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Does anyone know the frequency of the sweeps? I want to see how long mine will last working.

Mine has been working for about a month now, but I use it less and less every day. Most people i know are switching to some sort of smart phone because they are so cheap to get now.
dont know exactly but mine worked less than 24 hours. I got it working at about 3 pm and when i tried the next day at 10am it was down and not working.
Finally my swirly works..time and patience is key

called at&t (not apple help) and told them I need my wap push and mms enabled on my phone to see picture emails according to my IT dept (for work emails) and another girl I work with had this done and hers is working perfect.(just told them that).They tried to talk me into a more expensive package for business emails but I told them I forward my business emails to my personal and never had problems before with my old phone.Be Nice even if you are frustrated. Tech support enabled it after going on with my bogus story,but I did go from a cust. serv rep to a supervisor to tech support.Be patient. Then I saw a forum on here where the guy said to put your sim in your old phone(take it out with a safety pin or paperclip in that little whole at the top of the phone) Push in paper clip,earing, or safety pin like object till sim pushes out. Put in old phone. Your sim will not allow u to send pics in old phone right away. You must go to AT&T WEBSITE and go to support**then under phone/device support . Select your old phone.(I HAD A RAZR)

Phone/Device Support
Motorola RAZR V3

**MMS (Picture Messaging Settings) Settings ***

Follow procedure according to your old phone selected.if you didn't have AT&T BEFORE I would suggest using an old unlocked phone WITH THE IPHONE SIM and it's settings according to the AT&T SITE.

NOTE: For RAZR V3's purchased after September 2007, the MMS settings are pre-programmed and are not editable.

Press the Menu Key.
Scroll to and select "Settings"
Scroll to and select "WEB ACCESS".
Scroll to and select "Web Sessions."
Highlight "MMS" and press the Menu Key.
Scroll to and select "Edit".
Validate the following parameters:
Name: MMS
Service Type 1: WAP
Gateway IP:
Port 1: 9201
Domain 1: blank
Service Type 2: WAP
Gateway IP 2:
Port 2: 0
Domain 2: blank
DNS 1:
DNS 2:
Timeout: 10 Minutes
CSD no 1: Blank
Username: 1: blank
Password 1: blank
Speed (Bps) 1: 9600
Line Type 1: ISDN
CSD no 2: blank
User Name 2: blank
Password 2: blank
Speed (Bps) 2: 9600
Line Type 2: ISDN
GPRS APN: wap.cingular
User Name: <leave blank>
Password: <leave blank>
Press the left soft key 4 times to return to the main menu.
Scroll to and select "Messages".
Press the Menu key.
Scroll to and select "Setup".
Scroll to and select "Message Inbox".
Scroll and highlight "MMS Message Setup" and select "Change".
Scroll to and select "Server Info".
Scroll to "MMS", then press the Menu key.
Scroll to and select "Edit".
Validate the following settings:
Service Name: MMS
Server Name:
Web Session Name: MMS

When MMS WORKS AGAIN on old phone SEND A PIC to anyone...


APN:blank(do not write blank..leave empty)
USERNAME:blank(do not write blank..leave empty)
PASSWORD:blank(do not write blank..leave empty)


I can confirm that the following steps will allow Swirly to work on your AT&T iPhone. I got this from the swirly forums and it worked for me.I think you need family plan with messaging on it also, which I do.

First, you will need a regular AT&T/Cingular phone. I used a old Nokia 2610. You should be able to use any phone as long as it is Media Net compatible.

Take the SIM from your iPhone, Insert it in to a standard phone, Make a phone call, wait about 5 minutes.

After 5 minutes go to the following link,

Enter in your mobile number(it might say your phone is not supported.. if so wait a little longer and try again), then at the next screen it will ask for a 4 digit code.

The 4 digit code will be sent to your phone via Text message.

Enter the code in on the website and then you should be able to access the main Media Net site.

Now send a mms. It will take some time for the network to recognize the phone. Be patient. Took me about 10 minutes. Dont continue until you have successfully sent a message.

Now take out the sim card and place it back in the iPhone.

Make sure the Swirly MMS Settings are as follows...


leave apn, username, and password fields blank..

Image Size: Maximum
UserAgent: Nokia_N95.

This worked for me perfectly
thank you so much
only thing different was i used a samsung phone so i chose the samsung option in swirly mms
thanks again
I did this on my original iPhone and it work perfectly, but on my new 3G iPhone it would not work. I would be interested to see if anyone has got this to work on a 3G model and what they did.

