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I'm not bashing Apple at all. In fact, i've owned nothing but iPhones from the first gen, through to 5 (soon!!).
I'm just amused at how many feathers have been ruffled over an advert.:)

I just don't like it when companies put out dumb ads like those in general. Samsung, Hyundai, and Microsoft do it. I'm not really upset over this, but it just shows a lot of silliness in Samsung.

I'm just glad it's not spammed all over TV like Ross ads. Sorry, Ross, I never forgave you for that broken GameCube controller you sold me :D
Whats funny is that even when all the add says is true it doesnt say why i dont like the iphone and why i prefer the galaxy. First you dont need to go to a computer to organize your music and videos using itunes. just to set a custom ringtone in the iphone is a pain, for more that 4 years the same boring ios look with apps that moves from left to right, now you gonna get turn by turn navegation, 4g lte and send files with the mail app but for how long we saw those features in other mobile os?. can you share a song from your music player via email, dropbox or any other way?, in the iphone you cant, cant add more memory, cant even leave an space between two apps in the screen, ios got the notification center when android already have had it for years, so whos copying who? if you like the iphone fine thats your choice but dont say it is the best phone when phones like the galaxy s 3 can beat the iphone in features and usability... really guys it doesn't take a genius...
They already had to fork over $1.8 billion, why waste money printing an ad that will not help them? umadsamsung?
Gotta love all the fan kiddies who think they know how to run an ad agency or a corporation. The only thing you've proven is you know how to run your mouth. good on ya though, hope all is better after your little tantrum about the ad.
You see, this thread has over 1000 responses and more importantly over 91,000 views. I'd say Misssion Accomplished for Sammy. ;)
The only people to see this ad are people on here. Who gets a news paper. Samsung is too poor for Sunday football TV time.

Samsung isn't poor. I'm wondering why they put it in a newspaper. It seems like this ad would be most effective on consumers who think they're "power users" and who don't know what any of those features/specs are, the people who like open-source stuff because it's hackable, yet they don't know how to modify it at all.

It reminds of people who say that Windows is more moddable. Two guys at my school said this. My friend (a huge Google fan and Mac user who used to use Windows) pointed out that all of the system files in Mac OS are much more easily accessible. He did modify his OS, and he doesn't even know much about computers. The Windows users had never modded anything in their lives.
gotta love all the fan kiddies who think they know how to run an ad agency or a corporation. The only thing you've proven is you know how to run your mouth. Good on ya though, hope all is better after your little tantrum about the ad.
You see, this thread has over 1000 responses and more importantly over 91,000 views. I'd say misssion accomplished for sammy. ;)
I just don't like it when companies put out dumb ads like those in general. Samsung, Hyundai, and Microsoft do it. I'm not really upset over this, but it just shows a lot of silliness in Samsung.

I'm just glad it's not spammed all over TV like Ross ads. Sorry, Ross, I never forgave you for that broken GameCube controller you sold me :D

That's fair enough, but i can't help but think that Samsungs marketing department will be over the moon after all this. They paid to put the ad in a few newspapers, and look at the attention it's got. They've just saved a small fortune in advertising fees. I'd hate to think what it would have cost to put the ad on every website that's talking about it right now.

Also, the comedy value of the arguments is priceless :D
Gotta love all the fan kiddies who think they know how to run an ad agency or a corporation. The only thing you've proven is you know how to run your mouth. good on ya though, hope all is better after your little tantrum about the ad.
You see, this thread has over 1000 responses and more importantly over 91,000 views. I'd say Misssion Accomplished for Sammy. ;)

Samsung did a great job of showing their ad to 91,000 people who can all see through the ad. This would be way more effective on TV, but I still doubt it would do much. I think everyone already knows about iCloud and the other iOS features.


That's fair enough, but i can't help but think that Samsungs marketing department will be over the moon after all this. They paid to put the ad in a few newspapers, and look at the attention it's got. They've just saved a small fortune in advertising fees. I'd hate to think what it would have cost to put the ad on every website that's talking about it right now.

Also, the comedy value of the arguments is priceless :D

It's entertaining for us, but I don't think this is the kind of group Samsung is targeting with such a weak ad. We all know that the Samsung ads and Apple ads are meaningless, and this is a laughable ad. And we all already recognize the Samsung name and the S3.
Use the phone you like and what works for you.

I started off with the iPhone 3g went to the iPhone 4s. I've been thinking about the Galaxy s3. Just for grins my wife and I were in a Wal-mart, yeah I know Wal-mart. Small town we live near it has the only pharmacy for close to 20 miles, anyhow they had the S3 there and went and looked at it. Looked nice but it just felt cheap. Yes it probably does more or just as much as an IPhone but the fit and finish just wasn't there. Just like cars a Kia can get you from point A to point B. A Lexus does the same thing, cost more too, but the fit and finish of the Lexus is a heck of alot better than the Kia. Use what you like, it doesn't matter as life is to damn short to worry about what kind of phone or car for that matter we use! kevin
It suggests that the iPhone 5 isn't even good enough to be, well, a copy of the Galaxy S3.

Well, Samsung is right. The iPhone 5 is a great iPhone but not quite up to challenging the S3, upcoming Nexus phone or the Lumia 920. The 4" screen is not enough and iOS is in need of an overhaul.
I kind of like Samsung's ads. I think it bring to a head of the question of what is important to new smartphone? Realistically most of us will choose 10-15 apps that we use daily, watch some movie, take some pictures, find resturants around us, getting map direction.. Pretty boring kind of stuff.

