at your Apple Stores... every Apple Store I've been to has treated me well and the people are nice. You probably just encountered a crappy employee. I once went into an Apple Store in my mall and talked to an employee about Macbook Pro's for an hour and he kindly answered all my questions. :)
For some reason, the geniuses tend to be the worst employees working in the apple stores. Everyone else has only been extremely helpful to me
I didn't even need to read your entire soon as I got to Willow Bend, I stopped reading. The customer service at that particular location is the worst I have ever experienced at any of the 10 or so Apple stores I've been to. I will never go there again.

I'm not sure where you live, but you should check out the Northpark or Southlake locations..... both are much more pleasant to deal with.
To the OP, find out the number for the district or regional Apple Store manager and talk to that person. The problem of bad service won't get fixed unless people up the food chain know people down the food chain aren't doing an acceptable job.

MrFrankly said:
I know, I was comparing this forum before and after the Intel switch...which made not be a fair comparison since we're dealing with a rev A of the MBP, while the Powerbooks had several revisions. But still I'm disappointed how so many obvious problems are dealt with by saying it's within the operational specs while they're obviously problems. My opinion on Apple is high enough to expect better from them.
Being a newb I guess you missed all the threads about chipping/flaking paint, overheating, keyboards damaging screens, not flush lids, poor wifi reception, failing latches, and "white spots" in regards to various Rev's of pre-Intel PowerBooks. ;)

All products have defects/kinks. Especially Rev A computers. Going to a message/help board and thinking, "Gee, there sure are a lot of people w/problems here" is like going to a hospital and thinking, "Gee, there sure are a lot of sick people here."

mkrishnan said:
Please write a note in to Apple about's unacceptable, and Apple needs to be able to control the image their stores sends to customers.

Agreed. To give Apple that much business you deserve a little more respect. You sound like a reasonable person who exercises self-control. A well-written letter should evoke a positive response.
savar said:
Agreed. To give Apple that much business you deserve a little more respect. You sound like a reasonable person who exercises self-control. A well-written letter should evoke a positive response.
Correction, every customer should get the same level of respect.

How much he purchased from Apple is meaningless within the context of what happened. He, you, or myself -- upon walking into an Apple store -- should be afforded the same level of service and respect.
Customer Expectations are often too high!!!!!!!

I used to work at a John Lewis in the UK. I had a good reputatuion as the "Apple bloke" and even the local PC world would send customers to John Lewis to see me....

Now let me tell you something about the retail industry which often gets forgotten in this consumer orientated, trading standards infected, politically correct, compensation culture, watchdog monitored, nanny state soup or society is in......

Sales people are busy. And human. Standing on your feet for 8-9 hour days, when you're busy the floor manager forgets to send you for your only lunch break, you have a sea of people around you. A sea of people asking the same stupid questions cause they cant be arsed to ring the helpline like they should. Who expect you to know everything about every program, computer and peripheral ever sold, worldwide. Who come in brandishing copies of the "Which report" to quote from while they ignore everything you say.

If you have to go out the back to get stock, on the way back, you can't make eye contact.... rude? yes. But If you make eye contact with a customer, they assume you will serve them (reason? there is none.). And after you've tried smiling politely, but then had to head back to the customer who you've fetched the stock for, you get a torrent of mutterings from disgruntled people.....

So, they moan if you make eye contact and smile, they moan if you dont...... but they dont interrupt you if you ignore them, so thats what we do. Eyes down, keep moving.

When you turn around, if its busy, you have to turn and serve the most vocal and the first customer you see. If you have finished with a customer and people see this, they EXPECT you to serve them. Standing around waiting for someone to serve you is quite frankly rude on your part too.

I'm bummed for you about the dead pixels, never good when you have spent so much money. On the other hand, what did you expect him to do... Apple guidelines ARE guidelines, and the staff HAVE to be seen to follow them.

About nobody coming over to serve you.... suck it up, and go and try asking for some help. Waiting for a sales person to 'serve' is quite common, dont get me wrong, but it really doesn't make anyone want to talk to you. Half the time we get screamed at for interrupting people's quiet shopping, so what are people to do.

