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oh right, so your not completely "up there" with the knowledge of hackintoshes. (sorry to be blunt).

Yea, I know, I'm not a Hack specialist. Thinking about building one though.

there is an installation method known as "Vanilla" - basically, you can upgrade to the latest OS's without any problems at all. its exactly like a mac, once set up it is compatible 100% with your hardware. its not hard to setup either.

Oh, I didn't know. Good to know.

the term "real mac" is used pretty specifically.. but what i think is funny is that if one builds a corei7 machine with say a GTX260 or 8800, that is pretty much an exact MacPro, compatibility will be 100%! if you find a motherboard that is supported as well you simply cannot go wrong. i think the term "real mac" should be redefined to a set of hardware that closely resembles that of an "actual mac".

+ A Mac Pro case from eBay for 50$ and you have a "real" Mac Pro :D

Thanks for info
Customer support isn't that great for Apple actually. :\
Anyways, I really would not suggest an iMac. TONS of people have built or bought Hackintoshes and they work PERFECTLY under Leopard. You need to understand that. Sure, any update could break the machine, but how likely is that..just wait and see if it broke other people's machines before you update :D

I hope this post helps! Good luck.

:D rofl, honestly, thats what i do. thx to those brave men.
about eye vision, that theory is pretty new to me, however, i have super
eye vision, hopefully , it wont be a major problem to me. thx for your friendly write out.

care to back your post up?

I have a tip for you and the iMac though, I say you should wait for the iMac to update to Matte screen - that is the BIGGEST complaint I have about mine right now - after long hours on the computer, for the year that I've had it, my eyes get sore, and they strain often, and I could tell my vision has gotten VERY noticeably worse. This is because of the glass over the LCD panel, the glass flips the display's image upside-down and your eyes simultaneously have to reconstruct the image to make it look right-side-up. This causes huge eye strain and is the last thing you want to do to your eyes.... especially if your vision is not that great in the first place.

Dude, you se everything upside down, your brain is always having to flip it around. anyway, I like the glossy screen better, deeper colors, etc. I would go with the imac. the whole point of a mac is to have a machine and operating system built by the same peeps, so much smoother.
I agree. Core i7s don't work well,

They're getting easier every day.

GPUs are quite limited

Actually, the number of video cards that can be used is far greater than what Apple offers on Macs.

and motherboards too.

There are about a dozen currently made that are easy to use with a vanilla install of OS X.

If you're ready to spend days/weeks to get it work, sure, build a Hackintosh.

It took me about 3 hours to build my first one, then about half an hour to install OS X. My second was about an hour assembly and 30 min of installation. Well spent time, IMO.
When i get my ram back im going to time how long it takes to install OSX on my new rig. EFI partition setup of course. I think i spent about 10 minutes googling drivers and copying them to my thumb drive, so even if it takes me 50 minutes to install and set up its not too bad. I save $1500 and lose on hour. I think my time is worth $1500/hr.
i just cant believe the mis-informed (??) information that gets spread around here...

sry but its not why i start the thread. i was just like sick of waiting , expected the thread can help with killing some time, ofcos, always nice to know something you dont.

accutally, if you visit mac pro sector, you will find ppl working hard putting cheaper pc conponent into their very own mac pro. have to admit that mac is not cheap toy for everyone to play with. im blessed with money, but it would be sin if i dont spent money wisely. i cant say i m very into playing with all hardwares, i only deal with them when some go wrong, kinda work my ass off to fix them. my knowledge is only above the average, thats all.

btw, that friend who spend only 750 dollar for his hackintosh, would u pls explain specs of yours. i ebayed abit, find it bit struggle to build one with that money. thx

only board plus graphics cost 850 already
sry but its not why i start the thread. i was just like sick of waiting , expected the thread can help with killing some time, ofcos, always nice to know something you dont.
yup thats fine i just would like to tell everyone the truth rather then the wrong thing.

my knowledge is only above the average, thats all.
probably not worth persuing can be a lot of work.

btw, that friend who spend only 750 dollar for his hackintosh, would u pls explain specs of yours. i ebayed abit, find it bit struggle to build one with that money. thx

only board plus graphics cost 850 already

he would have built it all himself and found the cheapest parts around, i bet.
Customer support isn't that great for Apple actually. :\ In a lot of my experiences, it's been awful - and those standards were taken even lower when I called my local apple store. I guess it would all depend on who you get connected with on the other end of the phone.... a lot of apple's representatives suck though. I don't understand how they get hired, it's like they just switched to macs and they know nothing about the system.

