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The iGentleman

macrumors 6502a
Jul 13, 2012
From my perspective, I have an android tablet, as well as an iPad, and I have to say, that my jailbroken iPad is equally customizable, and still "just works" for the most part, I have had very little problems with it, and I personally love it. However with my android tablet, on ICS, I have trouble with crashes, and I just find it a lot easier to use my iPad.

Instead of "android tablet", how about something a bit more specific? What tablet is it?


Oh I added some things, mostly add-ons for Siri, so she can toggle brightness, wifi, airplane, just generally do more/respond to more commands. I didn't add any themes or cygets, or appearance things. Just a few fun little tweaks such as f.lux which yellows the screen at night to be easy on the eyes. Do I need the stuff that I added from the jailbreak? Of course not. Like I said, I loved my iPhone before jailbreaking, it does everything I need, and it does it well and reliably. A lot of members jailbreak their iPhones and don't add too much. Why not? We iPhone users like playing with the internals a bit too :D, and it's nice that if we want to, we have that option.

So you felt that rummaging through the menus just to toggle things wasn't very efficient so you employed a faster way to do it (similar to what a widget accomplishes). What else? lol.


macrumors 6502
Jan 13, 2012
The vast amount of people that I see with iPhones doesnt make sense then, if it's truly a less capable OS. The average business man? Is carrying an iPhone. The average teenage kid? Carrying an Android. You're ignorant. Its less capable of doing what YOU want to do and thats fine. But everyone else with an iPhone seems pretty damn content. OH MY GOD, I CANT PUT A WEATHER WIDGET ON MY HOMESCREEN, SHOOT, MY PHONE SUCKS. Oh wait, I can just look out the window and see the weather.

I mean I get it, you guys like your phone to seem cool, and have cool add-ons, and fun colors and huge screens. (Is that a phone or a tablet?) I like a phone that works. I like the iPhone.

Unless you have data to substantiate your observations, it really doesn't count because even though you may be right, someone else from a different city/country could observe the exact opposite. In fact, I see most high school kids with iPhones. Capable is a subjective word, so depending on the person, Android or iOS could be more capable. But I will say this: from what I've seen, Apple does intentionally leave certain features out of iOS because they want the entire platform to be app-centered, thus leaving those functions to 3rd party apps.


macrumors 6502
Dec 17, 2011
Los Angeles, CA
Instead of "android tablet", how about something a bit more specific? What tablet is it?


So you felt that rummaging through the menus just to toggle things wasn't very efficient so you employed a faster way to do it (similar to what a widget accomplishes). What else? lol.

No, I just wanted it so I can play with it. I'm not really a lazy person, I'll go to the settings to toggle things if I have to. Do I think that the iPhone should already have something like SBSettings, sure...but does it stop me from buying the phone? NOPE. Because the phones that good. And see, that's the thing, let's say there was no jailbreak and I had to (not be lazy) and go all the way into the settings (takes like 2 seconds) and turn off wifi, I still wouldn't buy an Android. Could I have just bought an Android and had those things from start up? Sure, but I don't enjoy the Android system, it's fun but too many unnecessary extras (in my opinion).

If you guys like that, by all means. But dont shun the iPhone because it's not as "cool" to customize, or because it takes two more seconds to turn wifi off.


macrumors 6502
Aug 27, 2009
Wirelessly posted

The iGentleman said:
To the iGentleman... I really hope you graduated from Harvard with a 4.0 GPA with how rude and condescending you are being towards people just because they are not an expert about a silly phone. You speak as if you knowing so much more about a phone makes you a superior person. Until Google and Apple get on their knees and praise you for being so much more knowledgeable than others, you might want to chill out with the ego trip and learn how to be more helpful and respectful.

Oh I am so sorry. I offer my sincerest and deepest apologies. I had no idea I had to handle people with kid gloves and sugarcoat the fact their ignorance played a major role in their problems. I didn't insult the guy, he took offense to me stating he caused his own problems. Sorry but it is what it is. He did cause his own issues. Why do I need to sugarcoat that? I'm a very direct person, and when someone's right I have no problem telling them they are, but when they are wrong I will do the same. A guy makes a thread chronicling problems he caused himself, the response he received was quite appropriate. I have nothing to do with oversensitive people overreacting when someone tells them that the problem was actually themselves.

