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I know.

EVERYONE is talking about that Windows tablet. EVERYONE.

No one is talking about or interested in the iPad. NO ONE.

This thread is an abomination.

Can you please provide any links to the media that is talking about it? I must have missed that.

... if you mean you and your buddies as "EVERYONE" lol nvm...
That is when all you who think you want a desktop OS on a tablet will find out why you actually don't...
And that's the bit almost everyone forgets. Windows based tablets have been around for over a decade, and they fail to take off because they end up being useless.
hahahahaha;) I found this hilarious as I am now reading the new Hitchiker's Guide book by Eoin Coifer and this would have fit quite nicely into Douglas Adams humor.
Wait, what? <Quick check on Wikipedia... back now> I'm not sure I feel about this. Is it any good?
*nonsense rant*

won't go there since lord patton just proved some of my points.

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I agree. Apple is too arrogant now amd the

ipad is the result. We wanted a computer
but Apple gave us a media reader.

Is the iPad a tablet computer? I think not. Don't confuse it with one.

So the iPad is not a (tablet) computer?
Last time i checked it had a processor, RAM and OS which pretty much makes it a computer.

It's a big iPod Touch (with a 3G option) and I want one tomorrow.

Yeah and a LP is a over sized CD. they both hold music.

And now seriously: don't most people here know already its a big iPod Touch?
And the reason they want one is because it is a iPod Touch with an 9.7" screen?
Whats wrong with an iPod Touch? Nothing really except for the small screen (if you want to browse the web or read a book/newspaper on your sofa or around the house)
Remember the good old days when people who were mindlessly bashing things did it in a mindless sentence or two.

Now it is big walls of text that make them unreadable and not worth responding to....
One cannot claim to be a genius with the declaration that tablet computing will be the wave of the future; CES was clear about this

No. For me, CES showed two things

1) TV manufacturers desparately falling over themselves to push 3D as a means to get people to buy new, more expensive TVs. 'Its the futur' they all cried

2) computer manufacturers falling over themselves to show something tablety before Apple showed their hand. 'its the futur' they all cried

Just because the manufacturer's tell you something, doesn't make it reality.

Tablets have been tried before, and failed. I don't know why they failed, but something about windows + stylus just didn't gel with people. perhaps the OS wasn't optimised for touch? Now, they're doing the same old thing, only replacing a stylus with a finger. Almost nothing else has changed.

At least Apple are trying something different.

As for MS and the courier? Any news at all about that actually being real, and not just a pointless concept that would be impractical in real life and probably will never be made?
Tablets have been tried before, and failed. I don't know why they failed, but something about windows + stylus just didn't gel with people. perhaps the OS wasn't optimised for touch? Now, they're doing the same old thing, only replacing a stylus with a finger. Almost nothing else has changed.

"Almost nothing else has changed" and "they're doing the same old thing" except the OS is "optimised for touch".
"Almost nothing else has changed" and "they're doing the same old thing" except the OS is "optimised for touch".

what? Windows 7? I'd like to see some examples. If true thats good news and I might look again at them as an option
Tablets have been tried before, and failed. I don't know why they failed, but something about windows + stylus just didn't gel with people. perhaps the OS wasn't optimised for touch? Now, they're doing the same old thing, only replacing a stylus with a finger. Almost nothing else has changed.

They fail because windows+stylus (or touch) has never been optimized or truly tested and perfected to be user friendly and user intuitive, and certainly not in any way fun to use. I can't tell you how many hours I've spent trying to "fix" on UMPCs all the way to the latest Archos 9, what should just work out of the box. I pretty much gave up on the touch and stylus interfaces for most things on the A9, instead using the included mouse replacement which seems to be the only reliable means of maneuvering the mouse cursor (assuming you are in landscape mode). Last night I finally thought I had a decent keyboard solution (shareware but would cost an extra $40) but then it started typing two letters at a time for every keypress....grrrr. I then went back to my iPhone to do the search I wanted to do and it took 5 seconds.

