C DM - you may be correct. I have used Siri for other functions when the phone is locked and they have worked.
However, I have an online appointment with Apple on Sunday to look deeper into the issue of Siri requesting the phone be unlocked first before she will read messages.
Apple seems to acknowledge that there is an issue. They will be installing a logging app on the phone to see why Siri hands free for messages does not work.
This is a safety issue while you are driving. If your phone is mounted somewhere in your vehicle and you need to hear and respond to a message, under IOS 14 you will have to take your eyes off the road and at least one hand off the steering wheel to unlock your phone. Safety Issue !!!!!!
This worked as designed under IOS 13 on every device I have. With the installation of IOS 14 hands free Siri and reading messages does not work.
Not only that, but my Ipad Pro 4th Gen is experiencing the exact same problem under IOS 14.
I am not the only one experiencing this problem.
I will wait for Apple's logging program and see what they come up with.
This is definitely a software/firmware issue.
Having the exact same issue. Was on the phone with Apple for a while yesterday, supervisor didn't seem to know what was going on. Had me check all the usual Siri settings. Finally had me restore phone.....which didn't work. He did mention hey thought Apple may have taken this feature away, but of course, why would you tell the Apple support people this so they could help their customers? About to downgrade back to 13 for this issue.