How are you getting updates done, then?(
well, its been quite a fiasco.
1. to update the OCZ 120GB Vertex 2 with Mac OS on it in my Mac Pro: first i had to clone the SSD drive over to another hard drive. then i booted from the cloned Mac OS, and formatted the SSD to exFat with Apple disk utility so it would be recognized by Windows 7. then i booted into Windows 7 Boot Camp and formatted the exFat SSD to NTFS. then i downloaded the firmware upgrade utility v1.32 from OCZ's website. i ran the utility and upgraded that SSD to firmware v1.32. then i boot back into my cloned Mac OS, and clone that back over the SSD with the new firmware v1.32.
2. to update the OCZ 80GB Vertex 2 in my Macbook Pro: first i cloned the Mac OS from that SSD over to another hard drive (external USB hard drive), then i removed that SSD and installed it into one of the empty SATA drive bays in my Mac Pro. then i booted my Mac Pro into Mac OS and formatted the SSD to exFat. then i booted into Windows 7 Boot Camp and used the OCZ firmware update utility to upgrade the firmware on that to v1.32. then i just shutdown the Mac Pro and removed that 80GB SSD and installed it back into my Macbook Pro, and cloned the Mac OS back onto the SSD, and i was ready to go.
3. to update the 120GB Vertex 2 that is my dedicated Windows 7 Boot Camp partition in my Mac Pro: i booted up into the Mac OS, and very stupidly used Winclone to clone my Windows 7 Boot Camp partition (it did not restore correctly). in the Mac OS i formatted this SSD to exFat also. then i created a new Boot Camp partition on another hard drive and installed windows 7 (did not activate it). then i booted into that Boot Camp partition, downloaded the OCZ firmware upgrade utility and updated that SSD to firmware v1.32. then i booted back into Mac OS, erased the new Boot Camp partition i had created, and tried to restore my old Boot Camp partition through Winclone, but it did not work...i got errors...i was really pissed off. since that did not work, i just created new Boot Camp partition on the updated SSD.
all this just to update the firmware on these OCZ SSDs???!!! if i were you, i would not use Winclone to backup your Boot Camp partition if your running OSX Snow Leopard..its not supported. someone please make an application that will successfully backup and restore a Boot Camp partition
just so you know, i started having problems with one of my OCZ 120GB SSDs yesterday evening. i called OCZ technical support today and they told me one of the SSDs was package and labeled wrong. it was 80GB even though it was labeled as 120GB....what a terrible mistake on the part of OCZ. they wanted to do an RMA where I paid for shipping....i wasn't going to pay anything extra for OCZs mistake, so i decided to return those two 120GB OCZ SSDs back to my local Micro Center, and i ordered two new OWC SSDs this afternoon.
don't get me wrong...i don't think there is anything wrong with OCZ SSDs in general (i have one 80GB Vertex 2 running for months with no problems at all),f but for the amount of money these SSDs cost me, i just feel more comfortable with OWC SSDs. OCZ doesn't officially support the Mac OS, but OWC does.