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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 10, 2008
2G/3G iPhone 2.1 jailbreak tutorial -by geeb

DISCLAIMER: May break be dragonz. Blame phi|o


Download the 2.1 firmware:

for 3g:,2_2.1_5F136_Restore.ipsw

or for 2g:,1_2.1_5F136_Restore.ipsw

install itunes v8 ( <-- all versions of itunes are there

Update the iphone with iTunes and make sure it is activated!

Uninstall iTunes v8

Uninstall Apple Mobile Device Support (From Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel)

Install itunes v7.7.*

Download quickpwn with the correct 2.1 bundle inside it

Run your iPhone1,2_2.1_5F136_Restore.ipsw or iPhone1,1_2.1_5F136_Restore.ipsw

you can select cydia and installer and logos if you wish

When it is finished the phone will reboot...Cydia and Installer will NOT be visible

Download TotalCommander <--
Download t-pot addon <--

Install TotalCommander and in the left pane navigate to and click on it. It will install t-pot automatically.

Download the mobileinstallation patch <--

Use Totalcommander to install patched mobileinstallation to /System/Library/PrivateFrameWorks/MobileInstallation.framework ... clickon the dropdown box [-\-] top left and select network neighbourhood then t-pot. Remeber to back up your original mobileinstallation first!

Still in TotalCommander delete /private/var/mobile/Library/Caches/

Reboot the phone and all is good!

Thanks to the #xpwn crew...
according to the BossTeam it does indeed work but installed 3rd party apps wont show up on the springboard which makes the whole thing kinda pointless
to fix the problem with the applications not showing up, you have to download the program from cydia called "delcache" and well...delete the cache and your apps are supposed to show up on springboard now :)
So far work's good, Ill explain what dosent work and what does in a few moments.

Doing so more testing...
For the people that are doing this , please comeback and let us know what happened.
So afterwards can you reinstall iTunes 8 or not?

I have also heard that there are a few apps that don't work correctly, like Categories. Can you confirm?
I've just gone through this. I upgraded to 2.1 on my Mac and used a windows laptop with iTunes 7.7.0 to do the actual jailbreak.

The following apps are working fine:

5 Icon Dock
Analogue Charger
and most importantly, Intelliscreen
Everything works fine dont need delcache, cydia has been optimizeed to respring for 2.1.
Does MX Tube and iReboot still work with JB 2.1?

Can you go back to iTunes 8 when you're done with JailBreak?
jailbreak iphone 3g v2.1

hi admin

woooooooooooooooooo it works mate thnxx for d gr88888888888 advice i had to restore my iphone 4 tyms tryin other methods but dis was easy as thnxx alot u r a legend mate
Do apps sync ok and run from iTunes?

They sync and run, however I'm having trouble trying to sync 1password, Things and SplashID with their desktop counterparts.

OpenSSH also doesn't seem to be working.
hi admin
i've performed all d steps as told worked fine but the step involving the patch inst isnt working it says no programs associated wit the patch
plz help

The patched mobileinstallation is not an application. You need to replace the one on the iPhone with the patched version.
Apps sync fine as long as u update back to itunes 8 after your done with the jailbreak. Iphone works as normal. However Cydia and Installer seem a little buggy still. Winterboard randomly act's up also and won't change theme without a reboot at times.
Has anyone tried to see if the T-Zones hack works with this? Its the only thing holding me back right now from doing it. I might just have to be a guinea pig for it though, this is too tempting to pass up (got about a half hour left on all the downloads)
itunes 7.7 cant read library file

says cant read library file cause it was created by newer version of itunes. also cant use total commander cause cant ssh into phone.
whr r they

hi admin i've i'm having a prob with the installer it gives an error saying bad url and another i installed sum apps frm cydia whr do they go i cant find them plzz help
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