My Rev. D (I think... the one before the new ones.. whatever, it was free, I love it) 15" PowerBook- Failed HD after about a month and a half.
(You can skip this part. It's just me giving love to the Houston Galleria genius bar)
Long, drawn-out story that nobody asked for about how awesome Apple Service is:
I brought it into the store and they replaced it. They had to do it in-store because the HD wasn't FAILING failing yet.. at the very beginning stages of failing... like it had 2 or 3 more days and I would have been completely dead. Of course I brought it in on a thursday night, they had to order a new drive on friday, so it took until TUESDAY to receive the drive (F you, FedEx!!) and on Wednesday morning, I got it back!
(Aaron called our house at 9 AM to tell us it was done. I was asleep, and my mom comes in and says "your powerbook is done!!" I was so tired that I slept until noon.. and then went to pick it up.)
So, I got my new HD replaced under warranty. I had made a copy of it before I took it to the bar. I was expecting to have to restore everything and blablabla because I was NOT paying $50 for them to do it for me (It's not free with AppleCare. Mmm... Free data transfer services.)
So, Brian (manager) gives me the PB, I sign the AppleCare papers to release it my loving embrace, I pop it on.. and the wallpaper is..
No, the geniuses don't have a thing for men in kilts, my strange fascination hadn't rubbed off-- Aaron had cloned my HD and did it all up.. for free!
one-sentence summary for people who don't have nothing to do so they didn't read it all: Apple service = awesome; Aaron = the man; I want some sammiches.