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I just tested both on my iPad and while it's cool that Swype "swipes", I think SwiftKey seems far more accurate and quicker for me. It remains to be seen which I'll use on the 6 Plus on Friday, I prefer to swipe rather than type on a large screen phone.

I'm just thrilled that we have the option of creating a new default keyboard. I was fairly decent at typing on the iPad keyboard in meetings already, but the ability to use SwiftKey is going to make things much, much easier.
The one thing that is missing from these keyboards is the vibrate feature. I loved having the phone vibrate when typing.
Swiftkey. I always used that when I had Android. I couldn't stand the stock keyboard.
You realize Swiftkey is free.... :rolleyes:

I know which is why I said that I spent $1 on Swype because SwiftKey wasn't up.
I knew that I was going to stick with SwiftKey because I've used it in the past and purchases it on Android. I just NEEDED to try a third party keyboard.
Is it just me, or is autocorrect on SwiftKey absolutely horrible? Is there a setting I need to adjust?

I've used SwiftKey on Android devices in the past, and I don't know if there's something wrong on my end, but my experience with it has been terrible. If I type fast enough, sometimes it'll think I'm trying to swipe to type, the autocorrect isn't that great, and this is probably an iOS issue, but for me at least, I have to constantly switch back to SwiftKey from the default keyboard.

Anybody else having these issues?
I noticed on the App Store that Swype got just as many 1 star votes as 5 star ones (3/5 overall), while Swiftkey was mostly 5 star (4.5/5 overall). But there aren't any comments appearing yet, just votes. What's wrong with Swype that its doing so poorly in the ratings?
I noticed on the App Store that Swype got just as many 1 star votes as 5 star ones (3/5 overall), while Swiftkey was mostly 5 star (4.5/5 overall). But there aren't any comments appearing yet, just votes. What's wrong with Swype that its doing so poorly in the ratings?

Maybe it's because it costs a buck and its not even as good as Swift key
Do you have to "Enable Full Access" for SwiftKey to allow swype typing? Isn't that a bit of a concern?
Tried SwiftKey on both iPhone and iPad.

No swiping for iPad, so uninstalled.

No access to voice dictation on iPhone, so uninstalled.

Both caused a slight lag bringing the keyboard up.

Auto correct on iPhone seemed like a pain in the ass, at least compared to the way the stock iOS 8 keyboard works- been on the GM since it was released so I'm used to that now.

Don't want to pay to try Swype- had it on Android years ago and it was cool, but I'm not gonna pay even one dollar to try it again if I can try out 'swiping' via the free SwiftKey. The only times I really typed one handed is driving... maybe it's not such a bad thing for that task to be a little bit of a pain in the ass so I'm not as tempted to do it.

Overall- I think I'll just stick with the stock iOS keyboard. It's done me well for a couple years and it's obviously made to work well with the iDevice.
Trying out SwiftKey and running into a very annoying flaw. Open up a new tab in Safari and try typing in a website at the top that you frequent. Safari will fill in the rest of the url, so you would think that just hitting enter after typing in the first few characters will be enough. Not with SwiftKey, it doesn't like convenience.

Also, the question mark is in a different place on the iPad for reasons unbeknownst to me.
I tried both and prefer Swype. To me it feels a LOT faster and it seems a lot more accurate to me.

(Obligatory "Each to their own" disclaimer here)
SwiftKey. And honestly it's mainly a visual thing. I'm a bit OCD about my OS so for me to change the keyboard at all is pretty big. SwiftKey looks the most like stock OS.

I do like the Swype shortcuts (swiping down from m to the space bar for a period and space, c to the space bar for a comma and space - something like that, I don't remember specifics) because it seems punctuation seems to interrupt the flow a bit on SwiftKey. It's also a little difficult to get used to on a smaller screen - I've always been of the opinion that the iPhone screens are a bit too small for swiping and I have REALLY big hands and fingers so my accuracy can sometimes lack a little bit with swiping. I guess we'll see how they operate on the new models.
I have to say that my SwiftKey experience has been great thus far. Hopefully it will get better and faster and more accurate.
Do you have to "Enable Full Access" for SwiftKey to allow swype typing? Isn't that a bit of a concern?

This is my concern too. Although we seem to be in the minority, judging by other replies.
SwiftKey all the way, except the accuracy isn't there yet (Perhaps it's because I'm just learning/figuring out how to use it)
Swift key not working on iphone5 with ios8. Once loaded I get no keyboard at all when trying to type. Anybody else having this problem.
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