Also the seat design and position, general car design, driver size, seat/wheel setup, etc. There are cars where brushing against the outside bolster is just unavoidable - do that 4 - 8+ a day, every day for a few years, especially wearing jeans, it'll get worn out, regardless of what magical material/leather <insert_manufactuer> uses.
For the first time with this ride, I set the "easy out" mode, and have continued to use it (I've tried it in the past, usually got too annoying). Occasionally I'll jump out with the car running (so the seat doesn't slide back) and I make pretty definite contact the outer bolster.
It wasn't offensive at all, just funny. FWIW, I'm also [mostly] anti-water mark, I mean, is there really a threat from someone stumbling on a photo of a stock ES, and using it in some malevolent fashion?
Anyway I agree, you should post more photos