Looks like Huawei and Lenovo sales are way up. Samsung shows good YoY growth while Apple iphones sales are stagnant. That is in line with their earnings call a couple days ago.
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Hi, there.
I read this section of the forum a lot, since I use an Android device (I have my own reasons for that) and I just had this urge to register and answer this particular thread. I noticed your name on every thread of this sub-forum, and your big anti-Apple stance is obvious to anyone that isn't an hypocrite.
Is there anything wrong with being anti-Apple? Hell no! Maybe you got burned by one particular product, maybe one of your friends did, maybe you just have your own reasons to dislike the company so much. It's your right, and no one has anything to do with it. Just like it is your right to post on any forum, despite being extremely strange to post here constantly, given your stance on the company.
What isn't your or anyone's right, is disagreeing with facts. One of those facts is: The success of a company isn't tied to the number of smartphones they sell. Also, another fact is: Not all smartphones are used the same or worth the same.
Apple's iPhone sales growth might have plateaued, but they just reported the best corporate quarter of any public traded company, ever. Stands to reason that Apple is, at this time, the most successful public traded company of all time, regardless of your, mine, or anyone else's opinion. Besides, because of Apple massive scale, they can stop selling iPhones today and still be more successful than any of the companies on that list, even Google. Just use a bit of math, all of that small "%" in Apple's financial pie-charts show a business that is way bigger than Alphabet ever was. But let's not fool ourselves, despite all the misinformation, the iPhone userbase numbers are just going up. That's a fact.
What is also a fact, and proves that you have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about, are Samsung numbers. Despite what you love to insinuate, 1 or 2 years ago Samsung Mobile was a juggernaut, but today the semi-section of the conglomerate is rapid approaching "worthless garbage" status, or better yet: "profitless worthless garbage status". You can verify this by reading (and, also as important, understanding it!) their latest quarterly financial statement. But guess what, at least they sold more phones, so they have that going for them...
So, if Samsung Mobile sold more phones, why did they become such a disposable company? Well, that's because (and this might hurt people that, like you, share an Anti-Apple stance, regardless of their (possibly legitimate) reasons), reality is a bitch. Market share, by itself, is an useless metric. Samsung's Galaxy S and Note lines were absolutely annihilated when Apple released the 6 series. Consumers see absolutely no value on high end Samsung devices, and they are right. As such, despite higher sales, Samsung's ASP dived to 200 $, profits dived to 1B$ (and will keep reaching rock bottom, and then go to red). So, because reality is a bitch, this tell's us that Samsung only sells cheap phones, now.
Consumers that are willing to buy flagships are, more than ever, choosing iPhones. Sales are dropping because upgrade intervals are growing.
Mobile divisions losing money/profitless, as their latest financial statements:
-Lenovo and Motorola;
And soon, Samsung. But hey, great job Samsung. For some of the couch analysts on this thread, it's better to sell more cheaper, lower quality and profitless gadgets than flagship phones. As such, the companies losing money are the ones that are actually "winning", while the one that has the strongest mobile ecosystem* and is, as of right now, the most successful company of all time is "losing".
Yeah... about that... Sorry but no. iPhone sales could decline, and decline, and decline... And Apple would still be more valuable than all of those companies together. In fact, all of those would trade their situation with Apple's, if they could. That's reality, and can be hard to swallow, for some.
*(even if some here have the unpopular (because the market sees the oposity and wants iPhones, and only iPhones are worthy of flagship prices. Their mobile usage also validates this situation) opinion that iPhones aren't better than Android devices, you will have to deal with the fact that Android is worthless on tablets, and no part of the ecosystem is present on PCs).
To the OP, don't bother answering this. I didn't share any opinion, just facts, and there's nothing to be proved "right or wrong". In fact, since you have such distorted of the market, I don't even care about a possible answer.
I'm just getting ready to drop my Android phone and go all in with Apple. That A9 and hassle free upgrades, without needing greenify and apps like pushbullet and adaway to do what the OS should do, out of the box.... Me wants it.