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macrumors 6502a
Apr 12, 2012
New England, USA
So today i went to the Apple store to buy an iPad, it was going to be 32Gb, and slate grey, but size was undecided, after groping them both, feeling their sexual curves and cool aluminium bodies, one larger, one smaller.... i walked out of the Apple store, and into Argos, where i purchased a Nexus 7 32Gb for £239.99.

Saved my self £220 if i bought the air and £160 if i had of bought the mini both 32Gb!

I am very happy i did this, dont knock it till you try it, screens awesome and i can put anything i want it... as opposed to the iPad...

You have a right to your opinion.... Even though it sucks! Nexus is a good product, ipad a superior product.

Stratus Fear

macrumors 6502a
Jan 21, 2008
Atlanta, GA
Hope you dont end up having touchscreen issues and GPS issues that many Nexus 7 owners are now experiencing. I'm sure they have a Nexuscare+ warranty.

The GPS issue was actually fixed in an update. One of the previous updates corrupted some file, I don't recall exactly what that was because it was fixed 2 months ago. As for the screen, I dunno. Mine works fine. I don't think a huge number of them have issues; I think it's the usual "internet makes everything seem much worse than it really is" thing. Much like the retina mini color gamut issue.


To an extent I don't understand the threads that people start saying "omg I switched to Android and it blows Apple out of the water!" At least for me, it does not. Don't get me wrong, I really like my Nexus 7, but for my usage it's really just a toy compared to my iPad mini. The customization and various things you can do (especially once rooted) are fun for the nerd side but really don't do much for day to day use where the iPad shines. But personally, I like owning both. The Nexus is fun for tinkering, and the iPad is much better for normal day to day internetting and such. I just don't see why everyone always has to start threads on this. They always get the same responses. This is an Apple forum, let's leave it that way. I'll go to xda or something if I want to talk Android.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 4, 2013
If your going to buy Android, buy nexus. I had the Samsung tab2, the Kindle fire HD (which is Android underneath). I like android its just a bit glitchy. However i flirt with the idea of the new Nexus 7. I had the old one but it was really unreliable. My sister got one that died before she really got a chance to use it (new baby) she now has the 2013 model. Once bitten for me...

If they upped the QC great. 7" is a bit small tho, big phone territory. Android has came a long way but their apps are pretty much made for phones still. I used all my Android tabs like a phone not landscape unless i was on the web. iPad has many iPad only apps.

2 main gripes made me switch. Safari i like over chrome etc. And... well.. tweetbot. The official twitter for android cant load a full day of tweets without loading up to 4hrs ago then 12hrs ago no gap so 7 hrs of tweets gone. Into task manager, force close, start again. Tweetcaster was ok but not as good as tweetbot.

Small things but thats what it comes down to. I also like that iOS is designed for a hanfull of devices so it works. Android has to work with thousands. BUT a google device will give the best experience.

I can see how you may say apple is boring BUT. Once your in you app of choice/ viewing your web page of choice it doen't matter what OS is behind it as long as it works well. Congratulations on your purchase! :)


macrumors 601
Jan 11, 2007
North Central Florida
Today my boyfriend was once again looking for my iPad 1... His android tablet was once again locked up and unusable.

I pointed out that he has used my lowly old iPad more since buying his thing, he wasn't amused - but could not deny it either! It makes me laugh! (and he was using t more before buying this one because his hacked touch pad wasn't overly stable either)

I owned two 7" androids (Nabi's) last year... Never again. I returned them and the kids chose iPad touches instead. The killer black Friday deal wasn't worth it.

But, I am not worshipping apple, I just prefer they. Very one should look and buy what works for them the best. Choice is good!


macrumors regular
Mar 24, 2008
So i've been holding out for the new iPads for a while, after finally checking them out a week ago i came away a little disappointed, so came on here to look at reviews etc. After seeing how the retina ipad mini has been slated for its gamut i gave it a little think longer.

So today i went to the Apple store to buy an iPad, it was going to be 32Gb, and slate grey, but size was undecided, after groping them both, feeling their sexual curves and cool aluminium bodies, one larger, one smaller.... i walked out of the Apple store, and into Argos, where i purchased a Nexus 7 32Gb for £239.99.

Saved my self £220 if i bought the air and £160 if i had of bought the mini both 32Gb!

I am very happy i did this, dont knock it till you try it, screens awesome and i can put anything i want it... as opposed to the iPad...

