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Thanks for the great suggestions! Brushing those connectors once a month is probably good maintenance. FWIW I believe I've read it's not a good idea to leave the battery hooked up to the charger all the time, that they need to cycle to stay healthy.
Have fun out there!
Thanks for the great suggestions! Brushing those connectors once a month is probably good maintenance. FWIW I believe I've read it's not a good idea to leave the battery hooked up to the charger all the time, that they need to cycle to stay healthy.
Have fun out there!
Very late answer: from

"Apple lithium-ion batteries work in charge cycles. You complete one charge cycle when you’ve used (discharged) an amount that equals 100% of your battery’s capacity — but not necessarily all from one charge. For instance, you might use 75% of your battery’s capacity one day, then recharge it fully overnight. If you use 25% the next day, you will have discharged a total of 100%, and the two days will add up to one charge cycle. It could take several days to complete a cycle. The capacity of any type of battery will diminish after a certain amount of recharging. With lithium-ion batteries, the capacity diminishes slightly with each complete charge cycle. Apple lithium-ion batteries are designed to hold at least 80% of their original capacity for a high number of charge cycles, which varies depending on the product."

My rmbp 13" late 2013 is the best laptop I've had, the battery (still original) lifetime is light-years better than my TiBook and Santa Rosa were. I have been keeping it on the charger most of the time and use it too much per day. Right now it tells me:

Charge Information:
Charge Remaining (mAh): 4194
Fully Charged: Yes
Charging: No
Full Charge Capacity (mAh): 4413
Health Information:
Cycle Count: 445
Condition: Service Battery
Battery Installed: Yes
Amperage (mA): 0
Voltage (mV): 12509

I went through a phase of taking the battery for a walk once a day but have gone back to avoiding discharges, on the understanding that the overall lifetime depends on total number of completed charge cycles. It'll still give me maybe four hours battery life from 100%-20%, but 20 sets off my irrational internal alarm system and I stick it on charge again.
Hello brothers, I need some help with a Mac I have been stuck for a week.
I have this problem with a board 820-2936-B:
- green light on charger oK
- fan spins ok, but then a full speed
- no chime, no long beep even if no memory
- nothing on display, not backlight.







All these voltages seem ok, except for PPVCORE_S0_AXG=0V, but for what I see, it doesn't appears until videos is displayed
Pour que la led magsafe passe au vert, vous avez besoin que ces 3 signaux principaux soient présents
PP3V42_G3H - 3.42v U6901 broche #5
SMC_BC_ACOK - 3.2v U6901 Broches #1&2
SYS_ONEWIRE - 3.2v U6900 broche #14

PP3V42_G3H est ce que l'on appelle "G3 HOT" et peut être mesuré à L6995. Le SMC a besoin de voir divers signaux qui stimulent PP3V42_G3H. Allez à la page 46 et vous verrez que le SMC a besoin de voir 3,42 V à différents points, SMC_ONOFF_L, G3_POWERON_L et ainsi de suite. C'est là que SYS_ONEWiRE est produit, donc sans ces signaux initiaux provenant de PP3V42_GH, le SMC ne l'a jamais alimenté SYS_ONWIRE.

SMC_BC_ACOK est produit par la broche #14 de la puce du chargeur U7000, vous devez donc vous assurer que la tension d'alimentation de la puce est présente.

Il y a un excellent document dans ce fichier quelque part intitulé 'A1286 power sequence'. J'ai utilisé ce document à de nombreuses reprises pour résoudre des problèmes de led magsafe et des problèmes de mise sous tension. Certaines étiquettes d'identification peuvent être légèrement différentes, mais elles font toujours le même travail.
sur le MB A1278 Mi 2012 , quelle est la valeur de tension du SMC_BC_ACOK produite par la broche 14 de U7000 ?
hi guys, strange situation of the mbp 15 mid 2009

I connect magsafe, green light and does not turn on !
other times I connect and it doesn't show the green magsafe led but the green charging lights do, and mbp doesn't turn on, and white light flashes in front of me!

if I disconnect magsafe I hold down ignition for 10 sec and connect magsafe it starts, but it doesn't get to load the system all the way and it turns off !

I did the various resets, but yesterday with the off-attack system I was able to access the os 10.13 system, today not even that anymore

ideas ?
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