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question: by changing this panel, will the backlight bleeding be fixed (or changed) as well? or does it not affect that part of the screen in any way?

I'd like to know this too. But I'm getting my iMac fixed tomorrow, so we should all know by 4PM PST (hopefully).
If they fixed the problem than why does my replacement have a yellow screen?

I don't think they have fixed anything.

They have only fixed the flickering.
Wow, big deal. I have 5 Apple retail stores within 20 minutes from where I live and I'm only 15 minutes away from Macworld in San Francisco. There, I just had to rub that in. :D

Well that just ruined my day. That is until my Mac comes this afternoon. Then I'll be recovered.

Appears the Apple store will be the new Starbucks, one on every corner.
I just wanted to rub it in that I have 2 Apple stores within 30 minutes.

Since I don't have my iMac yet (tomorrow is the BIG day), I have now brought the wrath of Apple Gods down upon me for being arrogant. I will end up with a machine that has yellowing, flickering, a high pitched squeal and an unstable hard drive. When I call Apple for service I will be told they are sorry, but they have simply run out of iMacs and will no longer be fixing/replacing. Thank you for buying Apple.

I have 3 stores within 30 minutes. Boo yaa
I have a 27" week 5 i7 - my first ever Mac - it will be 2 weeks old Monday - everything is fine with it <knocks on wood> except the yellow tinge. Apple called me earlier this week to let me know the screen replacement was available. I have an appointment this Saturday at the local Apple store, assuming the screen makes it to the store in time (it had to be ordered). I've read some 'horror stories' of machines coming out of the Genius Bar in worse shape than going in - plus the concern of lint, finger prints, etc. on the inside of the glass when they replace the screen.

My question is - am I better off asking Apple to send me a new machine now while I'm in my 2 week window, in hopes of getting a non-yellow-tinge machine (which could have other problems my current iMac doesn't have), or let the local Apple store work on it?
Just my opinion...

My question is - am I better off asking Apple to send me a new machine now while I'm in my 2 week window, in hopes of getting a non-yellow-tinge machine (which could have other problems my current iMac doesn't have), or let the local Apple store work on it?

Return it, while you still can. The new iMacs will most likely have a defect-free screen. Why deal with a Genius who may or may not leave smudge marks and dust under your screen.

Tell them you want your money back - not a new iMac repalcement. Wait until there are reports of better screens, then buy.
Return it, while you still can. The new iMacs will most likely have a defect-free screen. Why deal with a Genius who may or may not leave smudge marks and dust under your screen.

Tell them you want your money back - not a new iMac repalcement. Wait until there are reports of better screens, then buy.

Well, if they do leave smudges, I'm sure that they'll have to clean that for you. I think the worries about a repair are a bit overblown. That said, we haven't heard back about how the repairs are going yet to know whether it's worth it.
OK, I just got my screen replaced! And now the gradient is in REVERSE! Yellow at the top and blue at the bottom. Also, it STILL has the dark bars near the bottom of the screen. I called Apple and they are swapping the entire machine. Hopefully it is better.
This just proves my theory of a cover up.

Apple quietly replacing screens with the same screens.

Hoping that users will not notice.

They have not actually fixed anything.

This is just PR trying to appease complainers with the one swap only thing.
Apple quietly replacing screens with the same screens.

Hoping that users will not notice.

They have not actually fixed anything.

This is just PR trying to appease complainers with the one swap only thing.

likely very true.

it's definitely a shambles whatever...
OK, I just got my screen replaced! And now the gradient is in REVERSE! Yellow at the top and blue at the bottom. Also, it STILL has the dark bars near the bottom of the screen. I called Apple and they are swapping the entire machine. Hopefully it is better.

Well at least this is the first time that I have heard about the yellow being on TOP as opposed to the bottom. What this tells me is that they DID changed the panels... but damnit how long is it going to take them to get it right. Sigh.
Apple's Replace Panel Score: 1 - 1

bizack: yellow tinge fixed (though dust and lint resulted in a return anyway)
avihappy: yellow tinge not fixed

If Apple's success rate doesn't improve, I'll cancel my current pending exchange and give up:
1. We know exchanging macs isn't likely to result in a good result.
2. If replacing panels isn't either, then I don't think Apple can address the issue.
Repairing a machine that is still within the return policy period is ridiculous. Ask for a replacement or your money back and wait until it is confirmed that the iMacs are shipping yellow free, buzz free, backlight bleeding free, and other odd problems.
The Tech probably just installed the panel upside down LOL

You never know with these guys :)
Repairing a machine that is still within the return policy period is ridiculous. Ask for a replacement or your money back and wait until it is confirmed that the iMacs are shipping yellow free, buzz free, backlight bleeding free, and other odd problems.

If the rest of the machine is a known good quantity and you've got a bad LCD panel why would you want a full replacement? It's a simple operation to remove and replace the panel with a brand new one.

Oh, and since not all iMacs ship yellow, buzzing, backlight bleeding or with other odd problems as it is, I wonder how long you're going to be waiting for your confirmation. Better settle in. ;)
Just got the call

that mine is "repaired"... can't get there today, but will pick it up first thing Friday morning. Will post back when I get it.
If the rest of the machine is a known good quantity and you've got a bad LCD panel why would you want a full replacement? It's a simple operation to remove and replace the panel with a brand new one.

Oh, and since not all iMacs ship yellow, buzzing, backlight bleeding or with other odd problems as it is, I wonder how long you're going to be waiting for your confirmation. Better settle in. ;)
Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't want to buy a new car only to take it to the body shop 2 days later because of a faulty transmission. No thanks, I'd like a new one instead. :D

I bought this as a luxury, I do not need another computer. That being the case, I will not settle, nor will I keep flip flopping between iMacs until I get lucky. If my confirmation takes 4 months, so be it.
Well the Apple technician came to my house today and swapped my LCD.

It is a bit better but it still has yellowing near the bottom. I am going to call Apple tomorrow and ask for a replacement. First the hard drive went and now after a screen replacement it is still having problems.

Are the selling apples or lemons? :confused:
Well the Apple technician came to my house today and swapped my LCD.

It is a bit better but it still has yellowing near the bottom. I am going to call Apple tomorrow and ask for a replacement. First the hard drive went and now after a screen replacement it is still having problems.

Are the selling apples or lemons? :confused:

How did it go down? After he swapped out the panel, didn't you immediately check it out to see if it has the yellow problem? You could have pointed it out to him, and with him next to you immediately called Apple and have him talk to Apple Care and arrange stuff on the spot.
Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't want to buy a new car only to take it to the body shop 2 days later because of a faulty transmission. No thanks, I'd like a new one instead.

Good analogy! If you had purchased a new Toyota Prius, for example, and the next day there is a recall for a faulty brake assembly, they would replace the brakes, not give you a brand new car. The same goes for a faulty transmission. Alternatively, you can get your money back.

What happens when you return an iMac with a yellow-tinged display and get one back with no tinge or other display issues but it has a noisy or otherwise malfunctioning hard disk? Are you going to demand a full replacement again and risk getting another yellow tinged display? I think most people would just let them swap out the HD for a good one.

Of course noone WANTS to deal with problems on a brand new, expensive purchase.

Again, I say fix what's broke and enough with the "get-it-because-you-can" attitude.
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