I don't think I could place all blame on a person for the issues they were having. iOS is simple to learn, as every phone should be. It wouldn't hurt for android to become easier to learn while still being open and very customizable.


macrumors 68000
Jan 9, 2011
In front of uranus
I was really itching to try Android and having a hard time waiting until the fall, so I bought a Galaxy S3 a week ago. Now that the honeymoon has worn off, I find myself getting frustrated with some things and missing the iPhone. I'm not against Android, in fact, I love some aspects of it. But both sides represent a trade off, and since I'm slightly torn between the two, I think the iPhone might be better. Android users, feel free to add any suggestions, as I am new to the system and perhaps don't understand it fully.

2. Notifications - After hearing how much better Android notifications are, I was surprised that I hate this the most out of everything. Notifications do not show up in the lockscreen unless I manually pull down the notifications screen, which obviously doesn't work if there's a security lock on the phone. The screen also doesn't light up when I get a notification. I know there's an LED, but if I have 50 apps with notifications, one blinking light isn't a good solution to help me know what's going on (Morse code anyone?). So I now have to turn the phone on and swipe down to find out the notification instead of just looking at the phone. Also, I want to be able to know instantly what app is notifying me, AND what it is saying (e.g. the first line of the email and sender, sms message, etc.). Also, I want to be able to control what apps give me notifications. All of this was so nicely done on the iPhone.

4. Keyboards - I don't care if you can change your keyboard out, I still hate typing on the ones I've tried. Maybe I just need to get used to it.

5. Complexity - I thought I would like having a file system and things like that, but it is a marginal benefit and in some cases makes things worse. Much harder, for example, to add a kindle book from dropbox to the kindle app. I guess I underestimated the usefulness of the "open in..." on iOS.
#2: there are so many options, apps and widgets to make this happen, it is sad you didn't do a Google search. Here's the irony: the app you would have loved is called "iPhone notifications"

#4: iOS keyboard is garbage. The stock Android keyboard is garbage. I SwiftKey 3 is awesome.

#5: Dropbox is a sucky mobile app. Google Drive is much better and allows you to do what you want.

It is too bad you didn't do a Google search or go to one of the many forums for Android and asked these questions. The answer is usually because the person making the excuses had no intention of keeping the phone because it was simply to difficult for them. The iphone has really made people become too dependent on having everything done for you.

The iGentleman

macrumors 6502a
Jul 13, 2012
Can I just ask why you think the iOS keyboard is garbage? I'm not asking in an offensive way, I'm just curious why you didn't like it.

I agree the iOS keyboard is in need of improvement as it is quite antiquated. The auto correct is horrid, and the lack of any sort of prediction are my biggest gripes with it. Also, they could stand to make it a bit more responsive.


macrumors 6502
Dec 17, 2011
Los Angeles, CA
I agree the iOS keyboard is in need of improvement as it is quite antiquated. The auto correct is horrid, and the lack of any sort of prediction are my biggest gripes with it. Also, they could stand to make it a bit more responsive.

Interesting. My auto correct works just fine, and I don't need my text to predict what I'm writing. I like controlling that. I think that's the difference, I'm not lazy, I don't need my keyboard to predict and automatically write what I wanted to write. Those things aren't always correct, anyways..lets be honest. And a bit more responsive? Was your experience on the iOS keyboard with a iPhone 3G? Because I have a 4S and my keyboard is plenty responsive, along with intuitive, easy to use and accurate.

And by the way, if I wanted I could add things on Cydia to make the keyboard more of what you prefer... predicting what you're going to type, swype keyboards, etc. So an iPhone essentially CAN be customized to perform just like what Android users "like", so it's sort of odd. It's almost like the Android users have NO CLUE what you can do with a jailbroken iPhone. Because if we wanted to, we could jailbreak the iPhone and add just as much stuff as your Android phone comes with. I choose not to go to that extreme, but I could if I pleased.

But again, my iOS keyboard works just fine. Landscape mode? Even better. It just seems weird to complain about something as simple as a keyboard. Sort of proves that you're just picking things off the top of your head to complain about. And your complaints weren't even legit. Aw poor you, it didn't finish your word for you...meanwhile thousands are dying in 3rd world countries because they havent eaten meals in weeks. Think about the petty **** that you're complaining about, maybe that's why I'm having such a hard time understanding.