I have the TMS4 text plan on my account so I didn't have to change anything, but if you have a text messaging plan for iPhone call AT&T and have them change it to a MediaNet text plan. They cost the same price and when they ask you why tell them you put the SIM card in a MMS enabled phone sometimes and would like for MMS to work when you use that phone. You may have to sweet talk the rep or hang up and get a new one, but get the feature code changed in the account.

After they change your text messaging plan, have them check the MMS settings. I was still getting the text on my MMS enabled phone. I called AT&T and had them change my MMS from "Administrative Alerts Only" to "Send to Device". After the tech turned of administrative alerts only in my MMS settings Swirly worked fine for me on AT&T and I've had Swirly working with no problems for a couple of months now. That's the key for the tech, tell the tech to check the MMS settings and change from administrative alerts only to enable MMS to be sent directly to the phone.

APN: wap.cingular
Password: CINGULAR1
Image Size: Max
Agent: iPhone

Everything works like a charm.
So what do you do if you don't have one of the phones listed on the swirly mms app? I have an HTC 8525 branded AT&T and the only phones listed on the app. are Motorola_v360, Nokia_N73, Nokia_N95, SE_W800i, Samsung_BJ2 (AT&T), and iPhone.
I have to admit, i didn't think it would work. I just received 2 legit MMS's on my 3G iPhone. Here are the settings i am using...

I called AT&T (611) and let them know i switch back and forth between my 8525 and my iphone and did all of the crap everyone said like logging on to and setting up my media net (click the link after you put the sim in the old phone and make a call). You will get a text with a 4 digit code, enter it in the website and you are finished with all of that. Send a MMS with the old phone, and after it sends put the sim in the iPhone and set up the swirly MMS and you are finished.

P.S. I know i didnt use a samsung BJ, but it works.
Well i got a few to send and it worked for about 10 mins then it stopped again. I think it has to do with something reading it on the network as a iPhone and not the BJ or motorola or whatever else we all use, as I did leave it as a iPhone.

So I am trying it againthis time hopefull that it will work and stay working..

Well i got a few to send and it worked for about 10 mins then it stopped again. I think it has to do with something reading it on the network as a iPhone and not the BJ or motorola or whatever else we all use, as I did leave it as a iPhone.

So I am trying it againthis time hopefull that it will work and stay working..


Mine is still working after a day.
yep got them both working and purchased the Swirly.. so good stuff, just so everyone knows got both a 3g and a 2g working with this app using this method.

Just so everyone knows it took putting it in the old phone and then keeping it in the old phone for a bit to make sure it stayed.

I got a bit of intermittent issues at first when I did it really quick. The best thing to do is put it in there and make sure make sure it works and then put the sim back in the iPhone.

I did the following listed in the original post and it only took like 10 mins or so for my old phone to send the MMS. Put the SIM back in my iphone and the MMS worked for about 10 minutes or so. Tried to repeat the steps and now I cant get my other phone to send the MMS. I keep getting the forbiden error on my standard phone. Its been over 3 hours now with the SIM in my old phone with zero luck. I did follow all theses steps to the letter too. What gives..?

UPDATE: Called at&t, changed to PDA plan, was working again for about ten minutes... Then gone again and the forbiden error returned... This is so stupid. Why is it doing this?
Swirly MMS on iPhone

Do you have to have the family messaging plan??? I only have one phone on my account? I was able to log into media net but could not get the MMS from my other att phone. It just gave me message, "Sending failed: Forbidden" What do you guys think??
Ok, so I just got off the phone with a very nice business rep. She was not able to help me with regards to getting mms to function properly with the number attached to the iPhone 3G, after talking personally to technical support and whatnot (they said it was something about the iPhone sim being different).

Interestingly enough, I swapped out the sim that was in the phone I was trying to work with (Pantech C3B) and put that into the iPhone, and what do you know, it sends and receives mms in a matter of seconds.

If you have another phone in your account, try it. I was not expecting it at all and it was a pleasant surprise.
So swirly mms finally works on the 3g with AT&T?

Looks like I'm going to jailbreak my iphone again.

Is swirly mms still free?
Yes this does work for both the 3G and the older 2G iPhone, I have one of both and i can assure you this works perfectly with both. Here are the steps I used to make this work.

Step 1; put your sim into a older att or cingular phone, and make a phone call. I use 611 and just let it sit till they hang up on me, and then call them again just to make sure. What this does is make sure the system reads that the phone make and model.

Step 2; just wait about 30mins, after this you should be able to log into the website listed earlier in this post. Once you can successfully login to that then you should be able to send a MMS text message from the old phone.

