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That's awesome. I love when Apple does things like this. I wonder if Steve Martin will get to use one at the Oscars.

So far, the only people I've heard (in the real world) complaining about lack of multitasking are just Apple-bashers. No actual iPhone owner has yet to tell me they wished they could multitasker.

I am an actual iPhone owner, and I wish it had some limited 3rd party multitasking capabilities. Or at least some form of advanced notification system where the app could register a specific callback subroutine to run whenever a notification is received.
Dammit Chloe...!!!

If you truly believe the former, then you've been blind for 15 years! Remember Seinfeld? He had iMacs on his desk through the whole series, a new model every time it came out. And that's only one example. Depending on what you watch, there's a pretty high chance you'll see an Apple product used on screen, even on the Big Screen. This bit was just one of the more blatant examples.
Have you ever seen Chloe O'Brian using anything other than a Mac to help Jack Bauer save the world?


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1. There were armed guards that handed it to him as he entered the stage and took it from him as he left the stage.

2. Product placement. This is a clear example of a product placement effort. The real news is what was the quid pro quo?

3. Lifestyle. Given this was such a vastly public display of the device and how it is "handled", you WILL note it was pulled from an inside pocket of a dress jacket. That raises several issues.

a. What do you do on casual Fridays?

b. Do we now have to have iSuits compatible with iPads?

c. What do you do with your iPad when you hang your suit coat up and sit at your desk or go to a meeting? :D

It's all about the iPad, isn't it?

Steve assisted Google with some negative press and Google spiked themselves, precisely at the time iPad was announced. Dudes, get a clue on product announce interfaces.

Hi Steve. :)


Invest in!
Put suit based internal pocket plans on the internet!
BTO recharger option!
Ofc it was a product placement...

My point is that it is very bad one!

1. Was hilarious to see the guy taking it out from his pocket (as if anyone would be caring it that way!).

2. Quick cut to unimpressed face of Nicole K.

3. Background sound of laughter (instead of applause or cheer for example)

4. Do I look cool with this question...

5. Cut to unimpressed body language answer to it...


first its probably funny that the daughter made a face to many people

and people are laughing because the guy is a comedian, not Stalin
There is a world outside of USA...

I am sure you are aware of this fact :)

yes i am aware of this. i have lived in europe and japan all my life.

Perhaps for American audience, American sense of humour, American glamour and pop world, American what not... this was one smok'n damn funny thing and awesome advertisement - to me - was pretty much the opposite...

so, if you have no idea about "American audience, American sense of humour, American glamour and pop world" what made you get involved in a discussion about how an american audience would understand a product placement at an american glamour and pop event hosted by someone famous in america for his american sense of humour ???????

that's like saying "political satire on japanese TV isn't funny"... when you don't know japanese politics, you have no idea who the host, who it's aimed at, and you don't understand the language.

your lack of grasping american pop culture and consumer tactics is equal to "not speaking american"
Ah sorry...

In that case we agree :)

Anyone who has slightest clue about TV, media, editing techniques and similar will know that this was very very bad...

That's where we will disagree. I have all of the above and thought it was very funny, which is all it needed to be. No-one cares what the audience reaction was really, they were too far away to really know what was going on.
yes i am aware of this. i have lived in europe and japan all my life.

so, if you have no idea about "American audience, American sense of humour, American glamour and pop world" what made you get involved in a discussion about how an american audience would understand a product placement at an american glamour and pop event hosted by someone famous in america for his american sense of humour ???????

that's like saying "political satire on japanese TV isn't funny"... when you don't know japanese politics, you have no idea who the host, who it's aimed at, and you don't understand the language.

your lack of grasping american pop culture and consumer tactics is equal to "not speaking american"

Quite a statement to write on a RUMOR site :D

(analogy between Rumors/Don't know anything about the argument i'm writing about. If the world would work this way, this forum wouldn't exist, as it is based on rumors)

EDIT: one day a master of mine asked me this question. "Have you ever be to Australia?" I answered "no." So he told me: "Then how do you know it exist?" -"Well, I base my hypothesis on the informations that I have." -"And how do you know your informations are correct" -"because my sources are most secure." -"Are you sure they are?" So I started to think about a good answer, and he said "Maybe australia will never exist until you'll get there."
I'm sure Apple had no idea he was going on the Grammy's (at least the Apple team that decides who gets the advanced merchandise) and would pull it out.

Seriously, some of the comments in the thread are hilarious.

Apple is master of product marketing. They provide “promotional consideration” for many of the most popular shows including 24, House, etc.

Do you really think Apple didn’t know Colbert was going to show it off at the Grammy’s? They were a sponsor of the show. There were even lower-thirds on the screen for you to go to iTunes to download stuff.

Not to mention, there were at least one iPhone 3GS commercial during the broadcast and they have Grammy stuff all over the “front door” of iTunes today.

By the way, the DP of 24 said on Twitter that Jack Bauer will be using an iPad in an episode in the near future.
so, if you have no idea about "American audience, American sense of humour, American glamour and pop world" what made you get involved in a discussion about how an american audience would understand a product placement at an american glamour and pop event hosted by someone famous in america for his american sense of humour ???????

that's like saying "political satire on japanese TV isn't funny"... when you don't know japanese politics, you have no idea who the host, who it's aimed at, and you don't understand the language.

your lack of grasping american pop culture and consumer tactics is equal to "not speaking american"

I was going to post something similar, I find it funny that the people on this thread take this story WAY to seriously. Its kind of like how a lot of Americans don't get British humor. Doesn't mean its not funny. It was product placement at its finest to get "The Word" out. It worked.
EDIT: one day a master of mine asked me this question. "Have you ever be to Australia?" I answered "no." So he told me: "Then how do you know it exist?" -"Well, I base my hypothesis on the informations that I have." -"And how do you know your informations are correct" -"because my sources are most secure." -"Are you sure they are?" So I started to think about a good answer, and he said "Maybe australia will never exist until you'll get there."

That seems like a fascinating story, unless you have ever taken a Phil 101 class and realize that you're confusing ontology with epistemology.
Is there any show on TV that displays Macs more than 30 Rock? The show looks like an Apple store.
Some of you guys are incredible... seriously, Microsoft placed the iPad? Oh wow... I highly doubt Ballmer would like to pull a publicity stunt for Apple.

Also, Colbert flashed it in a highly viewed program, very clever of Apple, why? Not all America is tech savy or knowing like many of us, hence not many know what the hell the iPad is. Now, they looked at it, and will Google it, and if I am not mistaken, Google has already placed iPad's website on the 2nd results, with news of the iPad in 1st...

Great product placement.
Does anyone know about Stephen Colbert starring in a movie? I hear a rumor from a friend

This is news to me but it already sounds like the greatest movie yet to be made. Could it be the Captain America movie? He already has the shield.
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