I always play Dubai and fold almost every hand at the first table. Don't get serious about betting until your in the final three because it's all about table 2.
Bet scarcely until youre in the top three and you will be making millions of dollars per hour, just like you always dreamed. Works for me.
Quickest game to winning, two minutes, fastest game to loose it all, three seconds.
I have over 200 million, and sitting at 10% 1st, 4% 2nd, 3% 3rd.
At this point, it's just a time waster I play while I'm sitting in class. There is generally no logic to the AI, as they're just as apt to fold AJ in position as they are to call a $10k raise with 2-7 offsuit. I generally just play aggressively with any hand that's a facecard with a 10 or higher kicker and fold the rest, even pocket pairs. It's ridiculous how many times I've been dealt 8-8 or 9-9 and two other players have QQ and AA, so I just stopped playing them altogether.
Have reached over a 100 million...pic to follow. Does any one know how to upload a screen shot right off the ipone to the formun other than from a computer.
Push the home and power button at the same time and release them at the same time; it will take a snap shot of your screen and save it to ur pics
I have over 700 mil.