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131k is normal. To be exact, the ROM should be 131072 Byte.

If you divide 131072 by 1024, that will be 128. This is why we call it 128k ROM.

Anyway, ALWAYS use the 128k full ROM image as source for the script.

Do NOT use that 64k dump. It won't work.

Here is the terminal output!
Thes-Mac-Pro:bundle2 thechaplain$ ./ --efifile=7950mac.efi --romfile=efiromheader.rom --originalrom=R9280XVaporXOC.rom --devid=679a

running on 7950mac.efi, efiromheader.rom with devid 679a

Patching files 7950mac.efi, efiromheader.rom for device-id 0x679a
The R9 280X is essentially an upgrade of the HD 7970 . . . you used the 7950mac.efi

Run the Netkas script again . . . . . something like this . . . . .

./ --efifile=7970mac.efi --romfile=efiromheader_7970.rom --originalrom=cardname.rom --devid=6798

This should work depending what you want the resulting ROM to be named

IMPORTANT : The DEVICE ID of the R9 280X is different to the 7950

NOTE 1. :
Powering the R9 280X
I am currently using a Sapphire Dual-X HD 7970 3gb which preceded the R9 280X.
h9826790 was kind enough to correct me on the correct power cables which are , ,

1. For the 8 pin socket : TWO X Apple MINI-6 pin to one 8 pin.

2. For the 6 pin socket : TWO SATA to ONE 6 pin.
This is the safest way to power the R9 280X but . . .you lose two onboard SATA HDD drives but .. if you ( as I have done ) .. remove the DVD drives from the upper compartment there are TWO SATA cables there to use for HDDs or SSDs ( I have two SSDs there) .

NOTE 2. Show the correct name for the R9 280X in "About this Mac".

( You have to do this BEFORE you finally flash your EFI'ed ROm to your R9 280X )

Sapphire HD 7970 System report.jpg

Use a HEX Editor ( HexFiend 2.5 is OK ) on your FINAL EFI'ed netkas ROM to find and change the display name.
Then SAVE the rom and THEN flash it to your R9 280X - I do this in a dedicated Win 7 HDD - I NEVER use Bootcamp :)

Don't forget that the same Netkas efifile and efiromheader is used to flash BOTH the HD 7970 AND the R9 280X
Assume that the HD 7970 and the R9 280X are THE SAME for the Netkas flashing process.

Here is my HD 7970 in System Info/PCI/ report
Sapphire HD 7970 PCI report.jpg
The device ID is 679A, as in the file I have modified. The ROM dump is only 64KB where the HD7970 Netkas Rom is 128KB. Am I only getting the one side of my ROM? It has a two position switch that lights up when depressed, accessing the other ROM. I have dumped both sides, and they are both 64KB. Is this because I have SIP enabled?
Also, In About This Mac, it shows an AMD Radeon H7xxx card 3072kb, not an R9 280X Vapor X OC. So the system recognizes it as the generic 7970, and in the ROM dump it mentions TAHITI. I am new, but trying at this. I do not want to brick this card, though lol.
My power connectors are dual 6 pin, also and I am using two cables off the mini 6 pin backplane connections. Seems to work well. I don't have one 8 pin and one 6 pin connector on the Sapphire R9 280X VaporX OC.
Here is my Sysinfo, shows 5GT/s speed already!

AMD Radeon HD 7xxx:

Name: ATY,AMD,RadeonFramebuffer
Type: Display Controller
Driver Installed: Yes
MSI: Yes
Bus: PCI
Slot: Slot-1
Vendor ID: 0x1002
Device ID: 0x679a
Subsystem Vendor ID: 0x174b
Subsystem ID: 0xa003
Revision ID: 0x0000
Link Width: x16
Link Speed: 5.0 GT/s
The device ID is 679A, as in the file I have modified. The ROM dump is only 64KB where the HD7970 Netkas Rom is 128KB. Am I only getting the one side of my ROM? It has a two position switch that lights up when depressed, accessing the other ROM. I have dumped both sides, and they are both 64KB. Is this because I have SIP enabled?
Also, In About This Mac, it shows an AMD Radeon H7xxx card 3072kb, not an R9 280X Vapor X OC. So the system recognizes it as the generic 7970, and in the ROM dump it mentions TAHITI. I am new, but trying at this. I do not want to brick this card, though lol.
My power connectors are dual 6 pin, also and I am using two cables off the mini 6 pin backplane connections. Seems to work well. I don't have one 8 pin and one 6 pin connector on the Sapphire R9 280X VaporX OC.
Here is my Sysinfo, shows 5GT/s speed already!

