Kill Bonjour!
For a few years now, I've had this line in my Console log…
1/9/16 9:12:28 PM mDNSResponder[17] ERROR: getOptRdata - unknown opt 65002
The date and time always change of course but it repeats several times, the same error.
While looking for something else tonight I decided to take another crack as this problem (I've looked before in the past).
Turns out it's an issue with the Sleep Proxy Service (which is what allows your Mac to wake for Network Access) which is handled by - Bonjour.
So, I started some more poking around and came to this page…
Here the writer gives the terminal command to kill Bonjour.
Disable Bonjour:
sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
Enable Bonjour:
sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
Turning Bonjour off does not disable file sharing (although it probably removes the Mac from the Device list in a Finder window). Turning it off IMMEDIATELY killed the writing of the error message to Console for me!
And the side benefit is increased performance because mDNSResponder is a service that is no longer running and thus no longer using CPU cycles.
The command will survive restarts so if you want to enable it again you have to enter the command for it.
Snow Leopard has Bonjour integrated into OS X much more deeply than Leopard. Disabling Bonjour will kill your DNS service which means you can't load web pages because the DNS service can't resolve the address. It can also prevent an SL Mac from booting.
I am mentioning this because I am willing to bet someone here has an SL Mac they may want to try this on.