Referring to the 20th Anniversary Mac (TAM) comment, I can't help wondering what your "just at the edge of my price range" is.Basically only the things out of my price range.Not even counting the "ridiculously expensive" items, the ones I keep hunting for an unreasonably cheap one of are: Apple II (original, pre-Plus,) Lisa 2/Macintosh XL (Lisa 1's out of any serious consideration,) Apple III, TAM. Wouldn't mind a trash can Mac Pro, but that'll have to wait until they're "obsolete item cheap" - I'm just worried that they'll go from "old but still usable, so expensive" directly to "desired Apple vintage system expensive." A working Macintosh Portable. I had one long ago, but it stopped working and was out of my repair expertise, so I sold it to someone who had the time and ability. Haven't gotten a replacement, and now they're expensive.
Plus a few "probably cheap enough, I just haven't bothered to get one yet" - a ruby or sage iMac G3; I always loved those colors, and haven't found one locally. An iMac G5 - I've just been too lazy to pick one up locally that's been cheap enough. A first gen and a second gen iPod Touch.
No, my Apple collection is basically complete. The TAM is the only one that's a real "really want, and just at the edge of my price range" item. Apple III desire is mostly for curiosity's sake, it's not that good/impressive a machine. Same with Lisa. I never used an A3 or a Lisa when they were new, so I have no real nostalgia for them. A2s and the whole line of Macintoshes I do.
Here's a photo of mine. Gorgeous piece of equipment dating from 1997, which when listening to the built-in TV/FM radio tuner even today still amazes me at the sound quality from the custom-made Bose system - especially the floor mounted woofer.

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