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Got a cosmetic flaw on your OLED iPhone X? Would you:

  • be so happy with FaceID and probably not have noticed it anyway!

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Have been methodically keeping me phone in my side pocket facing my wallet rather then back pocket. Just noticed today there are a ton of micro scratch's on my screen. Anyone else have this issue? I really didn't want to use a screen protector but it's crazy

I keep my phone in my right pocket facing my thigh with nothing else in the pocket. After a month it has a lot of little scratches and no, this was never an issue with my 6+
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Mine came scratched with many scratches on the screen right out of the box on launch day and I returned it. I've been contemplating giving it another a shot and ordering two new ones (yes, two, because with Apple's awful quality control and my bad luck at least one will have something wrong), but I feel like the new ones will come scratched as well. Unlike most people, I actually look at my phone's screen / glass closely with my bright desk lamp to check for issues. I feel like many more people have received phones with scratches out of the box but simply don't know because they never checked to see.
I talked to my local store and said I’ll be reserving 4 and returning the bad ones out of them. I only need 2, but given the track record, I’m willing to go to this length. Manager was frank saying he didn’t see that being an issue but respected my reasoning. Never thought the most expensive phone would have the most issues.
I take exceptional care of my devices and I still have a very light scratch on my X already. I know when it happened too, I was going to grab something with two hands and was wearing a hoodie so without thinking I put my phone in my front pocket...with my keys in it...and when I pulled it back out, scratch!
It’s okay, nobody will see it unless I pointed it out to them.
Yes, it's funny how people(you) get so defensive over a company they have no affiliation with. I've had a 6+ with a bumper and nothing over the screen for years. It has exactly ONE scratch. I have an X for a month, also with a bumper, and it already has 20 little scratches and a little gouge.

There's an issue with the glass...

Every iPhone, every year - someone will claim that it scratched just after a few days “by itself”, while their previous phones lasted for years without a single scratch.

Every iPhone. Every year. I’m serious, you can check.

The reality is, they scratch the same as before - or less. The glass is only getting better.

There could be a lot of reasons why your brand new phone is scratched after a short use while previous ones were fine: a specific type of dust in your pockets, a totally random set of circumstances, psychological reasons, etc.

Example: one day I noticed a big scratch on my Apple Watch. I was careful with it, I don’t remember hitting it or anything, and I’ve been the only person using it. And yet, I am convinced that it was me who scratched it, and that I just didn’t notice that moment that was totally my fault. Or maybe it just, you know, happened. Like, maybe my shirt sleeve had something that scratched it in a way that happens once in a thousand cases. Who knows? But it’s the first Apple screen I’ve scratched like that, even though I had a lot of Apple devices before. It must mean the Watch screen is weaker, right? Um, no. It’s just bad luck or carelessness.

This is not being defensive. It’s how things are.
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Mine came scratched with many scratches on the screen right out of the box on launch day and I returned it. I've been contemplating giving it another a shot and ordering two new ones (yes, two, because with Apple's awful quality control and my bad luck at least one will have something wrong), but I feel like the new ones will come scratched as well. Unlike most people, I actually look at my phone's screen / glass closely with my bright desk lamp to check for issues. I feel like many more people have received phones with scratches out of the box but simply don't know because they never checked to see.

Here's how I look at this. If my iPhone came scratched out of the box, even if it was a minor hairline scratch that others may not see, but I found, I would definitely return the device because of the amount of money we pay for these devices. But it has a scratch that I caused, than that's something I would have to live with and realize that was my own fault. So I see you're understanding of your viewpoints.
Agreed. I’d return a brand new device for any defects out of the box but not for scratches that I cause following that.

It’s like buying a brand new car, it will have imperfections as (in my case) it left the factory by train in Germany then loaded onto a ship. It had a couple of imperfections which I pointed out to the dealer to fix - they did no questions. A few days later I picked up a couple of other imperfections which I just live with.

Point is, at the point of sale, it should be flawless given the price.

