=Cave Man;8339794 Hackintoshes are really for those who want in between the top end iMac and the entry level Mac Pro, or who have particular needs that can't be found in the Mini/iMac series.
exactly. considering what i do with computers, imac almost can do my jobs perfectly, but hackintosh can take everything to another level.
quad core power will shorter the converting time effectively.
the reason why i picked up some high-end hardware only becoz i thought pc hardwares suppose to be cheap. however, the bill surpise you when it comes to the total.
p.s, i think when ppl always put more money than what they really need. some time, its just weird if you put some cheap part in it while others are so costy.
its so obvious in my case. but if you look around the branded pc market, they do produce pcs with equilavent component in them. so, nothing is perfect, neither is ppl. that may explain why i spend unwise money 'wisely' to do my list.