mmmm. i was really hungring for something new. i was thinking of downloading a nightly of mozilla but this will hold me out for awhile.
thanks for the update britboy.
I have the same thing happen. A very annoying bug.Originally posted by AmbitiousLemon
hm... as i type this though im noticing they still havent gotten rid of the bug where when typing in a field (such as this) everytime you hit the space bar the screen jumps down a page so the whoel screen is jumping up and down while i type.
for those off you who use chimera as your default are you having this problem?
Originally posted by AmbitiousLemon
o i just fixed your quotes. the vb code was off so it didnt format the text as a quote.
i know i have seen other report the space bar jumping bug, but i guess it isnt happening to everyone then. think ill head on over to the chimera board and see if i can get more info.
Originally posted by AmbitiousLemon
that is sort of odd. i cant recall when it started. a few versions back. i dont visit any other boards except the chimera board and it doesnt happen there. but if you guys find it happens else where come back and post here again.