Windows + stylus is simply not the same as a true physical touch based OS. Replacing a stylus with your human touch is absolutely a huge game changer. No intermediate device can compete with the immediacy of you personally touching and interacting with it; the only more natural interface would be one that went directly from thought to device, and I think we're still a ways away from that. Now we've already had a glimpse of the basic potential of what such an interface should feel like and how easily it should work on the iPhone and Touch. Until Windows or someone else matches (and exceeds) the touch interface, Apple will have no true competition in this market.
People can say what they want but it will fit some peoples needs. I for one will buy it to use in my sales business. It will be perfect to take orders while on the road. I can place my orders, look up customers, work on my appointments all while in my car. My secretary is really excited about the iPad, it will make her life easier. While imputing info on the road, there will be less to do in the office at the end of the day. I am sold! Bring on the iPad.
People can say what they want but it will fit some peoples needs. I for one will buy it to use in my sales business. It will be perfect to take orders while on the road. I can place my orders, look up customers, work on my appointments all while in my car. My secretary is really excited about the iPad, it will make her life easier. While imputing info on the road, there will be less to do in the office at the end of the day. I am sold! Bring on the iPad.

and you can't do this from a netbook because?
Customer is waiting while you tap in their order, and asks you to check if you can schedule an appointment. Close "order app" mid way, go to home screen. Open up "calendar app" answer customer. Go back to home screen, open "Order app" splash screen loads...begin tapping again. Need to look up some info..oh crap do all that again! I see your secretary might become a bit tired of this after a while.

How about scanning those receipts in...oh wait iPad has no camera. Expensive add on to the rescue.

Oh well whatever works for you.

Originally Posted by laserfox hahahahaha I found this hilarious as I am now reading the new Hitchiker's Guide book by Eoin Coifer and this would have fit quite nicely into Douglas Adams humor. ___________ Wait said:
Its OK..I mean I like it mostly, but it seems like he is trying too hard to be witty and "out of this world" but somethings it falls flat.
So the iPad is not a (tablet) computer?
Last time i checked it had a processor, RAM and OS which pretty much makes it a computer.

So does my TI-89, but I call it a calculator, not a computer.

There is already a category of products on the market that define the concept of a tablet. They all offer full OS and features of stand-alone computers. The iPad differs from these devices in significant ways and therefore can not be classified with them.

Whether or not the iPad becomes so popular that it redefines the category is for the future to tell. As it stands now, however, the iPad is not a tablet.
One cannot claim to be a genius with the declaration that tablet computing will be the wave of the future; CES was clear about this.

Hmm, memories of 2001 Comdex or 2010 Ballmer CES keynote...

What's the driver for such a thread OP? I can't quite make out that or the reasoning/facts behind it.
The anti-accountability squad is on the scene!

I take it you were or were friends with "that kid" who always rubbed it in others face when he scored higher on a test or in a game? :rolleyes:
won't go there since lord patton just proved some of my points.

So the iPad is not a (tablet) computer?
Last time i checked it had a processor, RAM and OS which pretty much makes it a computer.

Yeah and a LP is a over sized CD. they both hold music.

And now seriously: don't most people here know already its a big iPod Touch?
And the reason they want one is because it is a iPod Touch with an 9.7" screen?
Whats wrong with an iPod Touch? Nothing really except for the small screen (if you want to browse the web or read a book/newspaper on your sofa or around the house)

Your idea of what constitutes a "computer" differs markedly from mine. I don't think we'll ever agree on the terminology with respect to the iPad. The "OS" is just an OS for the Iphone and Touch. Hardly what most would classify as "computers". OSX, Windows, Linux...THOSE are "computer" operating systems.
Your idea of what constitutes a "computer" differs markedly from mine. I don't think we'll ever agree on the terminology with respect to the iPad. The "OS" is just an OS for the Iphone and Touch. Hardly what most would classify as "computers". OSX, Windows, Linux...THOSE are "computer" operating systems.