Go buy it second hand at a saving and you have to expect some flaws.
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When you get a brand new iPhone X and start it up, one of the first things you do is set up FaceID, and almost every time after that, you are looking straight at the top (notch) of the phone to align your face with the True Depth camera. Even after so many weeks, I still sort of get my face in front of the phone, when in fact, it works pretty much even at certain angles. Just four weeks ago, I noticed a smudge-like stain on my OLED screen just where the finger needs to be to swipe up for the multi-tasking gesture. When the screen is brightly lit, you cannot notice anything, but only at an angle with the screen dark (off), can you see a fine, grey smudge.

I took it down to apple and the Genius Bar technical expert said it was "cosmetic flaw". With apple Care, in fact, without the screen being shattered, this sort of damage would have been covered anyway, even if the cosmetic flaws were caused by a diamond ring or a set of keys, without it being dropped or run over by a car.

But they did not want it exchanged, and I walked away somewhat disappointed, hearing only the apple store staff say to me: please don't smash it on the sidewalk and come back. I laughed, and wondered if I genuinely would have done that, knowing my disappointment.

I took a 20X 21mm jeweller's loupe and finally had a look at the flaw, which were in fact a series of fine feather-like scratches in a very small space at the bottom of the OLED screen. No one else seems to complain about the same cosmetic flaws. The scratches look very peculiar and am struggling to imagine what may have caused it. Are these fine fractures or scratches: perhaps the expert only can tell.


  • iPhone X OLED Display Smudge Caused By Scratches.jpg
    iPhone X OLED Display Smudge Caused By Scratches.jpg
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Looks like from your thumb or finger swiping up. I would venture some dust was on the screen and your thumb. Dust can be very fine “sand” which is silicon and granite and other minerals which is harder than the glass. Also could be only superficial in the olepholic coating
[doublepost=1512359542][/doublepost]Most scratches on screens are caused by keys and such (which are softer than the glass) but by “pocket lint” dust and sand in your pocket.
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FYI. AppleCare Plus does not cover scratches until it actual interferes with the usage of the device. It’s in the Terms and Conditions that costmetic issues are not accidental damage. As to the third option and smashing the phone, that’s insurance fraud.

Just live with it and use it. Or put a screen protector of it so it’s less noticeable.
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Yeah, if you didn’t notice it right away it’s quite possible you accidentally caused it yourself. I don’t know what to tell you.

If you look at the scratch marks then note how they go from the bottom and slant off a little to the right as they go up. That’s the exact path that the thumb would make when swiping up from the bottom with the right thumb.
My money is on the thought of dust on the screen and or his hand sometimes.
If you look at the scratch marks then note how they go from the bottom and slant off a little to the right as they go up. That’s the exact path that the thumb would make when swiping up from the bottom with the right thumb.
My money is on the thought of dust on the screen and or his hand sometimes.

I Agree. Sometimes it's the fine particles that you can't see that can cause micro scratches on the display. And without protection, that's just the risk you take not knowing what may or may not scratch the display.
I Agree. Sometimes it's the fine particles that you can't see that can cause micro scratches on the display. And without protection, that's just the risk you take not knowing what may or may not scratch the display.

It’s possible, but regular and normal use should not produce the sort of fine series of scratches which make up the “smudge”. Apparently, it’s best seen under at least a 20X loupe.
Mine is exactly the same. Its only ever been in a clean pocket and is starting to look wrecked after only a few weeks. I have never had a problem doing the same thing with any previous iPhone.
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Not a lot of people reporting scratches or you would be seeing them here. Sounds like time was up for you and your phone and you finally got a scratch. It can happen after one or 100 days. It may "seem odd" but the scratch got there due to something. If not too deep a screen protector. If it really bothers you have Apple replace the screen.
[doublepost=1512495987][/doublepost]I have had nearly every generation of iPhone. I think screen protectors are a waste, I can show my last 3 phones with NO scratches. Like the author of this thread, I also have a scratch. I also keep my phone in a solo pocket. Only thing I did was carry my wife’s phone against mine while hiking. I am sure that is what rubbed on my screen and produced the scratch. Clearly not spontaneous.

Do I care? Yes! This is supposed to be more scratch resistant than prior phones, it-is-not.