The iGentleman

macrumors 6502a
Jul 13, 2012
Interesting. My auto correct works just fine, and I don't need my text to predict what I'm writing. I like controlling that. I think that's the difference, I'm not lazy, I don't need my keyboard to predict and automatically write what I wanted to write. Those things aren't always correct, anyways..lets be honest. And a bit more responsive? Was your experience on the iOS keyboard with a iPhone 3G? Because I have a 4S and my keyboard is plenty responsive, along with intuitive, easy to use and accurate.
iOS' keyboard does tend to miss letters sometimes. And yes I was using a 4S. You may not be "lazy", but there are people that appreciate increased efficiency.

And by the way, if I wanted I could add things on Cydia to make the keyboard more of what you prefer... predicting what you're going to type, swype keyboards, etc.
You mean swype-like. There are plenty of imitations out there, but none of them perform as well as Swype. Sorry, they just don't. They're imitations.

So an iPhone essentially CAN be customized to perform just like what Android users "like", so it's sort of odd. It's almost like the Android users have NO CLUE what you can do with a jailbroken iPhone.
For one, that's not quite true. You can jailbreak until you heart's content, that isn't going to create true multitasking and allow apps to run concurrently. You can make your best attempt to emulate what is already on an Android phone, but every time those attempts fall short of the real thing, after all, they are only imitations so they never have the same full functionality. Not to mention, you're also neglecting to mention the adverse impact all that has on the phone's performance. The iPhone isn't made to handle that sort of load, and it isn't like you can jailbreak and overclock the process to help out.

Because if we wanted to, we could jailbreak the iPhone and add just as much stuff as your Android phone comes with. I choose not to go to that extreme, but I could if I pleased.
Not quite. Reference the above statement. But anyway, I find that to be a silly statement to say "hey I can make my phone do that if I hack it and download a bunch of stuff to emulate what you can do out of the box.". Don't compare a hacked phone to a non-hacked phone. A rooted Android phone has way more options than a jailbroken iPhone. For example, I change my processor speed if i so choose, a jailbroken iPhone can't. I can add features from other phones such as Google Wallet functionality, a jailbroken iPhone can't. I can run an entirely different OS if I want to, a jailbroken iPhone can't. I can connect my phone to the television, turn on an emulator, and use a Playstation controller to have console gaming, a jailbroken iPhone cannot. These are just a few examples, but there are may more. I'm sure you get the point by now.

But again, my iOS keyboard works just fine. Landscape mode? Even better. It just seems weird to complain about something as simple as a keyboard. Sort of proves that you're just picking things off the top of your head to complain about. And your complaints weren't even legit. Aw poor you, it didn't finish your word for you...meanwhile thousands are dying in 3rd world countries because they havent eaten meals in weeks. Think about the petty **** that you're complaining about, maybe that's why I'm having such a hard time understanding.
The third world has nothing to do with why I feel an iPhone falls short. The keyboard is just one of SEVERAL things, where it falls short.


It just seems weird to complain about something as simple as a keyboard. Sort of proves that you're just picking things off the top of your head to complain about. And your complaints weren't even legit. Aw poor you, it didn't finish your word for you...meanwhile thousands are dying in 3rd world countries because they havent eaten meals in weeks. Think about the petty **** that you're complaining about, maybe that's why I'm having such a hard time understanding.

Here's a few more things you can add to the keyboard coming up short. Note this is not everything, this is just a few things that I think make the iPhone come up short:

-The notifications in iOS are still poor. Now Jellybean has added on to the notifications, and there simply is no comparison. iOS doesn't even give you a static icon that lets you know something is in the notification center. In other words, if a notification comes in and you don't deal with it right away, you could possibly forget about it, and there is nothing to remind you (unless you look at the app icon later and it shows a number on it).

-This is one I'm sure you've heard a million times, widgets. Believe it or not, they do add a level of functionality. If you'd like an example, I'd be more than happy to show you how my phone is set up (I won't put it in this post because this post will be long enough lol).