If you want a shop which takes a Mac back cause you picked the wrong screen size, or a new model comes out, or you dont like the colour, then try shopping in a John Lewis next time you are in the UK....
....the staff are all annoyed at a company wasting hundreds of thousand of pounds a year in returns of hardware with no fault, then getting told its all because the endless reams of paperwork weren't filled in properly. A company who can't hold down the most knowledgable staff, instead opting for those with a happy smile, and with managers with no I.T training who come from a department selling spoons and detergent.

So thats what you get, great service, managers who give you exactly what you want, refunds for any reason...... Just expect to buy a PC cause the staff dont know what a Mac is, and expect them to be angry and pissed all the time!!

When I shop, I want to approach a salesperson when I am ready, ask some questions, get good answers, and then buy a machine.

I dont expect to walk around, huff and puff, and have a chat about the weather with a pensioner with a shiny badge and a neat tie......

each to his own I guess.

/end rant
dejo said:
The latest Consumer Reports supports that claim.

Wow, I am sure that makes him feel better.

wyrmintheapple said:
I used to work at a John Lewis in the UK. I had a good reputatuion as the "Apple bloke" and even the local PC world would send customers to John Lewis to see me....

Now let me tell you something about the retail industry which often gets forgotten in this consumer orientated, trading standards infected, politically correct, compensation culture, watchdog monitored, nanny state soup or society is in......

Sales people are busy. And human. Standing on your feet for 8-9 hour days, when you're busy the floor manager forgets to send you for your only lunch break, you have a sea of people around you. A sea of people asking the same stupid questions cause they cant be arsed to ring the helpline like they should. Who expect you to know everything about every program, computer and peripheral ever sold, worldwide. Who come in brandishing copies of the "Which report" to quote from while they ignore everything you say.

If you have to go out the back to get stock, on the way back, you can't make eye contact.... rude? yes. But If you make eye contact with a customer, they assume you will serve them (reason? there is none.). And after you've tried smiling politely, but then had to head back to the customer who you've fetched the stock for, you get a torrent of mutterings from disgruntled people.....

So, they moan if you make eye contact and smile, they moan if you dont...... but they dont interrupt you if you ignore them, so thats what we do. Eyes down, keep moving.

When you turn around, if its busy, you have to turn and serve the most vocal and the first customer you see. If you have finished with a customer and people see this, they EXPECT you to serve them. Standing around waiting for someone to serve you is quite frankly rude on your part too.

I'm bummed for you about the dead pixels, never good when you have spent so much money. On the other hand, what did you expect him to do... Apple guidelines ARE guidelines, and the staff HAVE to be seen to follow them.

About nobody coming over to serve you.... suck it up, and go and try asking for some help. Waiting for a sales person to 'serve' is quite common, dont get me wrong, but it really doesn't make anyone want to talk to you. Half the time we get screamed at for interrupting people's quiet shopping, so what are people to do.

If you want a shop which takes a Mac back cause you picked the wrong screen size, or a new model comes out, or you dont like the colour, then try shopping in a John Lewis next time you are in the UK....
....the staff are all annoyed at a company wasting hundreds of thousand of pounds a year in returns of hardware with no fault, then getting told its all because the endless reams of paperwork weren't filled in properly. A company who can't hold down the most knowledgable staff, instead opting for those with a happy smile, and with managers with no I.T training who come from a department selling spoons and detergent.

So thats what you get, great service, managers who give you exactly what you want, refunds for any reason...... Just expect to buy a PC cause the staff dont know what a Mac is, and expect them to be angry and pissed all the time!!

When I shop, I want to approach a salesperson when I am ready, ask some questions, get good answers, and then buy a machine.

I dont expect to walk around, huff and puff, and have a chat about the weather with a pensioner with a shiny badge and a neat tie......

each to his own I guess.

/end rant

Yikes, you should stay out of retail. You are one of those people who give good associates a bad name.
wyrmintheapple said:
When you turn around, if its busy, you have to turn and serve the most vocal and the first customer you see. If you have finished with a customer and people see this, they EXPECT you to serve them. Standing around waiting for someone to serve you is quite frankly rude on your part too.

