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The other day i went to a camera store to play with the D70 and the rebel. I found that the focusing times are better on the d70 and lens to be built good. The rebel felt alot less heavy but the lens felt like it was plastic. I like the nikon but its so freakin heavy. I like the size better of the rebel but that lens seems a bit cheep. But they both take outstanding pictures. I have to look into lens for the canon.....
puckhead193 said:
The other day i went to a camera store to play with the D70 and the rebel. I found that the focusing times are better on the d70 and lens to be built good. The rebel felt alot less heavy but the lens felt like it was plastic. I like the nikon but its so freakin heavy. I like the size better of the rebel but that lens seems a bit cheep. But they both take outstanding pictures. I have to look into lens for the canon.....

The kit lens on the Canon does seem to be widely regarded as not very good...there are others that are very good, though. Depends on what you want. There are some excellent 50 and 85mm primes that are not very pricey. And I think used Canon lenses seem to be slightly easier to find.

But the D70 has definite advantages -- fast startup times, etc. My primary reason for the Rebel was the fact that I bought it (barely) used for $570 with the kit lens and a couple of 256MB CF cards...the price difference to the Nikon is substantial to me, considering it paid for the lens I really wanted (50mm f/1.4) and wouldn't have gotten with the camera either way.
puckhead193 said:
The other day i went to a camera store to play with the D70 and the rebel. I found that the focusing times are better on the d70 and lens to be built good. The rebel felt alot less heavy but the lens felt like it was plastic. I like the nikon but its so freakin heavy. I like the size better of the rebel but that lens seems a bit cheep. But they both take outstanding pictures. I have to look into lens for the canon.....

kit lenses are not the best way to judge -- i bought my D70 without the kit lens

personally i like the heavier weight of the D70 --- i feel the rebel is to light, and the XT even more so -- and it feels akward in my hand

i wish there was a grip for the D70 to make it heavier ... there is an aftermarket one but it is subpar
mkrishnan said:
My primary reason for the Rebel was the fact that I bought it (barely) used for $570 with the kit lens and a couple of 256MB CF cards...
Nice. I got mine new for $700 (with the lens), so I can't complain either. But no CF cards (already had a bunch, though, so no biggie). What I would like to know is what my next lens purchase should be. I'm thinking a zoom of some sort, but I'm not sure which one.

Here's the deal - we take mainly pictures of kids, or scenery while on vacation. I may get more into "hobby photos" but I just don't have the time, what with two youngsters and all. So I'm thinking a better zoom lens would be nice to capture things like shows or animals at the zoo, etc.

Any suggestions?

BTW - I ended up getting a Canon 200DG bag at Best Buy. My wife had won a gift card there, so it ended up costing us only a few bucks, so it made sense. It holds the XT, our Minolta S404 (maybe for the kids to use now :p), and has plenty of room for a couple of additional lenses, etc. So I'm happy with it. It also has tripod straps, and I would like to invest in a portable tripod of some sort in the future.

Always more to buy...
revenuee said:
personally i like the heavier weight of the D70 --- i feel the rebel is to light, and the XT even more so -- and it feels akward in my hand

Works to my favor, cuz I'm a wuss and can't handle the weight! :p ;) :D I'm glad that the Rebel worked well for my hands...a lot of people have said that it is awkward for them. I have very long fingers, but they are quite slender. I find that the body is slightly smaller than fitting-like-a-glove for my hands, but not by that much.

I just can't wait till my prime gets here in the mail! :D Because Adorama was closed for Passover and their online system is limited, it let me successfully order a used 50mm f/1.4, but when they got back to the store over the weekend, apparently someone else had also ordered it before me, and I didn't get it. So I had to find another one...which was slightly more expensive, but which I probably could already have by now... Ahhh, well. :) Gives me a chance to play with wide angles on the kit lens. :)
emw said:
Here's the deal - we take mainly pictures of kids, or scenery while on vacation. I may get more into "hobby photos" but I just don't have the time, what with two youngsters and all. So I'm thinking a better zoom lens would be nice to capture things like shows or animals at the zoo, etc.

