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My G4 667 is still working pretty good. My problem is that I just can't run the programs that I want on it at the speed that I'd like any more. That's why I'm upgrading. I think that my new setup with be great and can't wait to get it, but all in all... I think that you can easily get 5 years out of a mac if the you don't care about the latest a greatest prodect updates.
Powerbook 1400 Hard drive died 6 months into it.

Beige G3: Still going strong.

512ke: Still works great (since 1987).

Centris 610: Also still works.

iMac 17" G4: Best of the bunch.

iBook G4: 2 Letters wore off the keys. But I type a lot.

Apple IIe: Sold it. Darn.

My only regret: Wish I'd bought Apple stock instead of or in addition to all those computers.
iBook G4 - one of the first so problems are expected.

  • Bad battery - wouldn't hold charge but was replaced.
  • Bad trackpad - had a bubble in it so it effectively didn't work at all but was replaced.
  • RAM - extra 512MB stick not plugged in properly so it was not being reconginsed.

iMac G5 - second generation.

  • Nothing. :)
iBook G4 - late 2004.

No troubles what-so-ever until new RAM and 10.4.2 = can't output video to TV via Apple mini VGA -> Composite/s-video adaptor.

Screen is a little unevenly lit.

Still wouldn't get anything else. This thing will hopefully last me for a few more years, when 10.5 comes out I'll max the RAM out and see how far it can take me beyond the Intel switch whilst I save and save and save..... :D
mad jew said:
Not going to get an iCurve anytime soon? Polystyrene holding up well enough for now? :D

Pfft! iCurves are sooo last year. :p

Polystyrene is the future I tells ya! I've put four little bits about 2cm thick under the corners so that the fan doesn't come on whilst I'm encoding my episodes of M*A*S*H. So far it's working.

Since 10.4 the fans don't seem to come on nearly as much, nor does the computer seem to get as hot. I love it!!
Mac II - purchased in 1987, still working fine, never had any hardware problems.

Power Mac G4 - purchased used in 2004, no problems

PowerBook G4 12" 1.33 GHz, almost a year old, zero problems.

Power Mac G5 Dual 1.8 GHz, 6 months old, no problems.

If I listed my PCs, the list would look very different.
My Rev. D (I think... the one before the new ones.. whatever, it was free, I love it) 15" PowerBook- Failed HD after about a month and a half.

(You can skip this part. It's just me giving love to the Houston Galleria genius bar)
Long, drawn-out story that nobody asked for about how awesome Apple Service is:
I brought it into the store and they replaced it. They had to do it in-store because the HD wasn't FAILING failing yet.. at the very beginning stages of failing... like it had 2 or 3 more days and I would have been completely dead. Of course I brought it in on a thursday night, they had to order a new drive on friday, so it took until TUESDAY to receive the drive (F you, FedEx!!) and on Wednesday morning, I got it back!
(Aaron called our house at 9 AM to tell us it was done. I was asleep, and my mom comes in and says "your powerbook is done!!" I was so tired that I slept until noon.. and then went to pick it up.)
So, I got my new HD replaced under warranty. I had made a copy of it before I took it to the bar. I was expecting to have to restore everything and blablabla because I was NOT paying $50 for them to do it for me (It's not free with AppleCare. Mmm... Free data transfer services.)
So, Brian (manager) gives me the PB, I sign the AppleCare papers to release it my loving embrace, I pop it on.. and the wallpaper is..
MEN IN KILTS?! :confused:
No, the geniuses don't have a thing for men in kilts, my strange fascination hadn't rubbed off-- Aaron had cloned my HD and did it all up.. for free!

one-sentence summary for people who don't have nothing to do so they didn't read it all: Apple service = awesome; Aaron = the man; I want some sammiches.
Chundles said:
Since 10.4 the fans don't seem to come on nearly as much, nor does the computer seem to get as hot. I love it!!

Agreed. I'm pretty impressed with how much snappier Tiger is for me compared to Panther. :)

Glad to hear someone else is content with it.
In my home now, I have a 12" rev. A PB that I bought just after it was announced. I used it vigorously for two years and then passed it on to my son who uses it almost as much as I did. This machine has had zero problems, and the power has been on almost all of the time. Of course it sleeps when it's tired, but so do I. I did replace the battery about 5 months ago.