AMD Radeon HD 7xxx:

Name: ATY,AMD,RadeonFramebuffer
Type: Display Controller
Driver Installed: Yes
MSI: Yes
Bus: PCI
Slot: Slot-1
Vendor ID: 0x1002
Device ID: 0x679a
Subsystem Vendor ID: 0x174b
Subsystem ID: 0xa003
Revision ID: 0x0000
Link Width: x16
Link Speed: 5.0 GT/s

Everything you said make me believe that your card is NOT the R9 280X Vapor X OC.

AFAIK, R9 280X Vapor X OC has dual 8pin input, not dual 6pin.

280X is Tahiti XT, not Tahiti.

The device ID of 280X is 6798, not 679A.

Everything you said points to one conclusion. Your card is a R9 280 (AKA HD7950), but not the 280X (AKA 7970).
[doublepost=1548002780][/doublepost]I expect you have Windows to flash the card.

You can simply dump the ROM in ATIWinFlash. If that gives you 64k ROM, then you are out of luck, your card may only has 64k chip, which is impossible to flash a 128k Mac EFI ROM in.

However, a 280X Vapor-X OC should has dual 128K ROM.
[doublepost=1548002827][/doublepost]Also, you better run GPU-Z in Windows, make a screen capture and post here. Your card's doesn't look like a 280X at all.
Everything you said make me believe that your card is NOT the R9 280X Vapor X OC.

AFAIK, R9 280X Vapor X OC has dual 8pin input, not dual 6pin.

280X is Tahiti XT, not Tahiti.

The device ID of 280X is 6798, not 679A.

Everything you said points to one conclusion. Your card is a R9 280 (AKA HD7950), but not the 280X (AKA 7970).
[doublepost=1548002780][/doublepost]I expect you have Windows to flash the card.

You can simply dump the ROM in ATIWinFlash. If that gives you 64k ROM, then you are out of luck, your card may only has 64k chip, which is impossible to flash a 128k Mac EFI ROM in.

However, a 280X Vapor-X OC should has dual 128K ROM.

Ok, you might be right. Here is the ROM dump, and it says TAHITI . So, it was advertised on eBay as the r9 280X Vapor X OC, but might not be... i only paid $38 with shipping so it still works well, and has 5 GT/s already!

U™ÄÈâ,IBMú 761295520Å05/08/14 04:539ÈpÈÿÄ`@¿RbÑñ.
•4œ @H∞î2WXí√û 113-8E24900-O4BTAHITIPCI_EXPRESSGDDR5
R9 280 B0 CR PRO2 C38640 GDDR5 3GB 500e/150m

(C) 1988-2010, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.ATOMBIOSBK-AMD VER015. 293226 SAPPHIRE_TAHITI_C38640_E24900_GDR5_3G\config.h$ATOM¿â≠QÆK†,ʆ将PCIRögÄ-ÄAMD ATOMBIOStOwf≤ÒU)@åŸ∞ãƒ
ÄÍVË∫1ÅMP ^fPfQfRfSfUfVfW£åË‚6Ëæ42“â°f¡¿°Ë†ËÒËËIËfËr1˜EP uËIËà`Ë#Ëœ`Ëπ¥ÄË∂4ä«f¡‡ä„∞fPªË/6®fXt∞ f£ú˶Ë∞Ëû6f_f^f]f[fZfYfXÀ.ãÉ>õuâô.éëú˙f«e«@ÆâB«¥Æâ∂«|
iâ~« mâ«®+câ™.éôã√£-c£=c£Ocù√PMIDÆP†∞∏¿ªËá5f¡Ë£2√Ë‹5Ëju.:&(uËGÎĸOuË"KÎË©RÎ¥Ë⁄5œË≥5ËAuË%Υ˫5Àˆ5Ë.uĸOuËÚJÎËyRΥ˙5ÀfPfQfRfSfUfVfW<u,ä—¡Èæ`Ë·Ëæ`˧Ѣfª`Ë*æ2¿ËÈñ<u#ªËŸ4ç6˛ä<ÄÔ0≥ãÏâ^âFf¡ËâFÈo<uË„ËÚ2ãÏâVâFf¡ËâFÈS<u9Ë’f—‡ãÏâFªËã4àFËÁf¿Ñ)fâFªËt43¿fâF.ã2âVÈ<u$
shortened for brevity :)
[doublepost=1548003336][/doublepost]My next question... can I flash a H7950 ROM into my 64k ROM on this card for boot screen?
113-8E24900-O4B is the Sapphire Dual-X R9 280 OC.

