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The simplicity is attractive, but I think as described it will be way too limiting. Sounds like just a power port and an HDMI port. Where is Ethernet? Where is optical sound? Where is component? Let alone attached USB... 1080p is great but with no wired Ethernet plug it will rely on streaming 1080p content!?! WILL NOT WORK. 16 gig would be enough for buffering, but then you rely on your network connection for all content. Given the randomness of wireless network activity, what happens when the sunspot activity picks up or other unexplainable events interrupt your wireless network?

Make it a glorified Airport Express with just an HDMI port added. That would rock. (I'll sacrifice the component)
Sounds cool, but....

1) Needs local storage (Time Capsule is okay, but what about hooking up to your in-car entertainment system, or those without Time Capsule). Cloud storage is a bit questionable (call me paranoid) and what about all those DVDs/Blu-rays? Or how about just a lot more internal storage (64-180GB)?
2) QWERTY keyboard (bluetooth or iPhone/iTouch would be fine)
3) Should support all video codecs (yes, I am dreaming here)
4) Will it allow browser based viewing and Flash video (Hulu, etc)?
5) DVR capabilities (now I'm really dreaming!).
As much as I hope it does happen as the device is due update, I guess it will be cutting off the existing owners considering how completely different it's going to be? Operating system for one.
So what happens to our Itunes content that we have purchased? They expect us to buy a new device to watch something we already bought?
Maybe they don't care considering how statistically few of us there probably are?
While this rumor is fun for speculation, I think trying to divine its final form and features from this tidbit is quite premature. I think at most it points to the the fact that *something* is likely coming down the road and its quite possible that all of the naysayers suggesting apple is abandoning the living room might be wrong. But arguing details about anything until apple announces it officially is pretty much a fools game imo. I am reminded of the months of iPad speculation before it was even officially announced.
Love the fact there is a new rumour about ATV; really hope it's true just because i don't want apple to forget about the device.... BUT... I moved to local storage (an external USB drive enabled via a patchstick) to avoid problems with WiFi; the ATV was a bloody nightmare loosing sync with iTunes regularly and driving my partner nuts, which in turn caused me serious grief :(

So, basically... Yes... BUT... PLEASE apple, if you go down this route, make the WiFi streaming STABLE!!
Love the fact there is a new rumour about ATV; really hope it's true just because i don't want apple to forget about the device.... BUT... I moved to local storage (an external USB drive enabled via a patchstick) to avoid problems with WiFi; the ATV was a bloody nightmare loosing sync with iTunes regularly and driving my partner nuts, which in turn caused me serious grief :(

So, basically... Yes... BUT... PLEASE apple, if you go down this route, make the WiFi streaming STABLE!!

same here...i HAVE to sync to the atv's...streaming never works well...itunes always dropping one or both atvs...lots of stuttering. The streaming itself slight improved when i went to an all N 5Gz network, but the range got so bad half the house couldn't see the TC...and extending a 5Ghz N network is WORSE that just sticking with a, the older macbooks in the house cannot see the router at all when at 5ghz...(even tho they are N macbooks)...

in's wifi solutions tend to suck and not work very well. (not really apple's fault wifi technology itself is about as sloppily developed as you can get).
I really hope that this rumor represents only part of the new Apple TV solution.

I had previously said I'd like to see a hard disk version and a streaming only version. I'm ok with this part. But the lack of connections has me worried. What I want the device for first is for music, and I need optical for that. How about ethernet? USB?

They really need to enable on-board or nearby storage, or at the very least - networked storage.
This thread cracks me up. On the one hand, everyone loves the $99 price point. On the other hand, just about everybody is saying "but what about ...."

Guess what, if the $99 price point is correct, and assuming there is only a single model, then you're going to get a small box with 16MB flash, 802.11N, and a single hdmi output.

Actually this sounds exactly like what Apple would do.

<channeling steve>
Component? Forget about that - it's like a floppy drive. Yesterdays technology.

Ethernet? You can't be serious. Wires are so like built in modems.

Larger storage? What planet to do you live on? The cloud is where it's at. Hard drives are like laptops with removable batteries.....
</channeling steve>

Anyway, I find the specs totally believable. And per usual, Apple won't really care that people have these "legacy" items.
This thread cracks me up. On the one hand, everyone loves the $99 price point. On the other hand, just about everybody is saying "but what about ...."

Guess what, if the $99 price point is correct, and assuming there is only a single model, then you're going to get a small box with 16MB flash, 802.11N, and a single hdmi output.

