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Starbucks are centers of iPad activity. Same with Borders and Barnes and Noble. Strangely, when I watch a movie in theaters, I saw the usual ~50 cell phone screens and a giant iPad screen. THE EPITOME OF HILARITY!!!
Apart from myself and a few dudes at work, I've only spotted one on the Glasgow-Perth train. I walked further down the platform to a different carriage as I couldn't be bothered having an iPad love-in. :p
I've only seen one and it was when I was walking to the Walnut Creek, CA Apple Store to buy mine! This really old guy was sitting on the sidewalk playing solitaire on it and he had it in a leather case. I bought mine about 15 minutes later. I haven't seen any others yet.
The Monday after the release of the wifi version I was using mine outside of class when I saw my first wild iPad. Turns out the guy using it was Brian greenstone of pangea software. You know, the cro-mag rally creator.
the only one i've seen was between the us and rest of the world launches, the guy was in the regent st. Apple store leaning against a pillar. you could almost hear him thinking... "yeah that's right I've got one and they're not even out here yet"
i find it so strange that so many ipad's have sold, and i've yet to see another person with one.:( i bring mine out quite often, no need to bring the macbook anymore.

I have seen dozens.

At least 3 on each flight.

Some people still have no clue what it is, although mine is in the Apple case.
In china this is the order of questions that I always get asked when I use my iPad.

1. What is that?
2. How is it?
3. Where did you get it?
4. Omg your from America?
5. How much? I'll buy it off you.
I saw 4 or 5 in the hour I was sitting around at Philly International today. A few at various hotels. A couple flights the person next to me had one. It really is the hardcore traveler's device.

I saw one at a restaurant. That was a little inappropriate, considering he was with someone and just staring at his toy while she babbled away, looking increasingly pissed at his inattentiveness. My girlfriend and I had a laugh at their expense, at least. :rolleyes:
They're sold out in Australia, yet to see one in public though.

I've had mine for about a month now and its hilarious the reactions you get from people. I fly a lot, and every flight I get a mix of passengers and flight crew asking me about it.

Had one guy that started chatting to me in New Zealand. Ended up sitting a row in front of me on the flight.....chatted half of it away about the iPad, he was then on my next flight and my next flight. When he showed up at baggage claim I was about ready to throw the damn thing in the bin just to shut him up! lol
My favourite part about the iPad is not being able to read, write or watch anything because every time I pull it out, fourteen people want to be my friend and ask me how much I heart the damn thing and what my favourite/least favourite features are and etfc...

I wish Apple'd sell another 30 million or so somebody else can start fielding all of these questions.
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