I currently use a 15" PB that I bought 6 months ago, and like the 12": no problems.

We once had a flat panel G4 iMac that needed the logic board replaced, but I also owned a 12" Rev. A iBook for two and a half years that was completely trouble free, and in all fairness, I'll also admit that we have a two and a half year old Dell Dimension 2350 that has also been trouble free. I do have to do the required Windows maintenance stuff like defragging and scanning for viruses, adware and the like.

I guess I have pretty good luck with computers.
Chundles said:
Pfft! iCurves are sooo last year. :p

Polystyrene is the future I tells ya! I've put four little bits about 2cm thick under the corners so that the fan doesn't come on whilst I'm encoding my episodes of M*A*S*H. So far it's working.

Since 10.4 the fans don't seem to come on nearly as much, nor does the computer seem to get as hot. I love it!!

#1 I LOVE MASH! 1970's Alan Alda? YUM!
#2 homemade stands > $40 piece of plastic
#3 Pffft, I wish my PowerBook had like.. special heat settings. It'd check itself with the weather widget, and if it's under 75°, it heats up and makes me all toasty and warm.. :) Mmm... (also good for after I practice.. I turn on iMovie, start encoding in h.264 and put it on my wrist. Best. Heating. Pad. EVER!!!):p
#4 I love your name. Every time I see it, I smile. :D
PowerBook G4: absolutely perfect, except for a few keys that need that extra "push" to work. It's nothing serious, though... only the 'increase brightness' key. It doesn't really bother me as I rarely use that key anyway. I have it set to auto brightness. :D Also my ctrl and option keys make a weird little noise like they're sticking when pressed on the edges closest to me. If I press them in the middle though, they press normally. But yeah besides those minor key problems, nothing serious.
Three macs

800Mhz G3 iBook - Logic failed after 11 months. Replaced by Apple still running two years later. Sold.

Dual 1GHz MDD Powermac - no faults apart from it won't sleep properly with PCI cards in it. Still got it. Lovely machine-Bombproof.

1.5 GHz 15" Powerbook. Died after 2 hours use with memory slot failure. Refunded by 3rd party retailer. Second powerbook (1.67GHz) power supply failed on second day. Replaced by Applecare. Actual machine fine so far.

My general impression is that the desktops are pretty solid but notebooks rather less so. But I think that reflects the industry as a whole. Not that that makes it right.
never had a problem with my powerbook from day one....its been 3rd party pheriperals that hae messed it up. (but they are ok now).

nope, whithin a month of getting a dell i had to re-install the system software to get rid of spyware and other thngs....the mac has excelled in this respect and i dont think i will ever buy another windows computer unless it is absolutely necessary. many of my friends had to install all sorts of expensive and resource consuming protection software on their PC's before coming to was in the regulations....

upo reading the instructions of what to do for mac, i had nothing mentioned about installing all that stuff.....surprise surprise:D
17" PB March 04 - perfect
OS X - wonderful - although Norton (got rid of it quick smart) and VPC bring it undone (kernel panics).

Toshiba laptop June '03 - h/w perfect
HP laptop Aug '00 - h/w perfect
Gateway laptop April '00 - total POS
5 x noname PC desktops for kids - total POS
Windows - clunky, prone to errors, performance degradation over time, obstructive for novice users

What next?

Based on the 18 months great experience with my PB I am convinced, so when I can afford it I will be replacing most of the kids' PCs with Macs (iBooks, Minis). They can keep one PC for games. The rest will go to the great BSOD in the sky (each time I am in Australia I spend at least two or three days doing Windows maintenance ... apart from software updates the PB has not required any attention).