-App integration is lacking in iOS. For example, I can go to anything in my phone, click share, and have a plethora of options to share my content/data/files with (depending on what apps I have installed). In iOS that isn't possible. If I want to share in a particular app, I have to do it from that app. That severely limits my options when it comes to sharing information.

-iOS' cloud functionality still needs work. For example, I can't store videos in the cloud. If I record a video, iCloud can push it to my iCloud connected devices, but my video can't reside in the cloud like it can on Android.

-Keyboard. iOS' keyboard is in need of an update. It really just is not very good, and there are better options out there. Unfortunately, iOS will not allow you to change to a better keyboard.

-Browser. Safari sucks. There's no two ways about it. It can't reformat text to the screen, so you're stuck having to scroll side to side to read content on some pages. The download options (or lack thereof) in the browser is archaic at best. Bear in mind, Chrome is a much better browser, but you can't set it as your default browser without hacking your phone to do it.

-You can't do something as simple as creating a custom ringtone without needing to sync to your computer. While working in the field, I have met several people that don't have computers and use their iDevice as their computer. I guess those people just won't ever be able to have a custom ringtone, because it requires having to sync to a computer. That is crazy.

-Voice dictation on the iPhone needs improvement BIG TIME.

-DLNA functionality is absent. There is airplay, but that isn't compatible with the DLNA standard.

-NFC functionality is absent. Many people will say, "well there aren't a lot of businesses that have NFC enabled readers". This is true for some areas, but there are other areas that have plenty of places that do have them. I live in Atlanta, and I have used NFC to pay for things in drugs stores, fast food places, doctor's offices, and several other places. Also, it's nice to be able to automate tasks via NFC. For example, you can put an NFC tag in your vehicle mount that will put your phone in "car mode" when you place it in there.

-Handicapped bluetooth. Not being able to send a person something to their phone via bluetooth is a bit ridiculous in 2012. I've been doing that since the Windows Mobile days, and yet iOS still features handicapped bluetooth. There have been several times I wanted to give my uncle a file, and had to email it to him instead of just sending it straight to his phone via bluetooth. Also this means, I can't connect game controllers such as the PS3 controller if I want to play a game using it.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 1, 2009
If you truly want to experience Android. You need to root & load a customized ROM. If that's not your thing them root it & get Titanium Backup. Use that to remove bloatware. Removing bloatwares will speed up your phone. TiBu is a very powerful & handy app.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 17, 2008
If you truly want to experience Android. You need to root & load a customized ROM. If that's not your thing them root it & get Titanium Backup. Use that to remove bloatware. Removing bloatwares will speed up your phone. TiBu is a very powerful & handy app.

This may have been true at one point but now you can disable apps in Android if you want. I run my Nexus on stock..rooting does very little for me.

Dangerous Theory

macrumors 68000
Jul 28, 2011
Love my GS3 but I agree about text selection. It isn't great in iOS, but it is goddamn atrocious on Android. Sometimes flat out refuses to select at all, and other times when I'm dragging it over a paragraph the screen will fly all over the place and generally not end up where I want it.


macrumors 604
Sep 4, 2011
Tango is a 3rd party app. Not an iOS built-in feature. And FaceTime only works with... other iOS devices. Can you videocall another phone thats not iOS?

Ok, so pretty much if it's not built in isn't good? It's rather annoying because when I tell you about an app on iOS that performs the same function as something built in on Android, it's disregarded as half-baked or a walkaround because you can't admit it does the same thing.

For the record, Tango is cross-platform so it works on iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and PC's, so yes, you can video call someone OVER 3G and on a NON-iOS device.


Interesting. My auto correct works just fine, and I don't need my text to predict what I'm writing. I like controlling that. I think that's the difference, I'm not lazy, I don't need my keyboard to predict and automatically write what I wanted to write. Those things aren't always correct, anyways..lets be honest. And a bit more responsive? Was your experience on the iOS keyboard with a iPhone 3G? Because I have a 4S and my keyboard is plenty responsive, along with intuitive, easy to use and accurate.

And by the way, if I wanted I could add things on Cydia to make the keyboard more of what you prefer... predicting what you're going to type, swype keyboards, etc. So an iPhone essentially CAN be customized to perform just like what Android users "like", so it's sort of odd. It's almost like the Android users have NO CLUE what you can do with a jailbroken iPhone. Because if we wanted to, we could jailbreak the iPhone and add just as much stuff as your Android phone comes with. I choose not to go to that extreme, but I could if I pleased.