Saying go get a screen protector when this screen is not what Apple says it is not helpful. Some of us would like to compare notes and not get condescending.

iPhone X scratches easier. Plain and simple.
[doublepost=1512495987][/doublepost]I have had nearly every generation of iPhone. I think screen protectors are a waste, I can show my last 3 phones with NO scratches. Like the author of this thread, I also have a scratch. I also keep my phone in a solo pocket. Only thing I did was carry my wife’s phone against mine while hiking. I am sure that is what rubbed on my screen and produced the scratch. Clearly not spontaneous.

Do I care? Yes! This is supposed to be more scratch resistant than prior phones, it-is-not.

Saying go get a screen protector when this screen is not what Apple says it is not helpful. Some of us would like to compare notes and not get condescending.

iPhone X scratches easier. Plain and simple.

Time will tell but I would also never carry two phones in the same pocket. It only takes one grain of sand and there are some minerals in sand that will scratch.

I have owned iPhones for near 10 years and not scratched the screen on a single one of them but it could happen anytime. I am with you on screen protectors and do not like to use them.

Have a good week.
Same issue. Never used a cover or screen protector. Never had any major scratches on any of my iPhones so far. Have the X now for 2 weeks and the screen has various serious scratches all over it. Never dropped. It’s like the front glass is made of something really cheap and undurable.

Heading over to Apple tomorrow to get it replaced. AFAIK this is a defect..

Hate to put a plastic screen protector on it. If I wanted cheap plastic I would have bought a Samsung..
Every iPhone, every year - someone will claim that it scratched just after a few days “by itself”, while their previous phones lasted for years without a single scratch.

Every iPhone. Every year. I’m serious, you can check.

The reality is, they scratch the same as before - or less. The glass is only getting better.

There could be a lot of reasons why your brand new phone is scratched after a short use while previous ones were fine: a specific type of dust in your pockets, a totally random set of circumstances, psychological reasons, etc.

Example: one day I noticed a big scratch on my Apple Watch. I was careful with it, I don’t remember hitting it or anything, and I’ve been the only person using it. And yet, I am convinced that it was me who scratched it, and that I just didn’t notice that moment that was totally my fault. Or maybe it just, you know, happened. Like, maybe my shirt sleeve had something that scratched it in a way that happens once in a thousand cases. Who knows? But it’s the first Apple screen I’ve scratched like that, even though I had a lot of Apple devices before. It must mean the Watch screen is weaker, right? Um, no. It’s just bad luck or carelessness.

This is not being defensive. It’s how things are.

I do genuinely believe some devices scratch more easily than others due to defective coatings etc. For example, my iPhone 6 Plus has issues where after a few days in my pocket with nothing else - it was covered in micro-scratches. I’d never seen a device that bad. I could wipe it with a clean microfiber cloth and it would continue to scratch. The Apple Store saw it in the flesh and were bewildered.

I had the phone replaced and the replacement never got a scratch. I even wiped it vigorously with the same microfiber cloth with zero issues. Same pants pocket for a year.

So yeah - I do believe some devices are defective. Most devices though? Nope.
OLED screens are softer and more prone to micro scratches than LCD screens
A good Screen protector will give you protection and when it does get scratched just replace it
OLED screens are softer and more prone to micro scratches than LCD screens
Really? I never heard that before, though I'm no expert on this stuff. Can you point me in the right direction on the source for that info, especially since Apple stated its using the hardest glass its ever used on the phone?

The future is here: iPhone X
The all-glass front and back on iPhone X feature the most durable glass ever in a smartphone in two beautiful colors, silver and space gray.

I agree, a screen protector is a must
OLED screens are softer and more prone to micro scratches than LCD screens
A good Screen protector will give you protection and when it does get scratched just replace it
This doesn't make any sense. Both use glass screen over the actual screen so no way that the glass screen over OLED is different than the Glass screen over LCD.
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I have the iPhone X also... have had and still have the 7+, 6s+, 6+ etc... I always put a speck case on it and no screen protector, because glass doesnt scratch easily... except the X seems too. I have a multitude of tiny scratches on the screen. I have all my past + phones and those are now up to 4 years old... no where near the amount of tiny scratches as the X does in only a month or so of use.
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