You should see "DUAL-X" on the fan, but not Vapor-X under the back plate.

But good news is, it should still come with dual 128k ROM.

And this Dual-X is a 2x6pin card. So, it seems matching now.
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113-8E24900-O4B is the Sapphire Dual-X R9 280 OC.

You should see "DUAL-X" on the fan, but not Vapor-X under the back plate.

But good news is, it should still come with dual 128k ROM.

And this Dual-X is a 2x6pin card. So, it seems matching now.

You are correct, it is a DUAL-X card. The Product details the seller used were for the VAPOR X OC, which led me to believe that is what I have. Here is what he advertised it as:
Sapphire Technology AMD (11221-02-40G) 3GB GDDR5 SDRAM PCI EXPRESS 3.0x16 Video
I don't believe that is what I have, as that is the MPN for the Vapor-X OC
The correct MPN should be something else.
The good thing is, as you say, it might have the 128kb rom!
hello I have a r9 280x tri-x 3gb graphics card. I want to use it on my Mac pro 5.1 device. I can't see the Boot screen. Can you help me.

if i'm right you have sapphire vapor x blue black model with three fans, i have had flashed it douzen of, you will have two ports: dvi, and displayport activated in mas osx, and it will show amd radeon rç 280x in system, or you can have all 4 ports activated under native rom, but still you can only connect to 2 monitors maximum under mac osx, if you still want to flash it, please send me you rom i will do the flash for you, good luck
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The OP says in Post #32 that the GPU is a Dual-X card .. . NOT. . . Vapor X.

Please be 100% certain before you offer " laissez faire " advice.
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The OP says in Post #32 that the GPU is a Dual-X card .. . NOT. . . Vapor X.

Please be 100% certain before you offer " laissez faire " advice.

i just want to help him, while this case is over days, but still not solved, there is a problem on this forum, can't you see it? there are some IT technical god here, they may have a lot knowledge and expérience, but they dont have enthusiasm, nor love, they feel just like machine, we can exprimer whatever we like, but still we are in society, they dont even think about what others' need or what's their feeling, that hurts, these IT god only want people to follow to learn what he wants them to do, but not what others need to be done, and yet someone nowadays says "it's 128k not 131k!", seriously? is there any difference? is that helping? well most people come here because they have some problem to solve but not want to become expert, i think that these guys are maybe just too young to think about others, and to love others, so that's why i'm trying to help here, i'm not a god, i'm nobody but who has a heart to do what i think is right!
MIKX is correct, I have the Dual-X with two fans, but thanks for the offer! I think its good when anyone can help another out, and offers to do so. But, alas I do not have the Tri-fan Sapphire, although the display ports are the same, with the two DVI and one HDMI and Display port. Mine is laid out the same, as for the ports on the back of that card.
I did find that I can boot Mojave with my ATI RADEON HD5770 stock video card after installing with the Metal capable card. This made it relatively easy to swap cards and boot into Recovery mode with the CMD R keys on boot, then disable SIP. I did the ROM dump again after this, and then used the Ntekas script to write the BIOS for the ROM. It is 128kb, and now I have to find a way to falsh it into my card, as I do not have WIndows installed, and the Zeus program doesn't play well in Mojave. I even tried to install Lion 10.7.5 onto a spare drive, but the Mojave said it was too new to run the Lion install. So, I have to create a boot drive with Windows 7, and then run the AtiFlash program.

