Does anyone know how to make Swirly MMS work with AT&T phone service? If anyone is having success, please post the necessary steps and settings to make this work. Thanks
Does anyone know how to make Swirly MMS work with AT&T phone service? If anyone is having success, please post the necessary steps and settings to make this work. Thanks
thanks "vons" I didn't actually follow your steps, but I think I was missing a setting LOL
Here is what I did though. I went to the AT&T store this morning and told them that my iPhone got lost and that I wanted a new sim card to use with a different phone, of course I lied LOL
Also told them to add the media package. They did and replace the sim card in my jailbroken phone. Anyways I didn't get it to work until now reading the settings above. It worked
are you now using the original iphone SIM in the iphone, or the new one that they gave you?
do you still have visual voicemail?
do you still have the iphone data plan now that they added the mediaNET thing?
people on other forums have said their ATT person tell them the iphone data plan and the medianet are mutually exclusive, i.e. cannot be on the same plan at the same time.
so adding the mediaNET might have pushed off the iphone data plan, which kills visual voicemail. let me know!
I still have visual voicemail and the iPhone data plan.I am still using the original iPhone sim card also. Everything is still the same except i can now send MMS.
I'm about to do this. I'm pretty confident this will work. I just have a quick question. Do you know if I'll be charged per message or will I not see any additional charges?
i did nothing but enter in the details that he posted and it works fine for me. I'm able to send and receive with no issues.
What exactly did you enter. I will try it now.
I can confirm that the following steps will allow Swirly to work on your AT&T iPhone. I got this from the swirly forums and it worked for me.I think you need family plan with messaging on it also, which I do.
First, you will need a regular AT&T/Cingular phone. I used a old Nokia 2610. You should be able to use any phone as long as it is Media Net compatible.
Take the SIM from your iPhone, Insert it in to a standard phone, Make a phone call, wait about 5 minutes.
After 5 minutes go to the following link,
Enter in your mobile number(it might say your phone is not supported.. if so wait a little longer and try again), then at the next screen it will ask for a 4 digit code.
The 4 digit code will be sent to your phone via Text message.
Enter the code in on the website and then you should be able to access the main Media Net site.
Now send a mms. It will take some time for the network to recognize the phone. Be patient. Took me about 10 minutes. Dont continue until you have successfully sent a message.
Now take out the sim card and place it back in the iPhone.
Make sure the Swirly MMS Settings are as follows...
leave apn, username, and password fields blank..
Image Size: Maximum
UserAgent: Nokia_N95.
sorry for long message
I can confirm that the following steps will allow Swirly to work on your AT&T iPhone. I got this from the swirly forums and it worked for me.I think you need family plan with messaging on it also, which I do.
First, you will need a regular AT&T/Cingular phone. I used a old Nokia 2610. You should be able to use any phone as long as it is Media Net compatible.
Take the SIM from your iPhone, Insert it in to a standard phone, Make a phone call, wait about 5 minutes.
After 5 minutes go to the following link,
Enter in your mobile number(it might say your phone is not supported.. if so wait a little longer and try again), then at the next screen it will ask for a 4 digit code.
The 4 digit code will be sent to your phone via Text message.
Enter the code in on the website and then you should be able to access the main Media Net site.
Now send a mms. It will take some time for the network to recognize the phone. Be patient. Took me about 10 minutes. Dont continue until you have successfully sent a message.
Now take out the sim card and place it back in the iPhone.
Make sure the Swirly MMS Settings are as follows...
leave apn, username, and password fields blank..
Image Size: Maximum
UserAgent: Nokia_N95.