Pin? This isn't Pinterest. If you mean download, write download. It has been pointed out to you many times now that you can:
A.) Load music onto your device (USB, wifi, whatever). Google music player will find that--even if you never once had an internet connection.
B.) Have Google music scan and upload your music library to the cloud where you can either stream it or download it to your device (or any combination of either).
I don't know any other option one could possibly want to load music, other than pre-ordering a device with your choice of music already loaded (ain't gonna happen).
I said pin because a pin icon is used in Google Music when doing this. I've also seen the term 'pin' used many times. Perhaps due to popularity of Pinterest in recent times I should avoid using such a term.
I'm going to say this
one last time. I can't stress enough how much I am tired of this nonsense. You guys are all saying the same things or bringing up things I never even said in the first place. If ANYONE wants to continue this, you can PM me. Otherwise my contributions in this thread are over from this point forward.
When you make your music available offline, from your Google Music collection (not your locally stored music), you are creating a temporary cache onto your device. You are indeed limited to how much you can download for offline use based on the amount of local storage on your device.
Why is this relevant? Well let's take me for example. My music collection stands roughly at 50 GB at all times. I've already expressed to you my desire to have access to all this music at all times.
Now, I can of course use Google Music to play all this music via wi-fi or data. I can even pin/download this music for offline use. However, I cannot pin/download
all my music unless my smartphone has space locally for my entire collection. If my smartphone had that much space to begin with, I'd be storing my music locally from the start.
So no, Google Music will not work entirely for me. Again, it's a great service, but still cannot touch the availability of all my music in all situations. Again, like I said to you already Michael, there are indeed situations where I want access to all my music and I will not have access to wi-fi or data, nor will I be able to store my music offline because there is simply not enough room locally on my device.
That's what I said from the start and yet you and others feel the need to respond. Except your responses don't lead to anything and often bring up issues or things I never was discussing in the first place.
And with that, I'm done. Again, PM me if you want, but I won't be responding to more responses on this thread.