P.S. - I had the computer freeze every time I tried to download and install WinOnX 64 from the app store. I don't know what's up with that app, but even when I type it into the app store search, when it comes up the Mac freezes and I have to hold the power key in for 6 seconds to shut down. The download never finished from the cloud, and under Launchpad the line is still there, even though i drug the app to the trash can. If I do not search the app, I can browse the App Store freely. Very strange...
MIKX is correct, I have the Dual-X with two fans, but thanks for the offer! I think its good when anyone can help another out, and offers to do so. But, alas I do not have the Tri-fan Sapphire, although the display ports are the same, with the two DVI and one HDMI and Display port. Mine is laid out the same, as for the ports on the back of that card.
I did find that I can boot Mojave with my ATI RADEON HD5770 stock video card after installing with the Metal capable card. This made it relatively easy to swap cards and boot into Recovery mode with the CMD R keys on boot, then disable SIP. I did the ROM dump again after this, and then used the Ntekas script to write the BIOS for the ROM. It is 128kb, and now I have to find a way to falsh it into my card, as I do not have WIndows installed, and the Zeus program doesn't play well in Mojave. I even tried to install Lion 10.7.5 onto a spare drive, but the Mojave said it was too new to run the Lion install. So, I have to create a boot drive with Windows 7, and then run the AtiFlash program.

P.S. - I had the computer freeze every time I tried to download and install WinOnX 64 from the app store. I don't know what's up with that app, but even when I type it into the app store search, when it comes up the Mac freezes and I have to hold the power key in for 6 seconds to shut down. The download never finished from the cloud, and under Launchpad the line is still there, even though i drug the app to the trash can. If I do not search the app, I can browse the App Store freely. Very strange...
Good for you. You got the 128 k ROM now . Did you try that Linux program for flashing? You can try this without installing Windows
[doublepost=1548047428][/doublepost]Or you can try this instruction:

You can install Windows 7 onto a spare HDD and then use AtiWinflash to flash your Netkas EFI rom to your card.

You can install Windows 7 onto a spare HDD and then use AtiWinflash to flash your Netkas EFI rom to your card.

I may do this, I had windows 7 on a Mac Pro 2,1 that I built, and it worked pretty well with Parallels installed. I can use the ATI HD5770 stock card to install windows on a spare drive, then select it as the boot. I will try that. I have a USB stick that I made with FreeDos on it, but not sure which DOS utility would be used for flashing, and how to boot the FreeDos? Would it be selected by holding down the Option Key while booting, as a Boot Device? Hehe I suppose I will have to try that too.
I flashed an XFX 7970 (original reference design with single fan; not the "Double D" dual-fan version) and I've triple checked that I modified the display name from "7950" to "7970" before flashing, however, OS X still reports it as a "7950".

I download the EFI-modified firmware I had flashed and couldn't find any text whatsoever referring to either "7950" or "7970" or any specific model number. I then searched the original firmware, and it, too, doesn't contain any ASCII text of any specific model number.

So is the model number hex-encoded in the actual firmware stored on the card itself? Everything else works just fine, no graphic artifacts or glitches, and I get the OS X Boot Screen. It may be just a visual anomaly with absolutely no impact on performance, but it is irritating to see it wrong when a method has been provided to correct it but apparently is not working for me.
Last edited:
I flashed an XFX 7970 (original reference design with single fan; not the "Double D" dual-fan version) and I've triple checked that I modified the display name from "7950" to "7970" before flashing, however, OS X still reports it as a "7950".

I download the EFI-modified firmware I had flashed and couldn't find any text whatsoever referring to either "7950" or "7970" or any specific model number. I then searched the original firmware, and it, too, doesn't contain any ASCII text of any specific model number.

So is the model number hex-encoded in the actual firmware stored on the card itself? Everything else works just fine, no graphic artifacts or glitches, and I get the OS X Boot Screen. It may be just a visual anomaly with absolutely no impact on performance, but it is irritating to see it wrong when a method has been provided to correct it but apparently is not working for me.
More likely the detection is based on the device ID. Did you change the name on the EFI section or in the main ROM section?
More likely the detection is based on the device ID.

I agree and this is what I've been assuming for Mojave 10.14.2.

Did you change the name on the EFI section or in the main ROM section?