Any suggestions?

Kids at camp dominate my iPhoto library too. :) I think these reviews are very helpful. Also they're structured so many people give brief reviews, so you get a balanced opinion. Depending on your budget, if you're going to use a zoom outdoors, that 70-200mm f/4 that Al-Famous has seems to be a good choice. It's about $600, and there're reviews here (from that same site). When I browsed through people's galleries for outdoor children pictures, especially candids, this one came up a lot (and it is not as crazy expensive as its big brother, although it's still pricey :().

I want to take a lot of indoor / poor lighting shots, though, which is one reason why I'm interested in the primes. There is no way I'm going to be able to justify spending enough to get a fast enough zoom lens to be happy indoors.... :( My next one after the 50 might be the 135mm f/2L, but not for a year at least.

Another reason people often give for recommending prime lenses (no zoom), btw (and as you know, I'm not an expert! But if I say something wrong and someone here who knows what they're talking about corrects me, then I learn! :D) seems to be that if you have a zoom lens, it pushes you in the direction of using zoom to get your composition right. But the problem is that zoom can have negative consequences on figure. For instance, if you take a picture of yourself or one of your kids at the wide-angle (small focal length) end of your kit lens, and then back up enough to get the same shot at a longer focal length, you will notice that the three dimensionality of the face and body posture will really be exaggerated at the short focal length, but will appear much more smoothly on the long focal length. The result is that the person's picture (aside from when you are going for a certain effect) will be easier on the eyes and more pleasing from a long focal length.

Then again, if you get a 70-200mm, you will always be in the telephoto world, so this won't be as big a deal.
Congratulations edesignuk on your new camera. I just got the same camera at the end of March and I love it! Especially the start time and the absence of shutter lag. Much different than my Canon S45. I'm a beginner too, but I'm going to learn so much with this camera. Photography has really become an addiction lately.

spacepower7 said:
Sorry, I feel real sorry for you ;)
You have just entered the real world of digital photography.
DSLR = end of your social life ;)

I have never read a truer statement. Between recently getting the XT and the launch of Tiger (which spurred me to get some software I had been putting off including Elements 3 and iLife) my pocketbook is quite empty! :D
DeSnousa said:
All of these pics are making me want to bye the camera. There so crisp and clear. Enjoy your camera edesignuk and post more pics please.
That's what still impresses me every time I look at these at full size, they're SO clear.

I've had a Canon G2 for about the last 3 or so years. The battery life was excellent. The longest charge it held lasted me for 6 months. I've got about 5gigs of pictures I have taken with it. Unfortunately it fell <pun intended> victim to a tripod accident and hasn't been the same since. Right now the battery is no longer charging.

If anyone is interested I'll post some pictures, haven't gotten my gallery site up quite yet.
Hey! What a surprise, I just recently got a Canon Digital Rebel XT too. I am also amazed at what this camera allows me, a relative novice to photography, to do. I love the start up time, and the lack of shutter lag is great.

I tried to post some of my pictures here, I have them uploaded onto my Angelfire account, but when I posted them here, they didn't show up (all I got were "Image Hosted by Angelfire" gifs). I used the [ img ] tags. Help! How do I post pics? IMG SRC? :confused:
edesignuk said:
That's what still impresses me every time I look at these at full size, they're SO clear.

Get a circular polarizer! Trust me, pictures of your car (or anything reflective) will be much better.
These pictures are clear enough to make me ditch my Holga! (any Holga users here?)

The Canon 10-22mm EF-S looks cool, too bad it isn't weather-sealed and I wouldn't be able to use it on my film body. But I'd still get it if I had a Canon digi.
I have One!

el greenerino said:
These pictures are clear enough to make me ditch my Holga! (any Holga users here?)

The Canon 10-22mm EF-S looks cool, too bad it isn't weather-sealed and I wouldn't be able to use it on my film body. But I'd still get it if I had a Canon digi.

I have a Holga, a Belfoca, a Pen F, an OM 10, an OM 1, an Olympus C-3020... etc.