Anyways, I really would not suggest an iMac. TONS of people have built or bought Hackintoshes and they work PERFECTLY under Leopard. You need to understand that. Sure, any update could break the machine, but how likely is that..just wait and see if it broke other people's machines before you update :D

Building a hackintosh is cheaper... a LOT cheaper... the hardware in it will definitely be more reliable than in an overheating iMac, and it'll also be DESKTOP components inside the box - iMac uses mobile components and I know Apple is known for underspeccing components.

To each his own, but if you want more power for a cheaper price, also more customization, get a hackintosh. If you get an iMac, sometime in the future I bet you will regret it.

I have a tip for you and the iMac though, I say you should wait for the iMac to update to Matte screen - that is the BIGGEST complaint I have about mine right now - after long hours on the computer, for the year that I've had it, my eyes get sore, and they strain often, and I could tell my vision has gotten VERY noticeably worse. This is because of the glass over the LCD panel, the glass flips the display's image upside-down and your eyes simultaneously have to reconstruct the image to make it look right-side-up. This causes huge eye strain and is the last thing you want to do to your eyes.... especially if your vision is not that great in the first place.

I hope this post helps! Good luck.

gen⋅er⋅al⋅i⋅za⋅tion  [jen-er-uh-luh-zey-shuhn] Show IPA
a proposition asserting something to be true either of all members of a certain class or of an indefinite part of that class.
yup thats fine i just would like to tell everyone the truth rather then the wrong thing.

lets not to worry about that, its not a right or wrong question. its only a opportunity for ppl from everywhere to share their opinion. arguing on that point is sily like fan boys. apple is unique in everyway (except marketing stratgy) , for one noticable fact is that macs price drop way slower than windows based pcs. besides, i dont see any other manufature has such stylish machine at the same price. not by saying the service etc.

i believe ppl can think for themselves and make up their mind eventually.
we open tons of such thread wouldnt compare to steve's ' one more thing'
the market share of mac is solid, and mac fan will constantly surpport whatever apple present to them accordingly.

anyway, its not about faith, its only about interests
lets not to worry about that, its not a right or wrong question. its only a opportunity for ppl from everywhere to share their opinion. arguing on that point is sily like fan boys. apple is unique in everyway (except marketing stratgy) , for one noticable fact is that macs price drop way slower than windows based pcs. besides, i dont see any other manufature has such stylish machine at the same price. not by saying the service etc.

im not saying that i want to control what people decide to do. im saying that if people have the wrong ideas about something then they could possibly make the wrong decision when purchasing a product, and that could cost them more money or more time or anything. if somebody is wrong i like to point it out to them so that others do not get the wrong ideas from it, that is my point.
im not saying that i want to control what people decide to do. im saying that if people have the wrong ideas about something then they could possibly make the wrong decision when purchasing a product, and that could cost them more money or more time or anything. if somebody is wrong i like to point it out to them so that others do not get the wrong ideas from it, that is my point.

cant agree more! :D
especially to those who have limited knowledge of computers. when they visit a store, they cant do anything else but trusting the sales. apple is perfect for these guys from my personal experience. i v seen loads ppl bought pricy pcs which they dont know anything about. problems cost them more time and money afterwards.

it all depend on how much you know, thats my point.
cant agree more! :D
especially to those who have limited knowledge of computers. when they visit a store, they cant do anything else but trusting the sales. apple is perfect for these guys from my personal experience. i v seen loads ppl bought pricy pcs which they dont know anything about. problems cost them more time and money afterwards.