We'll, I've tried myself doing some "proof of concept" with the new Nexus. Tested two devices. First one had dust under the screen. Second one never wanted to update to the latest OS revision although I did try every trick posted online. User interface was a bit laggy. Screen not bad although nothing compared to an ipad air. Basically, the Nexus 7 is a budget tablet with garbage finish, crappy integration, slow system, lacking applications... People complain about the lack of ram in the new ipad. I'm really happy about my new 128gb ipad air. It's much faster than any tablet in the market, including the new Surface 2. Nexus 7 2 is way behind, from a user perspective and a benchmark one.


macrumors regular
Aug 5, 2012
I've got a 2013 Rmbp 15inch, and iPhone 5, i've also owned iPad 2 and iPad Mini.

Just find the new iPads boring, extremely predictable, and was looking for a new experience.

Seriously? A new experience? What would that be? The thumb ID? When you say new experience, I'm thinking 3d interfaces or telepathic links. What did you think this round of devices would deliver?


macrumors 6502a
May 17, 2009
Los Angeles, CA
So errr, went to buy an iPad, from Apple, and instead ended up in Argos.

Congratulations on your purchase, OP! A friend of mine just got the 2013 N7 and I played around with it. Was very impressed with it. For me and my needs, I feel like for my mini gives me more utility with all the apps I use and the easy syncing with my iPhone and Mac. Surely, that similar synchronization can be had with a Nexus and iPhone, or iPad and Android/ Nexus phone, but there'll be some hits and misses in that synchronization. That's what keeps me from wandering in the Nexus waters. I am curious, though!

One thing I noticed is you noted being bored by your device. I definitely get that, the wow factor has definitely waned for iOS devices. What keeps me is the continued third-party app innovation - even with iOS limitations - and the "it simply works" mantra of my mini.


macrumors 68000
Jun 21, 2009
Central, Louisiana
I would certainly buy a Nexus device, but I do not care for the Nexus 7. I purchased both the original and 2013 models. I just think the screen is to small after having an iPad mini. Now rumor has it that Google will be releasing a Nexus 8 and with an 8" screen I will certainly buy again.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 12, 2012
Currently on an air and while it's great in many many areas...

I will be purchasing a n10 or n8 if that is released.

I too feel as if apple dropped the ball on tablets this year. They NEED more memory, For my purposes google will take my money on this one.


macrumors 6502
Sep 30, 2012
Nice to see this thread has remained civil and Inenjoyed reading about experience on the other side.

For me I enjoy the stability and aesthetics of the iPad. iOS 7 also made things a little more fun for me as well on both my iPhone and iPad. I'm glad there are different options out there but I've grown comfortable with the Apple ecosystem. After Playing around on a Galaxy Note I actually was glad I made the choice I did but my friend with his Note and Galxy Watch is quite content with it.


macrumors Core
Feb 9, 2008
Some of us enjoy the iOS ecosystem and therefore must stay with the iPad.

I congratulate you on your flexibility; gives you a lot of choices and value.

Phil A.

Moderator emeritus
Apr 2, 2006
Shropshire, UK
A year ago, I had an iPad, an iPad Mini, iPhone 4S, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air and an iMac. Today only my iMac remains and that's running Windows Server 2012: A Note 3 has replaced my iPhone, a Nexus 7 2013 has replaced my mini and a Surface Pro has replaced my Macbook pro, macbook air and iPad

I still enjoy MacRumors and hope one day Apple will get its mojo back, but for me, personally, I think they've lost their way and are treading water with their designs across the board


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
I've got a 2013 Rmbp 15inch, and iPhone 5, i've also owned iPad 2 and iPad Mini.

Just find the new iPads boring, extremely predictable, and was looking for a new experience.
When I read your first post I had the assumption you were shopping for your first tablet. If you've previously owned 2 iPads, I'm surprised you didn't know what to expect or indeed what you were expecting to be massively different with the iPad Air? The Air is simply an iPad that is thinner, and a hell of a lot faster than its predecessors. I feel its what the iPad should have been all along.

Its nice to see you enjoy a change though I have to say. I must admit for me the Nexus 7 and iPad Air are like apples and oranges. The Nexus is a great little tablet and I enjoyed having a play around with it, but like anything, you get what you pay for and for me the Air is worth the extra cash, for my needs at least. The Nexus is very capable though and I know a couple of people who are very very happy with it. :)


macrumors 603
Nov 7, 2004
Saved my self £220 if i bought the air and £160 if i had of bought the mini both 32Gb

You would have saved yourself another £20 if you had gone to Tesco instead of Argos and even more if you had bought from Amazon where the price at time of posting is £208 from Amazon and £207 from a third party but also fulfilled by Amazon.

Patience is a virtue which rewards your wallet.


macrumors 603
Jun 7, 2011
You have a right to your opinion.... Even though it sucks!

See? This is what some of the posters above referred to - name calling and the like. Pretty common from Apple fanbois.

Nexus is a good product, ipad a superior product.