Oh yeah, and if I get roolly roolly cashed up I will buy a warp drive PM with bells on, for playtime.
Had 2 Power Macs, the second of which, a 9500, went up in smoke but that was a problem with our electricity supply at the time. Turn on the television and the light bulbs would dim. The power Mac wasn't the only electronic thing that went up in smoke.
Then a G4 400 AGP which is still in use with a pile of upgrades installed and will edit videos faster and a hundred times more reliably than a Dell 2.8 ( ? somewhere in that region. I' ve tried to wipe my mind of its existence. Literally threw it out the door. I was going to make a really grand gesture and not open the glass door but felt that was a bit extreme.Besides, it was so tinny it probably wouldn't have broken the glass.) Not one problem with the AGP other than crashes due to lack of memory prior to upgrades.
Now have a Rev. A i-mac G5 20" 1.8 which developed the problem with the logic board a few weeks ago. Contacted an AASP. He ordered the part, e-mailed when it arrived a couple of days later, I delivered it to him and he handed it back to me an hour later. I didn't lose any work-time as I didn't switch it off after the problem worsened, since it was on booting up when it showed and would then stabilize. Otherwise not a problem either hardware or software related. Been really pleased with it.
Couldn't get over at first, how I could have SketchUp, Canvas and DenebaCad (running in classic) all open at once and be switching between them. Alright, maybe Canvas crashes occasionally, but that's Canvas' bugs, not Mac related.
We also have a Mini ordered the week after the initial relase and no problems at all.
I love our Macs!
Let's see..

800MHz G3 12" iBook - on its fifth logic board. Hasn't failed since January, which I attribute mostly to not using it as much, since upgrading to:

1.67GHz 15" Powerbook - quickly developed the dreaded lower memory slot failure problem. I'm holding out before getting it fixed in the hope of hearing positive news that Apple actually knows HOW to fix it. Too many stories on Apple discussion site of machines that get fixed only to fail again shortly afterwards...

And yet I love them both as if they were my own children (well, almost) :)
The only one with problems was my G3 iBook, but after the 3rd logic board
replacement Apple send me a new G4 1.2 iBook, which has been working great.
iMac G4 is and has been perfect.
Mac Mini has been flawless too.
Powermac G4 400 upgraded to 1.4 ghz also without problems.
Let's hope that when I get my G5 dual dual it will be just as good. :D
katie ta achoo said:
#1 I LOVE MASH! 1970's Alan Alda? YUM!
#2 homemade stands > $40 piece of plastic
#3 Pffft, I wish my PowerBook had like.. special heat settings. It'd check itself with the weather widget, and if it's under 75°, it heats up and makes me all toasty and warm.. :) Mmm... (also good for after I practice.. I turn on iMovie, start encoding in h.264 and put it on my wrist. Best. Heating. Pad. EVER!!!):p
#4 I love your name. Every time I see it, I smile. :D

Thanks Katie, you're a champ.
I have had 3 (iMac G5, Powerbook 1.67, iBook G3) All have been perfect out of the box. At this point the G3's screen is going but that is after 5 years of hard abuse! Everything else works fine. Also, although I know people on MacRumors that have had problems, I don't know anyone personally that has ever had a single problem with their mac. About 4 years ago I bought a iMac G4 and a Powermac dual 1Ghz G4 for a company that I was working for in the summer and they were also perfect (infact my dad is using that Powermac at work now and absolutely loves it!)

So far, I have not had any major problem with my Macs. Even my old Ti PB (I bought in 2001) is still running okay (even though it is slow in today's standard and I am not running processor intensive programs such as CS2 on that Ti). I bought this Ti when Apple jsut transitioned to OS X from OS9. I bought it because of the looks. Since then, I am hooked. 15" AL PB, 12" PB, and now 12" iBook. All are running well. No dead pixel to report, either. My ACDs are also running perfectly.
Powerbook 180, beaten and dragged around the world for a few years. Several batteries later still works though I had some modem problems recently trying to copy files off the laptop. Probably just a config issue but its been too long since I last used OS 7.1. Ended up copying data onto a ZIP disk.

Powerbook 5300c, no problems until some cretin waltzed off with it a few months later.

Powerbook G4 800MHz TiBook, hand me down at work. No problems, dropped onto concrete, still no hardware problems other than dent and scratches.

Powerbook G4 1.5GHz Al, power adapter cable worn out near laptop plug after 8 months... replaced by apple in store.

Mac Mini, listed as shipping 3 days earlier than estimated. No problems so far. :)
Nothing I have ever owned Apple has flat out stopped working except for a couple of cinema displays, which were promptly swapped for new ones.
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