I have posted a response to the missing Top Sites issue with Safari 14 in another thread to wit:
No, Frequently Visited is a completely different animal. You have no direct control of what goes in or when. With Top Sites, you had total control of was available with a couple of clicks, then the site of interest was then available with one click until you decided otherwise(deleted the link).
The Frequently Visited feature is controlled by the software itself (I think SIRI is involved in some manner). I frequently check an 'underground dot com' radar page, often a couple times a day, yet this page NEVER appears in Frequently Visited. Since using Safari 14, I have visited my credit card website once to make an account payment, that damn webpage showed up immediately in this Frequently Visited section of Start Page. Hmmm, that's rather odd behavior.
No sir, Top Sites and Frequently Visited are NOT interchangeable in functional operation at the user experience level. Whether or not Frequently Visited will be the new Top Sites remains to be determined, however, that is not the case right now.
To anyone thinking Frequently Visited and Top Sites are the same thing, oopsie. They ain't; coulda'. woulda', shoulda'. But not in actual function, at least not Safari 14 in a Catalina context.
I haven't ventured into Big Sur territory, however, I really don't think this issue is different in either context, nor Mojave for that matter.
As an additional note, the names of the links in Top Sites could decided by you at the moment you created such a link. For example Astronomy Picture of the Day{
https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html} was called APOD for this link in my selection of this sight in Top Sites. I really appreciated this freedom.
Currently, in Safari 14, I see apod.nasa.gov for this site Frequently Visited, and I cannot edit it to my personal liking. Gee, isn't that special.
Having no
reasonably expeditous manner to revert back to S.13 I am sadden by this turn of events. 😔