Every jursidiction is different in how they handle cars, so to say "when that’s not how it works" isn't always the case.Oh Ok, thanks for clarifying. There was another post you insinuated:
“One car I have, I have a lot of fun with. I have a department car I got from my Sheriff after they decommissioned it. A 2014 Dodge Charger, RWD.“
So I thought it was your car, which is how you made it sound in two different posts, but now it’s your department car handed you got from the ‘the sheriff’ and ‘you run it’ as you mentioned. If you ‘run a Department’, why would they hand a squad car down to you? (You don’t need to answer that, I’m just thinking out loud.) Because in Michigan, retired squads are are sent to auction. (Ask me how I know that.😁) Heck, I can’t even have/buy a squad handed down to me without having to go to auctions first per agency guidelines even with cash in my hand.
I realize I’m grilling you, but I just wasn’t clear what your wording meant and I found it odd that ‘your department‘ would give you a squad car (when that’s not how it works), But it’s not really yours to begin with either, but handed to you from ‘the sheriff,’ but you run the the department as said. Strangely worded and scenario. (That’s just the detective nature in me. Not trying to start a rift with you, but ya know.)
In my county, the County (proper) owns the fleet cars, including the Sheriffs cars. So when the Sheriff is finished with one, the County will do one of three things with it. 1, send it to the scrap heap if it's in no condition to be sold. 2, send it to auction. 3, turn it into a pool car for all county employees to use, or assign it to a specific department, such as "mine". It will also have the county seal put on the doors, removing the Sheriff decals, of course.
Another county in Michigan may do things differently. I do know that some of the local PD's within my county will strip the cars down and put them on the front lawn for sale and do the sales by closed bid only.
So it just all depends on each jurisdiction in how they want to handle the fleet cars.
I do apologize if my posts on this Charger were confusing for you, that certainly wasn't my intent. I do not own the Charger in any personal sense of the word, but I do hold responsibility for it's use, maintenance and budgetary obligations as a department head.