/end rant

Please read my Original Post, i did not stand around and wait for him to serve me, i asked for assistance from him, he told me to wait, and so i waited and i saw him serve couple more people that just walked into the store and ignored me.

trust me, i'm a very reasonable man, i dont demand something out of the world, all i need is just 2 macbook pro, i dont even ask questions, i just want to say "can you please get me 2 macbook pro, thank you" that's all i wanted to say when i stepped into the store, but when i just say Excuse me, he cut me off and said could you hold on a moment.
EricBrian said:
Yikes, you should stay out of retail. You are one of those people who give good associates a bad name.

retail, ah retail...he he...if we caught osama bin laden, it would still be cruel and unusual punishment to subject him to a sentence of being a retail employee for any length of time;)
regre7 said:
I don't mean to hijack the thread, but does anyone know about the Jacksonville, FL or Atlanta, GA stores? I'm considering driving 4 hours to either to pick up a MacBook in a month or two.
I go to the one in Lenox Square. I got my ipod there, great service. My friend works there too.
Luckily I have four Apple Stores in my area: Northridge, Sherman Oaks, Santa Monica and the new Simi Valley. Unfortunately I have never had good customer service at ANY of them. A few years back, I had a good experience with one guy at the Northridge store who helped me buy my first Mac Mini but he suddenly went MIA. (If he's on MR, SCOTT you're great) Since then, I've never had any one else greet me or offer assistance even if I look like an obvious vulnerable customer who can be pushed into buying anything no matter what the price. They must think I'm just a little girl who comes in to take advantage of the free internet connection.

I went to the grand opening of the Simi Valley store recently. It was pretty much empty when I went in and no one (not even the manager) said hello or asked how I was doing. Just stared at me for a few seconds and then looked away. They weren't busy so that's not an excuse. Even if I'd flash a smile or a little hello, I didn't get any response. This is what happens at pretty much every Apple Store I've gone into.

I've worked in retail for a couple of years so I know about customer service, but the way Apple Store employees treat me every single time is absolutely horrible.

And, to the angry ranter above, it helps to visually or verbally acknowledge (a smile, a "Hello!", or an "I'll be right with you") a customer as it keeps them hanging for a while instead of being ignored, which then they'd walk out and you would lose a potential sale.
I think in the pass few year the workers at the Apple store got worst. When they first open 5 years ago the workers were true Apple fans. They were very helpful and had knowledge about the products and computers in general. Last week I wanted to buy a USB Mic, the sales person told me the MacMini has a mic and didnt need to buy a USB mic. I think 50% of the sales people dont have a clue now, they just want a discount on an ipod.

You were probably not a teenage girl in a tight shirt that is why theydidnt help you.
Acehigh said:
You were probably not a teenage girl in a tight shirt that is why theydidnt help you.
Eh, I'm a chick, I was probably wearing a short skirt (hey, it gets hot around here in August)... I still don't get any real service. :rolleyes:
jTreu said:
ive never had a problem with apple store employees at the danbury, ct store. they sent out my out of warrenty ibook for repair for free.

I think nobody questions the people at Genius Bar for not being good. They are the best workers, and helpful. Its the sales people who are the problem. Some of the stores they are grouped together talking like walmart employees. They are at work they should be working.
regre7 said:
I don't mean to hijack the thread, but does anyone know about the Jacksonville, FL or Atlanta, GA stores? I'm considering driving 4 hours to either to pick up a MacBook in a month or two.

Find out which has the lowest taxes if you plan to drive out of state. Wish i lived closer to DE i will buy a black macbook now. Taxfree must be nice
dferrara said:
I am sure that 6 pixels warrants a replacement. The employee was stupid.
Sadly, unless they're all bunched up you're still short.

I have mixed feelings with my local Apple Store. Then again, I know more about the products in store then the half the staff.
celebrian23 said:
For some reason, the geniuses tend to be the worst employees working in the apple stores. Everyone else has only been extremely helpful to me

Wow I feel the opposite... The Geniuses always been good to me.

They replaced my 10GB g2 Ipod way out of warranty. (I brought a Refurb 5GB was sent a 10GB instead since they ran out, in a retail box for $99!) then it broke a few months ago. Got a another on the spot. since they said my Firewire port in my Powerbook might of caused the damage.
devilot said:
Eh, I'm a chick, I was probably wearing a short skirt (hey, it gets hot around here in August)... I still don't get any real service. :rolleyes:

probably since you are going a little to far. they are scared to come up to you now!
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