I'm going to start by saying, I've never had a bad experience in an Apple Store.
I think alot of people are commenting on their non-aggressive sales attititude. because they are used to going to best buy or the gap and having sales associates shoving product down their throats. I REALLY appreciate going to an apple store, and being left alone... because I'm not an idiot, I do my research, and when I'm ready to buy something, I will let them know.
I hate hate hate, having people try to sell me on something, or try to tell me how much I need something I dont. I almost screamed when I got my cellphone... no I dont want more minutes... no I dont want more text messages, IM FINE! STOP SELLING ME STUFF I DONT NEED
So,I really think that apple's retail model is Brilliant, and although i think the original poster, did have a poor experience, you cant avoid those completely with any company, but being passive, and watching the sales associate help other people, is probably not the best way to solve your problem... how about taking a deep breath, and talking to someone else. Nobody is perfect, many people make assumptions upon the way you look. Its not right, but its hard to blame him.
having worked in guitar stores, 99 times out of 100, the dirty guy with beer on his breath who comes in with stains on his torn sweatpants, is not going to buy the guitar or amp he wants to try out... however I will say that I've sold a few to such fellows.
anyway, some one was asking about commission... Im pretty sure that Apple store employees do not work on commission.
I really agree with the person that said that consumer expectations in this country are screwed up. its fast food culture. everyone expects extreamly fast, and good service. just like at mcdonalds where you can wait in line for just one minute pay under 5 bucks and have a cheeseburger made out of 100 different chemicals. what a deal!