Know what you mean- it killed me when I bought the ruby red classic buckle only to be disappointed with the actual color. It’s also amazing what lighting conditions can do. It’s funny you mentioned royal blue, I think the Denim blue is closer to that then Azure.Thanks for posting this - nice to see what it looks like "in real life" instead of in Apple's achingly-perfect-but-sometimes-misleading product photos. Thought it was close to Azure, now it seems a little darker and more saturated, partway in between Azure and Blue Cobalt. I might need this. Sigh. Wonder how it compares to Royal Blue (which I decided I wanted, too late).
(Next I want a purple with more red in it than Ultraviolet - which looks really good in the photos, but too close to a dark blue in real life. I need 50/50 mix of red & blue. C'mon Apple!)