Actually this sounds exactly like what Apple would do.

<channeling steve>
Component? Forget about that - it's like a floppy drive. Yesterdays technology.

Ethernet? You can't be serious. Wires are so like built in modems.

Larger storage? What planet to do you live on? The cloud is where it's at. Hard drives are like laptops with removable batteries.....
</channeling steve>

Anyway, I find the specs totally believable. And per usual, Apple won't really care that people have these "legacy" items.

LOL good one. And believable. I am just hoping for some way to connect a large drive .... or hope my set of screwdrivers can pop it open and hack it like the last model. Only time will tell.
Ethernet? You can't be serious. Wires are so like built in modems.

I agree with your post except for the wired connection. We need the option to have a wired network. Streaming 1080p wirelessly is not going to work.

A dual analog/optical audio output would be nice too. Apple easily could make this device with a wall plug, a mini jack, an Ethernet plug, and an HDMI port in the same size and form factor as the Airport Express. I would pre-order 5 on the day it was announced.
I love the way that the MacRumors community has added the need for at least four more ports to a device which has first been rumoured today.

An Apple device could never have enough ports to keep some people happy. And yet amazingly people find a way to cope.
I just need to say that the term "cloud" is silly and used far too much. Words we all use deserve a little more thought behind them.
here's the problem:

a large majority of the US still has broad band that is too slow to support HD streaming. This is why I have concerns about the "cloud".

It's not even the US. My home in the UK can only get 512kbps broadband... money isn't an issue, there just isn't a fast service here. Same with our place in Poland.

Which is a shame because I'd love a really good streaming box for my TV.
IF it's $99 then you can be sure the device will be subsidized by an itunes cable subscription right?

I mean 16gb iPad with same specs is $499. Only difference being battery and screen.
It's not even the US. My home in the UK can only get 512kbps broadband... money isn't an issue, there just isn't a fast service here. Same with our place in Poland.

Which is a shame because I'd love a really good streaming box for my TV.

Have you tried mobile broadband? I know there are some murderous caps, but if you don't use it that much, the speed is pretty decent in my experience, even in mediocre reception areas.

IF it's $99 then you can be sure the device will be subsidized by an itunes cable subscription right?

I mean 16gb iPad with same specs is $499. Only difference being battery and screen.

Well the cost to Apple per iPad is around $270. The battery and display alone cost about $120. I imagine that as they wouldn't have to house a massive display in such a unit, casing materials could be about $15 less. Take out the accelerometer, compass and all the other fripperies and Apple could probably hit break-even at a push.
If this were to support Netflix, I would be all over it. If it doesn't, it won't have any advantage to someone who has an Xbox, PS3, or computer...

Not true it will be able to play Apple Lossless where as the 360 nor the PS3 can do that. . . Which is for me a MAJOR selling point. Oh, and can you search your songs and control a 360 or a PS3 without having to be in front of the TV / Monitor? iPhone and iPod Touch over wifi. There are several advantages.
Well the cost to Apple per iPad is around $270. The battery and display alone cost about $120. I imagine that as they wouldn't have to house a massive display in such a unit, casing materials could be about $15 less. Take out the accelerometer, compass and all the other fripperies and Apple could probably hit break-even at a push.

Yeah except break even is higher than the material cost which doesn't include design, testing, manufacturing, marketing, support, etc. And Apple likes to make 20% profit on these costs.

Apple wouldn't sell break even or take a loss unless they are going to a new business model and plan on making their money on content through a subscription or something.
Yeah except break even is higher than the material cost which doesn't include design, testing, manufacturing, marketing, support, etc. And Apple likes to make 20% profit on these costs.

Apple wouldn't sell break even or take a loss unless they are going to a new business model and plan on making their money on content through a subscription or something.

It very well could be a loss leader, Apple has the billions in reserves to do just that and gamble they can make it up elsewhere like digital content. If this takes off it will stick it to Google a bit plus give them the leverage w/ the film studios that the iPod gave them w/ the record labels.
Yeah except break even is higher than the material cost which doesn't include design, testing, manufacturing, marketing, support, etc. And Apple likes to make 20% profit on these costs.

Apple wouldn't sell break even or take a loss unless they are going to a new business model and plan on making their money on content through a subscription or something.

I included manufacturing as judged from iSuppli's BOM of the iPad from my $270 ballpark. But yes you are correct, it doesn't include design, testing, marketing and support. However, components and materials alone could be break-even. I'm then imagining iTunes revenue would claw back any losses from other departments.
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