it all depend on how much you know, thats my point.

so true, it really frustrates me when i go to a computer store and they are like "oh yes this will last 5 years" or "vista is bug free" (eheh) when it clearly isnt. it really gets on my nerves.
^^ Awesome! And with PC-EFI 10's 64bit compatibility i cant wait to get 10.6 on my pc. I can probably get 64bit kernel running on my coreduo, try to do that with a mac :D

hi folk, congrats to SL which just officially released.

continue what i started. i just priced all the hardwares that i wanted.
here comes the list: shipping fee all included
cpu: i7 920 (prepared to oc to 3.8ghz) $ 300
RAM: corsair 6GB(3x2gb) 1600 DDR3 $ 200
mother board: ASUS P6T $ 270
Graphics: FX 1700 512mb DDR2 $ 453
HD: 4TB (thinking dual OS, dual 75GB 10000rpm raptor , with raid 0 which i completely dont know if possible) $300 or more
power: corsair 650w $192
arctic silver 5: $ 8
cpu cooler: Ultra 120 extreme $70
additional fan: silenx ixtreme pro $42
case: cant really find one, mb use the old one if it can fit.

so, comes the total is : $1835 !!!
plus a dedicate 24'' monitor. O-M-G.
its much more expensive than i expected. mb the spec is too high? mb i over priced them? mb ......? :eek:

hi folk, congrats to SL which just officially released.

continue what i started. i just priced all the hardwares that i wanted.
here comes the list: shipping fee all included
cpu: i7 920 (prepared to oc to 3.8ghz) $ 300
RAM: corsair 6GB(3x2gb) 1600 DDR3 $ 200
mother board: ASUS P6T $ 270
Graphics: FX 1700 512mb DDR2 $ 453
HD: 4TB (thinking dual OS, dual 75GB 10000rpm raptor , with raid 0 which i completely dont know if possible) $300 or more
power: corsair 650w $192
arctic silver 5: $ 8
cpu cooler: Ultra 120 extreme $70
additional fan: silenx ixtreme pro $42
case: cant really find one, mb use the old one if it can fit.

so, comes the total is : $1835 !!!
plus a dedicate 24'' monitor. O-M-G.
its much more expensive than i expected. mb the spec is too high? mb i over priced them? mb ......? :eek:

Going i7 is a tad expensive, you don't need the Quadro graphics card either. If you went with a highend AMD quad or a cheaper Core2Quad it is considerably cheaper. The GTX260 or ATI 4890 can be had for a about half the cost of that Quadro card.

If you want to spend cheap, you get cheap. If you are not sure about any of it, I would recommend you get a Mac Mini or an iMac and be done with it. :)
If you want to spend cheap, you get cheap. If you are not sure about any of it, I would recommend you get a Mac Mini or an iMac and be done with it. :)

imac always a option,not the mini. from the list, u might know i m trying to build a 'mac pro' . thx for your kind info :D.
i m trying to build a 'mac pro' . thx for your kind info :D.

If you're looking at a Mac Pro equivalent, you'd probably be better off just getting a Mac Pro. The Nehalem is a beast of a machine with its hyperthreading and it would be tough to get similar performance for substantially less money. Hackintoshes are really for those who want in between the top end iMac and the entry level Mac Pro, or who have particular needs that can't be found in the Mini/iMac series.
If you're looking at a Mac Pro equivalent, you'd probably be better off just getting a Mac Pro. The Nehalem is a beast of a machine with its hyperthreading and it would be tough to get similar performance for substantially less money. Hackintoshes are really for those who want in between the top end iMac and the entry level Mac Pro, or who have particular needs that can't be found in the Mini/iMac series.

I didn't want to bring it up again, but the Sun Ultra 27 has close to the same specs as the base model quad Mac Pro and is almost 1000$ cheaper.

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