But again, my iOS keyboard works just fine. Landscape mode? Even better. It just seems weird to complain about something as simple as a keyboard. Sort of proves that you're just picking things off the top of your head to complain about. And your complaints weren't even legit. Aw poor you, it didn't finish your word for you...meanwhile thousands are dying in 3rd world countries because they havent eaten meals in weeks. Think about the petty **** that you're complaining about, maybe that's why I'm having such a hard time understanding.

I agree with you 100%. I find it funny that it's only the Android users that are saying the iOS keyboard is bad. I admit that if there's a mistake in something I type that it's my fault and not the fault of the keyboard.


macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 22, 2011
SF Bay Area
#2: there are so many options, apps and widgets to make this happen, it is sad you didn't do a Google search. Here's the irony: the app you would have loved is called "iPhone notifications"

#4: iOS keyboard is garbage. The stock Android keyboard is garbage. I SwiftKey 3 is awesome.

#5: Dropbox is a sucky mobile app. Google Drive is much better and allows you to do what you want.

It is too bad you didn't do a Google search or go to one of the many forums for Android and asked these questions. The answer is usually because the person making the excuses had no intention of keeping the phone because it was simply to difficult for them. The iphone has really made people become too dependent on having everything done for you.

Ok, as I stated above, I did Google plenty of things. Seeing as notifications was pretty much the biggest downfall, obviously I searched this. Yes, I did see the iPhone Notifications app, and NO it does not display items in the lockscreen. It gives you the ios banners and popups, but does not display notifications in the lockscreen. I did use Swiftkey 3, and I hated how there isnt autotext shortcuts (like typing eml to get your email address) so I went to smart keyboard. Swiftkey was better at predicting, but no keyboard had it all for me. Obviously this is a very opinion oriented item, so if you like the keyboards, more power to you. Other things like how the notifications work are purely objective. Ihad every intention of keeping the phone. What kind of idiot goes and buys phones just for a week to pay 35 bucks and wait in the ATT store for an hour each time? Sorry, thats just not me. I have no loyalty to apple, and was looking for a phone upgrade. I like the android devices and android in general, but there were a few things I did not like. Just face it that there may be some things that people dont like about android. It's not the end of the world.


macrumors 6502
Jan 13, 2012
Interesting. My auto correct works just fine, and I don't need my text to predict what I'm writing. I like controlling that. I think that's the difference, I'm not lazy, I don't need my keyboard to predict and automatically write what I wanted to write. Those things aren't always correct, anyways..lets be honest. And a bit more responsive? Was your experience on the iOS keyboard with a iPhone 3G? Because I have a 4S and my keyboard is plenty responsive, along with intuitive, easy to use and accurate.

And by the way, if I wanted I could add things on Cydia to make the keyboard more of what you prefer... predicting what you're going to type, swype keyboards, etc. So an iPhone essentially CAN be customized to perform just like what Android users "like", so it's sort of odd. It's almost like the Android users have NO CLUE what you can do with a jailbroken iPhone. Because if we wanted to, we could jailbreak the iPhone and add just as much stuff as your Android phone comes with. I choose not to go to that extreme, but I could if I pleased.

But again, my iOS keyboard works just fine. Landscape mode? Even better. It just seems weird to complain about something as simple as a keyboard. Sort of proves that you're just picking things off the top of your head to complain about. And your complaints weren't even legit. Aw poor you, it didn't finish your word for you...meanwhile thousands are dying in 3rd world countries because they havent eaten meals in weeks. Think about the petty **** that you're complaining about, maybe that's why I'm having such a hard time understanding.

Because its all subjective, once again. Your experiences and his are completely different and you can't substitute yours with his. Is your sensation of touch or perception the exact same as his? For someone trying to understand the opposite side, you sure are close minded. You dismiss everything he says and then say you don't understand.

Look, the keyboard might not be important for you, but let's say we were talking about a businessman (since apparently most of those use iPhones according to you) who emails clients all day on his iPhone when not at work, and thus, not in the vicinity of a laptop. Wouldn't the keyboard be essential then? Like I said, different people have different needs and priorities.

