How do you ssh into phone to replace mobile installation file when you cant use ctdia to install open ssh?
Use Totalcommander to install patched mobileinstallation to ...
now this quickpwn is this only for macs or can I do this on my PC
Total commander didnt see my iphone. Also tried renaming itunes folder to itunes 2, still got same error message.
to fix the problem with the applications not showing up, you have to download the program from cydia called "delcache" and well...delete the cache and your apps are supposed to show up on springboard now![]()
Has anyone tried to see if the T-Zones hack works with this? Its the only thing holding me back right now from doing it. I might just have to be a guinea pig for it though, this is too tempting to pass up (got about a half hour left on all the downloads)
Instructions plainly say it's for Windows only at the moment. That's because Quickpwn works differently on a Mac and PC.
yes, i know that, thats why i said im on a mac... how do i put installer and cydia on my 2.1 firmware. I've updated it and it retained the jailbreak and its still unlocked so everything works, even t-zones... but i don't have installer and cydia
Just curious but do I have to use iTunes 8 to update to 2.1? I have 7.7.1 installed already and have been using it. I don't want to update to 8.0 then have to uninstall and downgrade back down if I don't have to.
P.S. - iTunes 7.7.1 came up with the 2.1 firmware update notice and won't allow me to sync until it is done...![]()
look in the other thread please, a official quickpwn and pwnage tool is out now and it works with 8.0 so u dont have to downgrade anything