I had edited the Netkas-provided efiromheader.rom file per one of the posts in the Netkas thread, but I just checked 7950mac.efi and it contains two instances of "7950".

Should I have updated both the efiromheader.rom and the 7950mac.efi files? Or just the 7950mac.efi?
Ideally you would replace all the instances . Mine also shows 7950 although I don't care that much since it is cosmetic .
I flashed an XFX 7970 (original reference design with single fan; not the "Double D" dual-fan version) and I've triple checked that I modified the display name from "7950" to "7970" before flashing, however, OS X still reports it as a "7950".

I download the EFI-modified firmware I had flashed and couldn't find any text whatsoever referring to either "7950" or "7970" or any specific model number. I then searched the original firmware, and it, too, doesn't contain any ASCII text of any specific model number.

So is the model number hex-encoded in the actual firmware stored on the card itself? Everything else works just fine, no graphic artifacts or glitches, and I get the OS X Boot Screen. It may be just a visual anomaly with absolutely no impact on performance, but it is irritating to see it wrong when a method has been provided to correct it but apparently is not working for me.

Because that hex edit has to be done before applying the Netkas script.

I don't want to go too deep on this one to avoid some scammer learn the trick easily.

But if you want to "fix it. It shouldn't be too hard to locate and fix that particular source file inside the Netkas script.
Because that hex edit has to be done before applying the Netkas script.

Yea, I had performed the edit before the script but just on the efiromheader.rom. It took me all of 10 minutes to redo the whole thing, but this time modifying both efiromheader.rom (one instance replaced) and 7950mac.efi (two instances replaced), and voila: properly reported "AMD Radeon HD 7970 3072 MB" now under Mojave!

I wanted to take care of it now while I still had all the pieces and the process was fresh in my memory. All good to go now!
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Yea, I had performed the edit before the script but just on the efiromheader.rom. It took me all of 10 minutes to redo the whole thing, but this time modifying both efiromheader.rom (one instance replaced) and 7950mac.efi (two instances replaced), and voila: properly reported "AMD Radeon HD 7970 3072 MB" now under Mojave!

I wanted to take care of it now while I still had all the pieces and the process was fresh in my memory. All good to go now!
Are you using Windows on this machine? If yes have you tried it in Windows?
Are you using Windows on this machine? If yes have you tried it in Windows?

I finally fixed the display by editing the 7950mac.efi as well, then redoing the script.

All good-to-go now.

Unless there was a way to flash the card under OS X, yes, I used Windows 7 for all the flashing.
Yes does not look right . I am not sure how big is the UEFI section providing your original ROM was legacy ROM .I would disable the SIP and repeat the dump with Darwindumper.

Well, I got an install of Windows 10 on a separate 1TB hdd, and downloaded GPUz and ATIWin Flash, latest version. I dumped the ROM with GPUz, it was 128k (131k)! Then made the rom file, (also 131k) and copied it to a flash drive with FREEDOS on it, along with the ATIFlash utility. I will boot into Windows, and try the flash of my Sapphire Dual-X card. I hope it doesn't lose any ports, as I am using my ROM. Any advice before I proceed to flash? Should I flash it from Win 10, or the FREEDOS flash drive? I am excited, as the machine is coming together. I got the Samsung EVO 840 500Gb SSD drive on the OWC Accelsior PCIE card, and it is pretty fast. Thanks for the help everyone!
Well, I got an install of Windows 10 on a separate 1TB hdd, and downloaded GPUz and ATIWin Flash, latest version. I dumped the ROM with GPUz, it was 128k (131k)! Then made the rom file, (also 131k) and copied it to a flash drive with FREEDOS on it, along with the ATIFlash utility. I will boot into Windows, and try the flash of my Sapphire Dual-X card. I hope it doesn't lose any ports, as I am using my ROM. Any advice before I proceed to flash? Should I flash it from Win 10, or the FREEDOS flash drive? I am excited, as the machine is coming together. I got the Samsung EVO 840 500Gb SSD drive on the OWC Accelsior PCIE card, and it is pretty fast. Thanks for the help everyone!

Win 10, ATIWinFlash should be easier than FreeDOS with ATIFlash.
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