While I, generally, use my iPad 4 more than my Nexus 7.2 because the former is better for web browsing (particularly jailbroken and using the tweaks f.lux and Safari Fullscreen), there are some areas the current crop of Nexuses are superior to any iPads.

1. Any f.lux-alikes on the iPad? Nope. You have to suffer with its bluish screen backlight until (if...) the jailbreak arrives.

2. What about lightning HDMI, compared to that of the industry-standard, lag-free, non-recompressing SlimPort? The latter is far superior.

3. what about the screen quality (e.g., gamut, image retention) of the rMini? Even the really cheap Nexus 7 is far better...

4. what about stereo speakers? The stereo speakers on the Nexus 7.2 blow the (in Landscape) mono speaker(s) of all iPads models out of the water. The former are a godsend particularly if you often watch videos without headphones.

etc. And I haven't even touched the absolutely stunning features of the Samsung Note series; for example, multi-window multitask (absolutely impossible on iOS, not even via jailbreaking if you're on iOS6+) or Wacom pen support.

All in all, there certainly are a lot of areas where Nexus devices are far superior to Apple.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 26, 2013
We'll, I've tried myself doing some "proof of concept" with the new Nexus. Tested two devices. First one had dust under the screen. Second one never wanted to update to the latest OS revision although I did try every trick posted online. User interface was a bit laggy. Screen not bad although nothing compared to an ipad air. Basically, the Nexus 7 is a budget tablet with garbage finish, crappy integration, slow system, lacking applications... People complain about the lack of ram in the new ipad. I'm really happy about my new 128gb ipad air. It's much faster than any tablet in the market, including the new Surface 2. Nexus 7 2 is way behind, from a user perspective and a benchmark one.

Nexus 7 PPI: 323
iPad Air PPI: 263

Dont see how you nexus 7 screen is 'nothing' on iPad Air...

It's okay mate, for the price you paid for your iPad i could of bought 2 Nexus 7's and had enough left for an iPad mini as well. But hey, as long as the apple boys happy.


Seriously? A new experience? What would that be? The thumb ID? When you say new experience, I'm thinking 3d interfaces or telepathic links. What did you think this round of devices would deliver?

I couldnt give 2 ***** about touch ID i think you mean? Hence why im sticking with the iPhone 5. What did i think they'd deliver? Well exactly what they did, faster this faster that, better camera i think? Retina display for mini... no surprises, and all stuff thats been known on these forums months in advance.


macrumors 603
Jun 7, 2011
People complain about the lack of ram in the new ipad. I'm really happy about my new 128gb ipad air.

RAM != storage. Even your 128G iPad contains only 1GB of RAM. Now, try opening more than 5 tabs in Safari and you'll see why (tech-savy) iOS people demand more than 1GB of RAM.

It's much faster than any tablet in the market, including the new Surface 2.

Come on - the Surface 2 is a budget-priced machine compared to the iPad.

Nexus 7 2 is way behind, from a user perspective and a benchmark one.

... also factor in the vast price difference?


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 26, 2013
When I read your first post I had the assumption you were shopping for your first tablet. If you've previously owned 2 iPads, I'm surprised you didn't know what to expect or indeed what you were expecting to be massively different with the iPad Air? The Air is simply an iPad that is thinner, and a hell of a lot faster than its predecessors. I feel its what the iPad should have been all along.

Its nice to see you enjoy a change though I have to say. I must admit for me the Nexus 7 and iPad Air are like apples and oranges. The Nexus is a great little tablet and I enjoyed having a play around with it, but like anything, you get what you pay for and for me the Air is worth the extra cash, for my needs at least. The Nexus is very capable though and I know a couple of people who are very very happy with it. :)

Thats the thing, i knew EXACTLY what to expect which is what made it boring, if i'd have got one, i would of been bored of it by now, they are merely extensions of iPhones, nothing else really. And thats the thing with Apple, thin thin thin thin... how about some function over form for once?! Not just talking about iPads here....


You would have saved yourself another £20 if you had gone to Tesco instead of Argos and even more if you had bought from Amazon where the price at time of posting is £208 from Amazon and £207 from a third party but also fulfilled by Amazon.

Patience is a virtue which rewards your wallet.

Haha yeah i know dude, but Apple/Argos are literally within pyjama wearing distance of my flat.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
Was there a point to this thread and I assumed it was moved from the iPad fora.

Regardless OP many folks here on the alternatives section already have been using the Nexus 7 2013 for a while.

I ended up selling mine as though I liked the screen I didn't like the on screen buttons taking up real estate, especially annoying in games. Also the bezels top and bottom were disproportionate for my aesthetic tastes. I also found it too small for web browsing personally, and strange in 16:10 portrait mode

I then went to the LG Gpad 8.3 but found that very dodgy software wise though the increased screen size was noticeable improvement over the Nexus 7 2013.