You realize that aside from the GUI layer, iPhone OS and OS X are nearly identical, right? Obviously there are changes related to the very different hardware the two run on, but most of the meat of the OS is extremely similar. And given that both iPhone OS and OS X are based on Darwin (a fully conformant UNIX variant), they are also both very similar to Linux.
You know it, I know, a lot of people in the industry know it.

But there's a few million consumers out there for Apple to make a hefty profit of the back of this thing. I'm just miffed that they had the cheek to call it revolutionary at the Keynote. If they just said, here's a fun new product we're expanding our inventory with.. then I'd be cool with it. But it's going to turn into a war of wills now, with Apple trying to convince us that this thing is going to change our lives. And some of you guys are going to cave in ;)

I think you said it best.
Imagine the time and the money involved in adapting/developing a fully functioning desktop operating system for a tablet that nobody would be completely satisfied with anyway. Why not provide an empty clean slate (no pun intended) to start from and allow those in need to spurn the development of the rest, supply and demand in an Apple ecosystem. I hardly use every aspect of OSX anyway. Sometimes I would prefer to have the option to customize the OS myself. Be that as it may, let me take a minute and wuss out by saying that this all a great idea but I don't have a crystal ball on hand and in the end I will, like any good consumer, shop around and see what tablet offering will best suit my needs. ;)
Really? That's funny. I've been reading on all of the major sites that the exact opposite is happening.

And with the sharp increase of app releases, and swift income, I'd say you're just one pissed off techy who thinks they can extend their "deep" philosophy into other people.

Also, why do you think other tablets are coming out with Android, etc, instead of full Windows? Because that's the way companies see this going. Closed Computing is the only viable option for Tablets, not that the iPhone OS doesn't have huge potential still, it does.

While you're reading PR blitz articles, I'm working in the industry. I listen to folks tell their stories at conferences, colleges, and in face-to-face conversations. People are leaping AWAY from the iPhone, and that includes HUGE IP holders who can't make a dime from the platform....and WHY? Because Apple has polluted the App store to get a high App count, something that Sony, Sega, Microsoft, and Nintendo do NOT do. Apple failed to learn that lesson from the masters who have dominated the gaming industry for the last two decades.
Apple failed to learn that lesson from the masters who have dominated the gaming industry for the last two decades.

Which is exactly why apple now has the most developed for platform right?
People are leaping AWAY from the iPhone, and that includes HUGE IP holders who can't make a dime from the platform....and WHY?

Apparently it's because they are doing it wrong.

And P.S. Sega no longer makes consoles...but they do make games for the iPhone. Just like EA, Activision, Disney, Capcom, Konami, Rockstar, and Gameloft (see link above).

That bit about the killer "rumored Windows tablet" was especially funny. OP assumes the video was referring to a real product. MS can barely get its head out of its ass in the consumer market long enough to push out a Windows version that sucks a little less, never mind churn out something like that in any appreciable timeframe. They barely have a mobile strategy.

Raging geek is raging.

Well, the tablet I think we're both referring to ISN'T a Microsoft invention. The point is that that vaporware video is innovative. I showed it to a ton of friends and told them hold off until Apple releases their new thing. Once a blueprint like that is released it should fuel the minds and define what IS innovative. That Windows tablet is solving problems, the iPad will have to continue developing iPad specific features to be of use.

Bottom-line with the presentation; it shouldn't have taken more than 6 months to create some sample apps to really blow away the audience and show them where they're going to be using this device to enhance their lives BEYOND what has already been done.

Apple is a great company. Steve is an exceptional human being. I think someone has let someone down here, and it makes me nervous that Steve really IS Apple, and if anything happens to him, we're going right back to the days of Skully calling evolution -> innovation. Someone has to take the reigns, and I think we have to push that demand. Whoever Steve trusted the product with while he was busy NOT DYING should be relieved of their duties in this area, because Steve was sitting in a leather chair VERY uncomfortable, and other than app crashes a decade ago, I can't remember him looking so out of place.
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