The AOSP page is a directory of all of the open source projects used by Apple in a particular iteration of Mac OS. More specifically, depending on the licensing requirements of the original source, it is a list of downloadable source tarballs containing either the complete source code including Apple modifications or just the modifications made by Apple minus the original source code.
Each project has different prerequisites. Some require, or at least expect, being built inside a darwinbuild environment. Others simply require the command line tools to be installed. The rest expect to be compiled within Xcode itself.
The initial beta version of Xcode included in the 10A096 developer seed will provide the initial tools. Further tools will have to be compiled from source which can be aquired from the original developers websites or via macports.
Using the command line tools provided with Xcode to compile macports from source for SLPPC, you most likely have many of the compilers already, though they may not be recent enough and you will probably have to bootstrap your way to more current versions.
You will certainly find that some projects require slight modifications in order to compile, which are mostly detailed within the readme and install/build instructions of each project - others will require some creative thinking and much use of your search engine of preference. There will also be those projects that cannot be compiled for PowerPC without rewriting the source code itself. If you’re able to do this or willing to learn then by all means have at it and share your findings here.