E Designer in the UK: Nice photos. You do realize, however that you and I will never be pals: you've chosen the dark side... tsk tsk. Nikon is to Macs as Canon is to Dells. Enjoy the nice plastciky feel of your "Andre Agassi" DSLR! Har Har ha ha... well...

I am deploying the Knights as I type... :p
What digital camera do you suggest?

I've been reading this thread and i've noticed that many (professional?) photographers are giving advice on lenses,... So maybe you can give me some advice...

Most of the pictures i have to take in de nearby future are pictures of indoor soccer games, concerts (in a school where i am a teacher),... So my biggest problem is the light- conditions. My Olympus E20P just can't handle those situations. I' can't change the lights so i need a camera that is capable of getting good shots (from a distance) in bad light conditions.

Any recommendations on a DSLR, lenses?
Balin64 said:
I have a Holga, a Belfoca, a Pen F, an OM 10, an OM 1, an Olympus C-3020... etc.

E Designer in the UK: Nice photos. You do realize, however that you and I will never be pals: you've chosen the dark side... tsk tsk. Nikon is to Macs as Canon is to Dells. Enjoy the nice plastciky feel of your "Andre Agassi" DSLR! Har Har ha ha... well...

I am deploying the Knights as I type... :p

hahah, what a crock of ****

have you felt the d70, thats a toy! if anything canon is more like dell because they have the best equipment and technology, the best glass - its just there not as expensive

noise, no thanks - obviously canon users worry less about the feel of there camera (although my 20D feels fantastic and the 1 series are the best feeling cameras bar non) and more about the quality of there photography
kiskadee said:
I've been reading this thread and i've noticed that many (professional?) photographers are giving advice on lenses,... So maybe you can give me some advice...

Most of the pictures i have to take in de nearby future are pictures of indoor soccer games, concerts (in a school where i am a teacher),... So my biggest problem is the light- conditions. My Olympus E20P just can't handle those situations. I' can't change the lights so i need a camera that is capable of getting good shots (from a distance) in bad light conditions.

Any recommendations on a DSLR, lenses?

well, what DSLR have you got?
have you felt the d70, thats a toy! if anything canon is more like dell because they have the best equipment and technology, the best glass - its just there not as expensive

Al-Famous, I think Balin is just trolling you. ;) For God's sakes, though, I'm not sure that "if anything xxx is more like dell" is the best argument to use on a Mac forum! :eek: :p :D

Even if anyone disputes that your 20D and 70-200L are good HW (if you should somehow become convinced of this, I will PM you my address, and you can just send them to me! :D Well, maybe I'll take the 20D and split the 70-200 with EMW, since he seems to need it more than me! ;)), I don't think anyone can dispute that you take a nice photograph! :D

And in the end, even Apple users shouldn't be gear weenies....they can be smug in the fact that they have the best, but focused on doing the best *work* with it.
mkrishnan said:
...split the 70-200 with EMW, since he seems to need it more than me! ;)...
I'll take it! :p :D

I figure I'd like to get a new lens in the next month, so thanks everyone for posting comments. I'll let you know what I decide on!
Oh I wish I could take my vacation, however due to some stupid clause I cannot until christmas season. Too bad for me I would have snagged a mid-range dSLR if I could go on vacation during late summer or early fall. :eek:

This sucks indeed. :(
maya said:
Oh I wish I could take my vacation, however due to some stupid claus I cannot until christmas season. Too bad for me I would have snagged a mid-range dSLR if I could go on vacation during late summer or early fall. :eek:

Awwww, I'm sorry, Maya! :( Where were you going to go? You should still buy the camera (and possibly lots and lots of chocolate), to make yourself feel better about losing your vacation. A camera, lots and lots of chocolate, and Tiger is how I made myself feel better that 80% of my friends went out of town on the weekend of my b-day. ;) Well, a camera, lots and lots of chocolate, Tiger, and the other 20% of my friends. ;)

Oh, and by the way, was the bolded part above intentional, or was that the slip of the week? :D
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