The 3rd world countries topic is completely irrelevant, unless you want to explain the logic behind your statement?


macrumors 604
Sep 4, 2011
Just face it that there may be some things that people dont like about android. It's not the end of the world.

This. They'll go as far as they can to prove how superior Android is. They don't care about your opinion. Their goal is just to persuade you to stay on Android. It's a shame we couldn't do the same to get them to stay on iOS instead of switching to Android.


macrumors 6502
Jan 13, 2012
This. They'll go as far as they can to prove how superior Android is. They don't care about your opinion. Their goal is just to persuade you to stay on Android. It's a shame we couldn't do the same to get them to stay on iOS instead of switching to Android.

If you truly believe that, then I will use the same argument that many users on macrumors used: stop visiting this sub forum, if people are truly beyond help. There are certain topics in this world that are just not winnable given a person's belief in his or her side is strong enough (religion, politics). Why torture yourself? It seems mentions of android has gotten a lot less in the iPhone forum since this sub forum was created so you should be fine right? Also, if you like discussing about android, then go somewhere more "open minded" as you claim.

But personally for me, I'm not trying to prove you wrong. I'm trying to make you see that my argument is just as valid as yours. To each their own :)


macrumors 604
Sep 4, 2011
If you truly believe that, then I will use the same argument that many users on macrumors used: stop visiting this sub forum, if people are truly beyond help. There are certain topics in this world that are just not winnable given a person's belief in his or her side is strong enough (religion, politics). Why torture yourself? It seems mentions of android has gotten a lot less in the iPhone forum since this sub forum was created so you should be fine right? Also, if you like discussing about android, then go somewhere more "open minded" as you claim.

But personally for me, I'm not trying to prove you wrong. I'm trying to make you see that my argument is just as valid as yours. To each their own :)

I will continue visiting this sub forum because I enjoy both Android and iPhone, as well as other competitors.


macrumors 6502
Dec 17, 2011
Los Angeles, CA
iGentleman, you are a broken record man. You literally just keep posing the same bullcrap over and over. Can you please just get over the fact that we enjoy or iPhones. Again, your childish whining about a stupid keyboard just gives you and the rest of the Android community a bad name. That fact that you're complaining about a keyboard (that functions perfectly fine for an average intelligent adult) and that I have no issues with, just proves that you are just searching for petty things to complain about. It's pathetic. Enjoy your sweet Android and your superior keyboard! LOL. I don't even have to argue with you anymore because you pretty much make yourself look stupid. I mean really, complaining about a keyboard, that like I said functions perfectly. For instance I use my
Phone to type on this forum an cant type full length responses easily.

I dunno, I need to say away from this sub forum and let you guys just suck each other off and get off on the fact that you THINK your phone is superior. Your phones are shotty, poor quality, plastic, ugly iPhone wannabes. "OMG your keyboard doesn't finish my word!"
OMG you're a lazy ****. Point blank. Your phone sucks.
Report the crap out of me, I don't care. Get off an iPhone forum with your unnesseary bashing. No one cares.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502
Jan 13, 2012
iGentleman, you are a broken record man. You literally just keep posing the same bullcrap over and over. Can you please just get over the fact that we enjoy or iPhones. Again, your childish whining about a stupid keyboard just gives you and the rest of the Android community a bad name. That fact that you're complaining about a keyboard (that functions perfectly fine for an average intelligent adult) and that I have no issues with, just proves that you are just searching for petty things to complain about. It's pathetic. Enjoy your sweet Android and your superior keyboard! LOL. I don't even have to argue with you anymore because you pretty much make yourself look stupid. I mean really, complaining about a keyboard, that like I said functions perfectly. For instance I use my
Phone to type on this forum an cant type full length responses easily.