The real question everyone should ask if what does those new feature do to our day to day use of our phone? Right now smartphone is going down a path that said more feature is better and no one really ask what are we using those feature for? NFC is a great example. What exactly are we using NFC today or tomorrow? Two years later I am already on a new smartphone. So if there is not something I can use now, I probably don't need it in my smartphone now. I think smart phone is getting into the territory where new inventions are seldom useful. We have at a point that smart phone are fairy complete. Faster processor beyond a certain point won't help my day to day use. Same as having more RAM. Screen size is a personal choice and some people will like it. I think Samsung list is actually expose a big problem. How many of the Apple target audience understand what those feature on the list do?

A lot of the online 10 minute iphone 5 demo reviews already start asking about the construction of Samsung and the easy of use question (especially for woman who tends to have smaller hand) of S3 against Iphone 5. The plastic shell construction of S3 used to be o.k., now it is questionable of taste. Iphone 5 set the bar for light weight and thinnest. And it looks like a blockbuster now. So let see what other company can do to match it.. I bet it will take at least another 9 months before anyone can match it. It is much harder than it seems to get a phone that slim and light weight but yet have enough speed and handle LTE. Good, bad or indifferent: the brand, the look, the feel, the construction and the design is going to get more and more important going forward as almost all smartphone can fill 90% of user's basic needs on a mobile device.

Professionally I'm in creative marketing here in L.A. Rule number One - NEVER mention or retread a competitor in your campaign. Two - NEVER do this to a company that in research study after research study shows Apple as king in terms of customer satisfaction. Three - Apple has way way grown outside its core (no pun intended) and that's really what's driving this REACTION advertising. Heck Apple doesn't even EVER mention verbally it's own brand in its advertising - no need.

The latest shrill attack plan that Apple isn't nearly as innovative as Google is lame and clearly backfires. In my eye Apple is smart not to OVER innovate on the iPhone simply cuz it's clearly grown way over the reach of its core customer. They are smart and will serve up innovation in NEW products.

I know a TON of "out of core" customers that are recent iPhone owners and are literally perplexed and nearly put off by all the features. At some point features should matter less and reliability and durability save the day.

The strongly attacked "Genius" campaign was genius in that they in my eye were clearly targeting a group of newer Apple customers that were clueless to how far the company would go to assist you should you be over struck by the technology. Think about it.

Case in point - I bought a Mac mini server for my home - had no clue how to set it up - called Apple support and a genius logged into my Mac on site and spent TWO hours configuring my set up - ALL FREE.

Bottom line - Samsung REACTiNG screams one thing - FEAR. Houston we have a problem. If the Galaxy is so great then let the market decide and figure it out themselves. Samsungs Ad agency seriously dumbfounds me. Lol!!

One more thing -- this ad appears on the heels of Samsung being kicked to the curb LOSING its patent infringement case where it was found GUILTY of stealing from Apple - hyperly reported thru all media sources. Hardly a time to tout its horns and bring MORE question to itself. Ugh
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Bottom line - Samsung REACTiNG screams one thing - FEAR. Houston we have a problem. If the Galaxy is so great then let the market decide and figure it out themselves. Samsungs Ad agency seriously dumbfounds me. Lol!!

If the iPhone is so great, why is Apple bothering with ads?

The only ads I see that are unjustified are ads for government services like Waste Management. If Waste Management is being forced upon us, they should just let the government force us to use it instead of advertising for it.
I think it depends on what apps are being used. Chrome on the Nexus 7 chokes on certain content. The AOSP Browser on the Nexus 7 chokes on different content. Together they could form a turd sandwich.

Sometimes the home screen chugs a bit as widgets are synchronizing. The youtube widget seems to do that often.

I agree, I have a Xoom (Nexus and very dated), on rare occasions certain things clunk along. But my 4S and iPad 3 do the same thing. A lot of time the 4S chokes pulling up messages from the lock screen. Safari gets really bad on certain sites sometimes like huffingtonpost. The Facebook app used to be terrible. Most stuff is app related and updates can fix it.

Every time my Xoom lags on one thing my iOS devices lag on something else.

Comparing things like widgets is silly since iOS doesn't have them.
If the iPhone is so great, why is Apple bothering with ads?

The only ads I see that are unjustified are ads for government services like Waste Management. If Waste Management is being forced upon us, they should just let the government force us to use it instead of advertising for it.

:(: Apple has been attacked with ads like this for decade, Apple never complained.
WHY would they bother with lies that only go unfiltered by the Fox-News-gullible equivalent.
If the iPhone is so great, why is Apple bothering with ads?

The only ads I see that are unjustified are ads for government services like Waste Management. If Waste Management is being forced upon us, they should just let the government force us to use it instead of advertising for it.

Historically Apple does little to no advertising in promoting a new iPhone. Show us the iPhone 5 ad. I haven't seen it. Oh right. It's not out yet. Hmmm they just got about a billion dollars in free ads with the worldwide coverage the iPhone received and will get another big hit next Friday on release day
Historically Apple does little to no advertising in promoting a new iPhone. Show us the iPhone 5 ad. I haven't seen it. Oh right. It's not out yet. Hmmm they just got about a billion dollars in free ads with the worldwide coverage the iPhone received and will get another big hit next Friday on release day

I've seen plenty of 4S ads on TV, and not even the good ones, the stupid Siri ones. Samsung has a newspaper ad. The only time I ever read the newspaper is when I am forced to for history class, where we are quizzed on news articles from it. Yeah, we even learn about history when we are quizzed on the news :rolleyes:
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