My current setup (which sucks), is made up of my iMac acting as my main computer and entertainment center a 80GB Lacie external HDD, an AirPort Extreme, and my iBook

The iMac has all of my media on it, and streams to my iBook. The most important content (Rolling Stones catalog, and the Beatles Catalog) in my iTunes library is backed up on the LaCie Drive. The iMac is wired to the AEBS, and the iBook is connected wirelessly to the network. I also have my XBOX 360 wired to the AEBS.
I have a DROBO on my christmas wish list, and if I get it, I'll pop 2 1TB drives in it, and split it up in to two partitions. One for TM, and the other for my media. I'll then use it to stream media to my XBOX 360, iBook

, and iMac.
Question to those with a DROBO, do you recommend getting it with drives already in it, or buying them yourself?
Thanks! Another question, will I notice speed differences if I get 7200 or 10000 RPM HDD's? I'll be using FW800, with the DROBO. Will the FW800 cap the speed below what a 7200 or 10000 RPM drive can read and write?