Well said, an as for those people that complain about the bezel, it makes it a hell of alot easier watching films in landscape whilst holding without touching the screen (which you can lock anyway... bah!)... so there function over form people!
BTW, I haven't even mentioned some stuff I find much superior in the Nexus series:
- Qi recharging. Man, that IS vastly superior. No need to suffer with recharging cables any more - my Nexus 7.2 works just great in a (rather thick) case with a quite cheap (it cost some $28 with postage fees to Europe at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00E7NEZXE/ref=oh_details_o01_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 ) Qi charger just fine. I haven't inserted a microUSB cable in my Nexus for ages for plain recharging (but not for USB OTG or HDMI!)
- speaking of the USB port, what about USB OTG? You can stream multimedia content (without the need to even root!) to many media players from an external memory card / stick. Can you do the same on iOS, via the CCK? Nope. Your only hope is the jailbreak - if it'll ever come. In addition, even $1-$2 USB OTG cables work just fine - while Apple's CCK costs $30+.
- what about external mice support? It's supported by stock Android just fine - over both Bluetooth and a USB OTG cable. There's absolutely no mouse support in iOS.
- what about other industry standards like
a, MicaCast / WiDi? You can use tons of different (even very cheap) MicaCast receivers to receive these streams. Apple uses AirPlay, which isn't a commonly used industry standard.
b, microUSB? While I agree it's more fragile than the Lightning connector, it's also standardized and, if you do use Qi for recharging, you'll rarely need to use it. However, it's there and can be used with any (even very cheap) charger and cable. (How much do Apple ask for Lightning adapters / cables?) And, again, it also supports SlimPort VGA / HDMI out, which is vastly superior to Apple's inherently flawed VGA / HDMI output implementation over Lightning.
Your being very forgiving - overly so !! Who are you trying to convince here ? It's starting to come across very fan boyish if truth be told.
He's right in that, thanks to the large top/bottom bezels, the Nexus 7 can very easily be held in one hand, by the right (for lefties, left) bezel when in landscape. I, when walking around the building and browsing the Web at the same time on my N7.2, exclusively keep the device this way. That is, by grabbing it by the right bezel (in LS). Much more convenient than grabbing it via the opposing bezels via the entire palm.
That is, I don't consider the thick top/bottom bezels a disadvantage either, particularly because the left/right ones are pretty narrow. That is, the N7.2 remains genuinely pocketable in almost all my even shirt front pockets (unlike the definitely wider rMini) - it's "only" the top/bottom bezels that are thick, not the left/right ones.