I dunno, I need to say away from this sub forum and let you guys just suck each other off and get off on the fact that you THINK your phone is superior. Your phones are shotty, poor quality, plastic, ugly iPhone wannabes. "OMG your keyboard doesn't finish my word!"
OMG you're a lazy ****. Point blank. Your phone sucks.
Report the crap out of me, I don't care. Get off an iPhone forum with your unnesseary bashing. No one cares.

ecwhite4S, why don't you let Technarchy and batting1000 take over? Because I find certain parts your post to be very ironic, specifically towards the end of the first paragraph. By the way, if you keep ignoring my comments, I'm just going to assume its because you can't provide a rebuttal, and I welcome you to prove me wrong :)

First, you say he needs to get over the fact that you guys enjoy your iPhones. Check the sub forum again? If you enjoy it great! But if that was all, then why would you come to the other devices sub forum to tout how much you enjoy an iPhone? Surely you would get a much better response in the iPhone sub forum? Also, your Samsung ad and all yours claims about android copying iOS isn't just you enjoying your phone.

As I've stated in the past, you can't generalize your experiences to the average intelligent adult. If the android keyboard truly is better in autocorrect an predictive abilities, who's to say those satisfied right now wouldn't be enamored with a better keyboard? Satisfaction doesn't imply perfection. Refer to my previous post about the keyboard thing.

"An cant"? Nice example! What if he has an S3? You said in the other thread that you weren't implying the S3 sucks. And yet you just said all Android phones suck. Don't you see the hypocrisy in telling us to get over the fact that you enjoy your iPhones and stop insulting it yet telling us that our phones suck? Who is bashing who exactly?

For future reference, letting anger cloud your judgement is counterproductive to trying to win an argument or persuade the opposing side.

I rest my case.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 1, 2009
This may have been true at one point but now you can disable apps in Android if you want. I run my Nexus on stock..rooting does very little for me.

That is true, I forgot to mention that since I rarely ever use that feature. I prefer to "freeze" or "un-install" my apps via TiBU. Another add bonus to rooting & using TiBU is for the backup feature. That is the main reason why I use TiBu, so I can backup all my apps.

Shame the S3 didn't work for you. It's an awesome device but it's not for everyone, just like how the iPhone isn't for everyone.

I was once an iPhone user but switching to Android open my eyes to further customizing my phone & got addicted to flashing ROM's. To each their own as the old saying goes.

So true on Android "text selection", it can really be a pain the ass sometimes.


macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 22, 2011
SF Bay Area
That is true, I forgot to mention that since I rarely ever use that feature. I prefer to "freeze" or "un-install" my apps via TiBU. Another add bonus to rooting & using TiBU is for the backup feature. That is the main reason why I use TiBu, so I can backup all my apps.

Shame the S3 didn't work for you. It's an awesome device but it's not for everyone, just like how the iPhone isn't for everyone.

I was once an iPhone user but switching to Android open my eyes to further customizing my phone & got addicted to flashing ROM's. To each their own as the old saying goes.

So true on Android "text selection", it can really be a pain the ass sometimes.

Thank you for a reasonable response. Maybe android and iOS users can coexist :)


macrumors 6502a
Sep 1, 2009
Thank you for a reasonable response. Maybe android and iOS users can coexist :)

Same to you. Majority of us can co-exist, it just hard for some especially when the iOS vs Android flamefest starts, LOL. :D


macrumors 6502a
Sep 1, 2009
This. They'll go as far as they can to prove how superior Android is. They don't care about your opinion. Their goal is just to persuade you to stay on Android. It's a shame we couldn't do the same to get them to stay on iOS instead of switching to Android.

And we can say that about iOS users. So what's the point? Both sides have their arguments, why can't we all get just along instead of downplaying the other?


macrumors 68000
Jan 9, 2011
In front of uranus
Can I just ask why you think the iOS keyboard is garbage? I'm not asking in an offensive way, I'm just curious why you didn't like it.

The physical set up is fine, it is the sheer amount of auto-correct errors (so much so I turned it off because it was unusable), the lack of long touch for numbers and special characters. For instance if I want to type, "Fan#1" I have to click on 3 different sub-keyboards. Additionally, the space bar only seems to want to accept taps 6 out of 10 times, so I constantly have multiple words running together. I have to manually correct every post because the keyboard is so bad. And the lack of predictive words is just a negative that Apple is apparently copying, I mean adding in ios6. ;)
By the way, I tried 5 row keyboard, ikeywi keyboards as well. I prefer ikeywi, but it only solved the not having to hit extra sub-keyboards for numbers and special characters that I used a lot, since I had control over what was on the keyboard.
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