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I played through the whole thing in about an hour and a half, and I'm not at all a hardcore gamer. The motion based controls are fun, but not worth the $10. I'm going to leave a bad review on iTunes as well so that more people don't wast their money. So disappointing.
ok i was probably the first person to buy this this morning, i've had about an hours worth of play here and there, im on level 3 now, and to be honest, it isn't all that exciting. i mean, if this was an actual resident evil style game where we got to control the character and move around and fight, it would be alot more fun, but all we, the players, can do is do hand gestures here and there and and the character reacts and does stuff, honestly it gets a bit repetitive.

not worth $10 in my opinion. although the graphics are lovely for a phone game, and it's very well put together.


visuals and design
pretty fun for star wars fans


can get repetitive
music gets boring fast
no interaction with environment
as the player, you feel almost detached from the game with limited control, almost like you're watching a animated film.

score: 3/5
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Devil's Refugee said:
Whilst I applaud the technical achievement, the game is boring as Hoth.

Repetitive, gesture based, on the rails.

Let's hope the real version on the consoles are a lot better.

Played the demo for the console one from xbox live and I was very dissapointed. Granted it is just a demo but still after all the hype I can't believe it's just a rehash of the Jedi knight series on pc, think Jedi academy. I'm not saying it's a terrible game I just expected more. The ddm molecular thing they keep talking about is used sparingly on doors on and trees but never to it's full extent. Euphoria is cool though watching stormtroopers grab on to crates as they are picked up by the force.

It's a good game but nothing revolutionary.


So it's not a full game then?

I guess I'll be getting the Wii version of this game only then.

... I hate companies that put out partial versions of their games and give it the same title. So many "cross platform games" on the DS are just lousy spin-offs of the real game... not even ports. At least Spore for the iPhone was called Spore: Origins so you could distinguish it from the real game and know that it is not in fact the real game and there is a significant difference.

... it made me wary of Peggle for the iPod (which it turns out was almost a perfect duplication of the PC version but at only 1/4 the price :) I really couldn't care less that replays aren't available and that the character models arn't in 3D. As long as the levels, powerups, and challenges are the same (and duel mode is still included,) then I'll gladly take it. Not so with many other games.


Not to get too off topic, but I totally agree about the first point. Go take a look at the Wii version of NCAA Football. It's disgusting. Aside from crapping "All Play" on the box, you'd think it's pretty much the same as the PS3 and 360 games, sans a little graphic wow. Nope. Not a single online feature, some in-game stuff that makes it look like "Backyard Football," etc. etc. I read reviews for how great the game is. Problem is the reviewer barely mentions that he's only reviewing for one platform.

Using the Spore: Origins title is definitely appreciated. The "Lite" versions of all the paid games are also good so we can try them out first -- although I'd prefer a 7-day demo instead.
After watching the video of the game... It got a bit boring 'cause it seemed so repetitive. Oh well! I'd hope that there's more to it than making those couple gestures the entire time.

Hopefully I'll be proved wrong? Don't know that I'll pay $10 'just to find out' :)
Its fun but too repetitive and not worth the money. Some of the lines were hard to understand too, which was an annoyance.
4/10 imho.
This sounds like it's a good contender to convince apple that there needs to be a try-before-you-buy mechanism in the store. Download and play anything for free for a developer-determined amount of time. At the end of the trial period, iPhone says "keep or delete", and if you keep, you pay.

Sadly, the solution now is to clutter the store with "free" versions of paid games.
It looks kind of boring. lol

How difficult is it to learn Cocoa? What languages does it compare to?
I've actually only used Touring way back when, and I'm an intermediate ActionScripter, so I know the structure and such. My learning curve shouldn't be too bad.

I have an idea for a game! And I want to play it! It's unlike any breakout game you've encountered before. It'll be challenging! I'll build it in Flash first.

Maybe if I can learn Cocoa (is it Cocoa? Or something else for iPhone?) I can release an iPhone version.
its late and im not very good at these sorts of games but what does this mean?

It means their QC let some terrible text slip through. I can't tell you what level that text is but I wouldn't be surprised if it was 12th grade, or higher. A game should obviously shoot lower than that.


"To defend you must follow the red pattern. Press and drag your finger anywhere on the screen. Draw the pattern in the direction of the lit corner. If more than one corner is lit, you have to follow all of them to defend."

Not having played the game I'm making an assumption on what it looks like from the way they described it. Is that easier to understand?
Yeah, I think I'm going to pass on this one (unless it drops in price). I was worried about the gameplay being too boring or repetitive from the very first video that was shown, and the majority of reviews have confirmed my fears.

I'd rather have less-impressive graphics and better gameplay in a game, but that's just me...
based on the video, it looks extremely boring, unimaginative, and very repetitive. I guess this is for ten year olds?

and :rolleyes: constantly holding a sword that way like a kali silat knife or escrima stick is ridiculous
Finished in 90 minutes - it's nice, but not worth the $10. However - it does show you how the multi-touch could have a LOT more gestures - it uses circles, a pair of mirrored "alpha" symbols and so on.
I'd imagine there would be a lot more gameplay with Spore. I think that if someone can link in their game to a console game, a PC game, then there would be more impetus. To be able to add gold to your alts on WoW through a mobile version (through trading for example).

1.0 game. Kinda reminded me of Sam and Max, or some other older text based Lucas Arts games (the one with a pirate - doh - Monkey Island). But then this is just starting on a phone. By 2 years time, i'd fully expect to see something pushing out HD - their are the graphics engines, the chips for it. We'll see, but there can be a lot more for games.

Interface good, too linear, too short.

Ok - random tangent - Seeing that Lucasarts could put their classic games through to the iPhone - Monkey Island intro - Did Madagascar copy a little?
ok i should have read up about this before i bought it but when i heard star wars i had to buy.
what a let down:confused: I'm trying to stick with only because it cost me nearly 6 quid but im afraid its heading for the trash.
icopter is far better:cool:
Here's a good review of it. So true!


Yup, that's right. This isn't a good football game. I'm still surprised this game still has 4 stars :confused:.
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