Step 3; you need to wait a few hours and make a few more MMS's from and to the older cingular phone.

Step 4; after this you can remove it from the old phone and put it back into the iPhone and you should be good. I did notice a bit of intermitence for the first day or so on it working but it seemed to settle after that and worked perfectly, and has been working for over 2 months now.

** the reason I did the above was to make sure the system fully sees the old phone is on the system and being used. I found when I did it really quick it would work breifly in the iPhone but stop working. **

** also I will say I have family text message on my account, I have 2 iPhones and a reg flip on my account. I do not know if this makes a difference in the type of text messaging if you have to just a single iPhone account. But everyones iPhone that I have made work with Swirly all have family text messaging on their accounts. **

Also so you know Swirly is $8 and depending on if you mms alot or not might be worth it.

Hope this helps,
OK, I called ATT today and told them that i used my tilt some and wanted to enable MMS. They refused and told me that it would mess up my iphone and billing. I tried the other steps, putting the sim in my TILT, making a call, going to the website, sending MMS and leaving it in the old phone for over an hour. When sending an MMS from the old phone, I get forbidden. I tried for hours then to get the iphone to send using swirlymms and had no luck, then out of the blue it worked, i sent one and got one back. then 2 hours later, it would not send or receive. I sent 5 different MMS to the same person, an hour after i sent the first, they finally got it. Now 4 hours later they have not received any of the other ones and I have not received any that they have sent. Also, since i finally got it to work VM wont work and when i slide to unlock my phone, half the time i get a popup that my Voice Mail password is incorrect. Any ideas?
THis is how I got it to work!!!!

There are so many ways and different setups that people indicate that this is the correct way to get it going. Here is my way for the iPhone 3g with any type of texting plan (no family unlimited plan necessary)

*WAP Push necessary
1. Switch SIM card to other phone and make a phone call
2. Do the whole setup on Medianet and enter the 4 digit code
3. Wait a few minutes and try to send an MMS, if it doesnt work make a phone call to 611 and wait.
4.Resend the same MMS and whalla!!!!
5. Send another one and receive one.
6. Switch SIM card back to iPhone and it will work!!!

Swirly MMS settings:
APN,Username,Password: Leave these fields blank!!!
Image size: Maximum
UserAgent: Samsung

I went at this for over 3 weeks and tried what different forums stated but I finally got with a little improvising, let me know if this helps or if you need help.
OK well it seems to send MMS, but it also seems to take anywhere from an 10 minutes to 5 hours for the other person to get them. I have had 5 MMS sent to me and I have so far received 3 of them, again taking anywhere from 10 minutes to 5ish hours. Is that kind of delay to be expected?
so i used a Blackberry curve before i got my iphone 2 months ago and i have not switched my media package yet. i get text messages all the time saying i dont have the iphone text package. i do have unlimited family plan. i tried swirly MMS 2 months ago and had no luck, either had a proxy error or some error saying i had no edge or 3G. but you all have given me hope. i am going to jailbreak my phone again this afternoon and see what happens. i have 3 other phones to put my sim in (3g razr, sony erricson, BB curve) so hopefully this will work. and my sim is not a iphone sim.

only question i have is, with the 3g iphone do i still need to install those other 2 software apps to fetch and display received MMS??

thanks again everyone for the detailed instructions you did to get this to work. hopefully mine will be working perfectly by tonight.
Swirly MMS working with iphone 3g

Ok here is what i did to get it to work.

Added the iphone Business (exchange) to my plan.
Made sure Unlimitied text messaging was selected and not the iphone messaging

Called up ATT told them I was a developer working with my exchange server people for a VPN program for iphone and needed WAP push enabled, the guy on the phone asked me to repeat that feature and i told him again WAP push, he then looked up some stuff, while this was going on I told him that even though the iphone can't do MMS i would need that enabled as well to route the push settings for exchange, he seemed confused which I suspected, he asked if I had issues with medianet on iphone, and I told him yes I needed mms enabled as well as wap push to get my exchange and vpn to work. He said ok I will need to push some settings to your phone, please shut it off. I did and then he did his stuff on his end. He told me to check and make sure media net was working, I asked how to verify, he said to select the medianet button and go to google, I humored him and told him it was working. Got off the phone and tried everything, mms, text, visual voicemail, nothing worked,, went to settings and reset network settings. restarted the phone, mail would now work and so did text, now on to swirly.

Entered the following settings into swirly:

all middle blank
image size: Max
useragent: Nokia_N95

I am now able to receive and send mms messages using swirly, its only worked for a lil while so Ill have to edit if it gets reset somehow.
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