The browsing experience is pretty nice. It's right up there with the laptop for speed of access and screen handling. The keyboard is very nice, but it's the landscape keyboard that is more impressive. The main thing that makes the on-screen keyboard a bit slower, is that you have to key a key to access the keyboard layout with numbers, the apostrophe and quotes. Otherwise, for typical stuff, I can almost type on it like I would on the Laptop. Bare in mind, the feel is a little different without physical keys, but the size and response of them allow me to type pretty fast.
Otherwise, it's really very good sans the flash support. Though it does have its surprises. Certain Facebook apps actually work on Ipad, when using the Safari browser to view it. Definitely not the heavier Flash apps like Farmville and such, but apps like Castle Age actually run on Ipad Safari. Something that fails on the iPhone safari. The only oddity being that whenever you issue a command, during the time Castle age is preparing the server to update your page and you see the swirly icon, it pops up your Ipad keyboard. But along with the finish of the page update, when the swirly wait symbol disappears, the keyboard goes away again. Nothing that gets in the way of the app, but just a presentation quirk.
Back to the browser. I would say that it won't beat the laptop for text entry, of course. Not with the on-screen keyboard. But it's quite arguably the best browser controls of the bunch, particularly for typical mouse-type activities. Plus it merges the nice bookmark bar functionality of the full-scale desktop/laptop safari in it. Performance-wise, the iPad eats safari for breakfast and then some. I think Apple is putting their money where their mouth is when it comes to the claim of Safari's web page performance.