However it's terrible performance in simple games like Rayman and it's in your face animations grew irksome very quickly.

I then bought a retina iPad mini and whilst iOS 7 drives me nuts. For me it's still the best tablet and the cost wise - the difference was worth it.

The LG Gpad 8.3 is €340 here, it's very plastic on the top and bottom and the performance is shocking for a device in it's price range (compared to the Nexus 7 for example). The fact that the iPad Retina Mini is €60 more is negligible given the difference in user experience and app performance which has been stellar for me so far.

From now on I think I'll be sticking to the Note line of phones (love my Note 3) and the mini line of iPads for my portable tablet & phone usage.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 26, 2013
See? This is what some of the posters above referred to - name calling and the like. Pretty common from Apple fanbois.

While I, generally, use my iPad 4 more than my Nexus 7.2 because the former is better for web browsing (particularly jailbroken and using the tweaks f.lux and Safari Fullscreen), there are some areas the current crop of Nexuses are superior to any iPads.

1. Any f.lux-alikes on the iPad? Nope. You have to suffer with its bluish screen backlight until (if...) the jailbreak arrives.

2. What about lightning HDMI, compared to that of the industry-standard, lag-free, non-recompressing SlimPort? The latter is far superior.

3. what about the screen quality (e.g., gamut, image retention) of the rMini? Even the really cheap Nexus 7 is far better...

4. what about stereo speakers? The stereo speakers on the Nexus 7.2 blow the (in Landscape) mono speaker(s) of all iPads models out of the water. The former are a godsend particularly if you often watch videos without headphones.

etc. And I haven't even touched the absolutely stunning features of the Samsung Note series; for example, multi-window multitask (absolutely impossible on iOS, not even via jailbreaking if you're on iOS6+) or Wacom pen support.

All in all, there certainly are a lot of areas where Nexus devices are far superior to Apple.

Well said, an as for those people that complain about the bezel, it makes it a hell of alot easier watching films in landscape whilst holding without touching the screen (which you can lock anyway... bah!)... so there function over form people!


macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
Thats the thing, i knew EXACTLY what to expect which is what made it boring, if i'd have got one, i would of been bored of it by now, they are merely extensions of iPhones, nothing else really. And thats the thing with Apple, thin thin thin thin... how about some function over form for once?! Not just talking about iPads here....

The Nexus 7 functions just like an oversized Nexus phone. There are far more tablet optimised apps on iOS than Android. Heck the difference in simple apps like Google Currents on the iPad mini compared to the Nexus 7 is a clear example where the iPad benefits from additional rows and columns whereas on the Nexus 7 it's just formatted as it would be on a phone.


Well said, an as for those people that complain about the bezel, it makes it a hell of alot easier watching films in landscape whilst holding without touching the screen (which you can lock anyway... bah!)... so there function over form people!

Your being very forgiving - overly so !! Who are you trying to convince here ? It's starting to come across very fan boyish if truth be told.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 26, 2013
The Nexus 7 functions just like an oversized Nexus phone. There are far more tablet optimised apps on iOS than Android. Heck the difference in simple apps like Google Currents on the iPad mini compared to the Nexus 7 is a clear example where the iPad benefits from additional rows and columns whereas on the Nexus 7 it's just formatted as it would be on a phone.


Your being very forgiving - overly so !! Who are you trying to convince here ? It's starting to come across very fan boyish if truth be told.

Not trying to convince anyone? Merely just trying to stat fact... Apple people dont like that though do they and only the open minded ones can accept it.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
Not trying to convince anyone? Merely just trying to stat fact... Apple people dont like that though do they and only the open minded ones can accept it.

But your opinion is just as close minded. The mere fact you are putting users into pidgin holes is testament to that. Step back and look at your posts as third party.. and stopped trying to 'preach' it is very patronising.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 26, 2013
But your opinion is just as close minded. The mere fact you are putting users into pidgin holes is testament to that. Step back and look at your posts as third party.. and stopped trying to 'preach' it is very patronising.

Okay forum police, no, its not, my opinion is one that i can now clearly decipher and convey to others after owning 2 iPads and an Android tablet, i have experience from both worlds, which you obviously do not as well as other people on this forum, i havent ever slated the iPad have i? How about stop trying to be a moderator and YOU be open minded ;).


macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
i have experience from both worlds, which you obviously do not ;).

Would you actually like to care to read my first post in this thread.

Likewise if you knew how many devices like the regulars in this section do - that I have owned this year - you would realise how silly you sound now.

Seriously what was the point of your thread other than to patronise and put the back up people ?
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