Indeed, but also remember this film was in trouble, Colin Trevorrow stepped down (or was fired, I don't know), and Gareth Edwards steps in and orders a new ending, major rewrites and a lot of reshoots. Some charachters that we were looking forward to seeing more of, lost out, such as Saw Gerrera.
I'm not complaining, because Disney and Edwards made the right decisions, and the final product was excellent. Aside from the original trilogy, this is the best Star Wars movie.
The trouble with producing new films for a beloved franchise is complex imo.
First new movies will almost always mess with people's ideals of what that franchise ought to be. There's no way to get around this, Luke's new force powers are a prime example. You cannot tell a new story without introducing new elements. You can't have new plots, new situations when you're using the same charachters, abilities and flaws as the original film. It just becomes a retread, i.e., complaints about Force Awakens.
The second issue is flamiliarty breeds contempt. What I mean by this is that for many people, Star Wars is special and part of that specialness is its rareity. We have the orginal trilogy, we then had the new prequels, and some of the cartoons that filled the storyline for the prequels. Now we're seeing annual releases, and I think that may very well dilute the brand. It stops being special because its not rare.
I agree!
I was very dissapointed that we could enjoy these new characters for only one movie. And as you know, my chastising of the 7&8 involves blantantly recycling, not nearly enough new. The franchise does not deserve to live if the best they can do is put the viewer in a glorified time loop. I specifically don’t want been there, done that because it diminishes the original trilogy.
I also agree with the danger of dilution, especially magnified if they are making bad movies. Here my focus on bad concerns the inability, or worse the calculated $$$ choice of not telling a great NEW story, instead reliance on milking old ideas. As far as my entertainment expectations, it greatly concerns me.
I mean the number of similarities that 7 has with what came before is blatantly obvious to the extent that it’s a crutch, which I can only assume is because of a dearth of the originality and creativity required to keep the franchise respectable and healthy.
Besides beautiful cinematography and being bothered that everyone dies, subsequent viewings of Rogue One has made me aware that this movie is amazingly true to the vibe of the original trilogy, it lands solidly in that SWSP (Star Wars Special Place)