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When I was on vacation last month I saw 10+ old ladies in airports and on planes combined who were reading books with an iPad.
Due to living in alaska, I haven't seen another in public. If I were in a bigger town, I would imagine I would see more.
I take mine everywhere. I mean EVERYWHERE. Some people look, some comment, but most don't give a rat's ass. I prefer the latter group. My iPad is NOT an invitation to speak to me. If people ask "Is that an iPad?" I say "Yes." and then quickly walk away.
Old ladies

Some of us old ladies are techie geeks! Since having my iPad have flown to Japan - Australia - Hawaii and loved every minute of all those hours /flts! Watching movies is far superior to even the personal TV screens in first & business!
I take mine everywhere. I mean EVERYWHERE. Some people look, some comment, but most don't give a rat's ass. I prefer the latter group. My iPad is NOT an invitation to speak to me. If people ask "Is that an iPad?" I say "Yes." and then quickly walk away.

Yeah I hate that. When I pulled mine out on the plane, this guy next to me had to lecture me about how I shouldn't be a smug Apple jerk and think I'm better just because I have an iPad. He explained that an iPad was just a 500 paperweight. I just don't care for them.
I live in Finland and I have taken mine to work with me everyday since I have had it (5 weeks now).

People at work have loved playing with it..

I went to town to a coffee shop and sat in their nice big sofa. Used my iPad for about an hour and a half and people just ignored me (or so I felt although as this is nokia land they may just have ignored me out of spite).

I really do not think people in Finland actually have any idea as to what an iPad is as we have had no advertising for it here at all yet.

Am expecting to see more here around late October I think.

At first I felt special with mine now I feel a bit lonely, my iPad would love to meet a friend.
I see them a lot here in S. Florida. Several of us at the office have them. I've traveled to Seattle and Hawaii since getting mine launch day and see them everywhere in airports and planes.

Heck, at the Microsoft conference in Seattle there were a bunch the week after launch! People at the conference from outside the US were walking across the street (there was an Apple store very close to the hotel) and buying them to take back home.

I don't mind if someone approaches me and asks about it. Not that big of a deal to me.
I'm in a small town in Ohio and I take mine absolutely everywhere, I read the Wall Street Journal while I eat lunch, I listen to Pandora while I'm walking around, it's incredible. Everytime I'm standing in line, say at chipotle, somebody always says, "hey is that an iPad?! How do you like? Isn't it just a big iPod touch?":) I just wish there were more of them around here. More iPad owners need to take them out of the house! They've sold over 2,000,000 and ive only seen one other than mine
I've seen 5 iPads in the wild. I work at a resort, so I saw two people sitting and using theirs in, of all places, the waterpark. I hope they got water damage from the humidity. I sure did.

The other three are at school. One classmate, my iPhone instructor's personal one, and the "class" iPad.
I travelled from Leicester to Glasgow central on the train. I used my iPad constantly for the 5.5 hr trip, I did not see another iPad.

4 people asked me if it was an iPad.

On the way back (very busy train, glad I reserved a seat). I went to use the gents and walked passed a guy using an iPad. When I got back to my seat the guy sat next me had his iPad out.

The train pulls up at Carlisle, a couple get on the train and find their seat. The guy gets his iPad out almost before he has sat down then his mrs pulls hers out.

5 ipads in one carriage on a train back from Scotland.
I went to E3 on the Thursday and saw quite a few iPads around... I brought mine but left it in the car when I parked. I like walking around a conference without worrying about what I'm carrying. Really random to see people just holding it and using it while in line.

Other than that I've only seen iPads that belonged to friends. I barely take it outside myself.
I think part of the reason some of us aren't seeing many iPads out and about is because it's just not the kind of device that people take everywhere with them.

I've had mine since launch and haven't taken it with me anywhere once. Meanwhile my iPhone goes everywhere I go. I pretty much use my iPad as my around the house laptop while my Macbook Pro now stays on my desk hooked up to a monitor and multiple external hard drives.

Same here. I'm suddenly wondering why I really needed the 3G version. I'm cancelling my 3G plan next month. Maybe I'll use it more on the road for travel. For now, I use it at home in place of the laptop mostly.
Ive only seen one in the wild so far (mind you i have one at home that i'm typing on right now). It was at a chipotle. Some dude had it in the incase case/stand and he was reading what looked to be an instant paper feed while chomp in on the burrito. I have to admit. Even though I own an iPad I thought it was so freaking cool to see one out in public. :)

He has good tastes. I love chipotle.
I'm in the UK. I've not seen one in the wild yet but someone would have to come up to me and say they had one, as if something's more than about a foot or so away I can't recognise it unless I know it is there.
I use my ipad in band rehearsals and workshops and to display lyrics at gigs (I'm a singer). Lots of people come over and ask if it's an ipad, how come I can use it if I am sight impaired, etc.

Cutest response was from the grown up son of one of my band mates in one of the projects I run. He came to pick her up from rehearsal and at the time someone was asking if they could see my ipad. When he heard the word "ipad", this guy leapt up and said, "Oh my God ! She's got an IPAD !" and ran over to us in delight.
He's in the army. He turned into instant jelly ! lol.
Does anyone remember what it was like when people started walking around with white earphones. It told all the losers that you were wlking around with $300-$400 dollars of easy pickings to easily steal. Now if you walk aorund with something thats about the size of a 8X10 picture I feel that it could disappear from your hands real quick.
Does anyone remember what it was like when people started walking around with white earphones. It told all the losers that you were wlking around with $300-$400 dollars of easy pickings to easily steal. Now if you walk aorund with something thats about the size of a 8X10 picture I feel that it could disappear from your hands real quick.

Anything is possible. A burglar can break into your home and steal it. I would never live my life based on what might happen. I mean, I wouldn't flaunt it in the ghetto but in normal day to day life it's going with me. If it gets stolen I'll get another one.
ive only seen one other ipad in the wild, it was a guy on the nyc subway a while back. i use mine in public but not on the subway anymore only because subway crime seems to be on the rise
Not seen any

I got mine on the uk launch date and to think of it, I have not seen a single iPad around apart from my own.

When I have taken mine out a few people have stopped and asked me things about it.

It quite odd when over 2 million have been sold.
It was the same with the first iPhone. 2 weeks after launch I was using mine in Times Square and several people were pointing and staring. I had yet to see another.
I saw the first one in wild today at a starbucks store. A lady had it in an apple case placed upright. Maybe she was watching a movie...
Ive never seen one..and I'm sitting in an airport and 3 people have already approached me asking about it
I just saw Jordan Rudess play an iPad on stage, he used his app MorphWhiz to play the intro to Pull Me Under, was awesome.
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