Answer to your last question: NO. The quest for extra thinness and weight loss, which at this point is a law of dimishing returns, is resulting in less powerful machines, no improvement in battery life, loss of ports. I fail to see what this 'MODERN' world or laptops you're so ****ing excited about.
I have several Macs, including an 11 inch MacBook Air and a 13 inch MacBook Pro. Both seem feathery light to me. At no point during my day do I say to myself "dang my arm is so tired from carrying this 3 pound device".
Maybe you have some kind of musculature/degenerative disease that makes it difficult to carry something that's a couple pounds. If so, I feel bad about that. But for Christ sakes don't cheer on Apple to make ALL their computers for the handicapped.
This really. for light options they have the vanilla MB's.
Other makers show trends. Dell will sell the small frame laptops. Medium size with some more performance. Then then there is the beefy alienware (owned by dell now) and "workstation class" options.
Want beefy options, there ya go. Want light and decent specs....there ya go too. Apple is missing this. They make "castrated" vanilla MB and put the goodies in the MBP. makes people have to go MBP. Which would not be problem wasn't having MBP follow a path that limits it potential.
from a design standpoint the anorexia is what is now limiting the MBP. Yay its smaller. And to compensate for thermals, Apple throttles...heavily it seems. most easily seen with gamers. How do you make a MBP game better? Bootcamp windows 10. All the OS throttling in background of Mac OS....gone. Same hardware so a non factor. This effects has been seen on open gl games (valve makes these and some other to try as well). So direct X translation via wrappers and such not a factor.
In its passive set up, the shell has been the main heat control. One big ole heat sink. Smaller the heat sink, less dissipation. Apple is not doing ground breaking metallurgy work here to magically change heat exchange rates.
No air in the body to move. Larger body, throw in some ballsy fans, move some air. Analogous to doing exercise. Do your exercise nothing restricting air flow. Now do it with a plastic bag over your head...but being nice it has some air holes cut into it. One of these will be better. Hint: its not the latter one.
Why I grow leery of apple's advances. Performance has a price. Heat. Moore's law only says CPU's will get better in a nutshell. its says nothing about how you get those advances though. Heat says hi....I am a factor Moore did not mention lol. Smaller and quieter...barring some kick ass advances apple is not sharing, nor seems to be implementing, not the way to fight this increased heat.
How do most counter that? Larger size and fans that move serious air. Latter makes noise. Contentious for some apple users. See that in the MBP threads. OMG, I did this and that and my fans started getting loud. Is my system broke? Nope, you are doing actual computer intensive work now, this is normal.
threads with the people using thermal monitoring almost as fun. Is this normal? very normal, chill. Your temps I envy....I have been pegged at higher temps for hours when I slam my MBP with more intensive video processing.
Like one time a bit back on 1.5 hours of footage from shoot in a club that in an academic sense had lighting. meaning yes, there was some form of light to not be in total darkness. And that's about the best I can say about it. What I want to say about that lighting would have the profanity filter for this forum melt down it was so horrendous. had to work noise removal like a fiend in post processing.
fans and thermal wide open throttle for hours on end and I turned off reporting for the monitor app I use. Yes I know the CPU and GPU (have a plug in that can use 1 AMD core on the mid 15 dgpu, NVidia cuda would be the same...I just forget atm what AMD calls theirs) is running hot, 100 notifications not needed thank you lol.