That’s interesting. Disk utility is very buggy in 10A190 but appears to work in your 10A222 build - i imagine it’s something replaced in /usr/bin that’s fixed the errors as the source for the disk management stuff was something i was working through a while back and some binaries were intel only.
How exactly did you manage to swap the Finder? I think this was attempted by at least one other contributor early on in this project to some success but hasn’t been repeated since - i was certainly presented with a non-functional desktop when i tried if memory serves. It’s also interesting that the 10.5.8 Finder is being used because the bug with mounting and ejecting disks still presents itself.
The reason why I'm using Finder from 10.5.8 was due to a crash related to the QuartzCore also from 10.5.8 that I couldn't find a proper fix. After replacing Finder it did not work but you can easily see why if you launch Finder through terminal. It was mostly due to changes in QuickLook, I had to also swap and add a framework that was removed in 10A190.
I've been trying to find what's causing the mounting/ejecting bug but no luck so far.