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The Galaxy Tab has a higher resolution.

Galaxy Tab 7" 1024 x 600 @ 260 ppi

iPad 10" 1024 x 768 @ 132 ppi

Winner: Galaxy Tab


Why does iPad get the higher score?

Galaxy Tab is expandable. You can swap out an unlimited amount of micro-SD cards and have a larger storage space.

iPad is limited to a maximum of only 64GB.

Winner: Galaxy Tab

iPad does have higher resolution. Tab has higher pixel density though (which, ironically, Apple made to be a buzz word lately :))
iPad does have higher resolution. Tab has higher pixel density though (which, ironically, Apple made to be a buzz word lately :))

Samsung beat them at their own game.

Samsung called and they said: Bring it Apple. :)

I love competition. :D
I still think the 16:9 ratio in portrait mode just looks hideously wrong. It's the reason I never bother using portrait mode on my widescreen monitors.

That being said the Galaxy Tab looks a nice capable tablet, though i have no experience of Android. What it has shown me is that a 7" iPad is viable.

How do you know it's viable. The 7" tablet is not even out yet.
Samsung beat them at their own game.

Samsung called and they said: Bring it Apple. :)

I love competition. :D

How do you know it's better? Apple increased the density on the iPhone 4 but the UI elements are the same physical size. If they had kept the UI elements the same number of pixels the buttons and text would be way too small. If Apple reduced the iPad screen to 7" then the buttons and text would be way too small for many people. What real size are the Samsung UI elements? Have you tried one? Lame comments with no data to back them up.
How do you know it's viable. The 7" tablet is not even out yet.

Viable to me, as in size wise. I remain skeptical about a 7" iPad but after seeing the Tab in all demos on YouTube on it's form factor it's now opened my mind to a 7" iPad.
iPad launch date for Sweden still hasn't been announced, so there's no competition. Perhaps :apple: are preparing a 4G model for the Nordic countries where it's been rolled out in major cities. Or perhaps not.

Indeed, I'm starting to think that the first iPad that is officially available to you will be the iPad 2. I really enjoy mine, but if I didn't already have one I'd be waiting for the next one at this point--even though they are readily available here.

iPad will launch in Sweden when they release iOS 4.2 in november. It's a shame it has taken so long, but that's how it is. For sure, there will be a iPad gen. 2 announced in january but again it won't be availible in sweden until late fall 2011... so there's no need to hold out for something that isn't coming.

My recomendation for all swedes is to import the iPad yourself from the US, as I did in may.
The Galaxy Tab has a higher resolution.

Galaxy Tab 7" 1024 x 600 @ 260 ppi

iPad 10" 1024 x 768 @ 132 ppi

You seem confused about the difference between resolution and pixel density. The iPad has higher resolution and double the screen size. That wins for displaying full page media.

If for you, pixel density trumps all, the new ~$200 iPod Touch beats the galaxy.

The new Touch actually has the exact same pixel count as the Galaxy (614400 pixels), but much higher pixel density.
You'd have to define "bombed". For example:

The Galaxy has sold over a million just on T-Mobile and ATT in less than two months... with very little public hype compared to the iPhone.

The iPhone sold only about a half million the first year it was in Japan. Later, it was given away for free and ownership jumped.

In my opinion, who got the wrong comparison. It should be this way.
iPhone first gen = 1 million in 74 days VS. Samsung (1st smartphone) = ?
(, no data on samsung
iPhone 4 = 1.7 million in 3 days VS Samsung Galaxy S = 1 million 45 days

A better comparison, you agree?

I'm posting this because Samsung Galaxy S in NOT the very first smartphone Samsung made. It is one of the numerous product lines that Samsung made for different providers. Maybe, if you add all smartphones made by Samsung (all generations and line up) and compare it with the iphone (all generations), then it will be a better comparison.

I think the same should go with the tablet.
iPad = 1 million 28 days VS Galaxy Tab (7 inch only) = ?
The Galaxy Tab has a higher resolution.

Galaxy Tab 7" 1024 x 600 @ 260 ppi

iPad 10" 1024 x 768 @ 132 ppi
Wait a sec... nearly double the pixel density? (Both 1024, 7 versus 10 -- actually 9.7 -- inches, different aspect ratio)

Disproving the claim that I would never use that high school trigonometry in real life.... It's about 170 ppi.
Will be interesting to see if IPS trumps SuperLCD, I think it will, but I haven't seen the one that is out now to form an opinion.

I can say for me that my iPad certainly trumps my laptop.... I need to figure out how to get a big IPS monitor. Of course, i've been trying to figure that out for awhile.
TraceyS/FL said:
I need to figure out how to get a big IPS monitor. Of course, i've been trying to figure that out for awhile.

What's there to figure out? Just buy the new 27" cinema display when it comes out :D
Yeap. Or buy Dell 27" monitor which has the same panel.

Pretty sure I read a review of both and whilst they used the same panels, Dell used normal back lighting whereas Apple used LED back light and the Dell gave a fuller colour Gamut.
What's there to figure out? Just buy the new 27" cinema display when it comes out :D

Nope. It's glossy.... The iPad is about the biggest glossy monitor I can handle with my vision issues.

When i dream up the extra money for it, I will sort it out. I'm surre i will have more choices by then! LOL
The Galaxy has sold over a million just on T-Mobile and ATT in less than two months... with very little public hype compared to the iPhone.

Oh, so all those Galaxy ads (ZOMG FREE AVATAR) I've been inundated with over the past couple of months don't count as "public hype"? Thanks for letting me know. :rolleyes:
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