I needed to have some parts sandblasted, and of course which of these makes more sense?
1. Pay someone $25 or so to do it
2. Buy $400 worth of stuff to do it myself.
Of course, I chose option 2. I didn't have an air compressor, and for a DIY car guy it's a pretty valuable tool for a lot of things. Unfortunately, sandblasting really needs more of a compressor than can reasonably even fit or have the power for now(much less afford), but I ended up with something that can do a reasonable job in short spurts.
I did learn a few things about sandblasting, though
1. You will get blasting media in places you didn't know existed
2. Trying to improvise your own blasting cabinet out of a carboard box isn't a great idea as it will just kick media back at you, but does at least recover some
3. Even with safety glasses on, you will still get media in your eyes. Fortunately it just saves you from direct hits
4. Say what you will about supply shortages:I was glad I had a small stash of industrial/construction grade N95s, and by golly I used one after getting a nose and mouth full of it when just using a plain face mask yesterday
5. Be ready to paint immediately, as stuff flash rusts within a minute of you blasting it.
Still, though, I was pretty pleased with my work. It's not perfect, but hopefully I've at least kept some rust at bay
This is part of a larger job to redo my rear suspension bushings, which have gone bad after 5 years. I'm going with poly, which will hopefully last another 50 years.
Here's it all taken apart on one side
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Among other things, I'm replacing a lot of hardware and rebuilding the shock absorbers(seen top right-Armstrong lever arm hydraulic). Since the springs have settled unevenly in 5 years, I'm swapping them side to side. I didn't order shackles, but was finally able to clean up all the old nasty rubber I didn't get 5 years ago with the sandblaster. I also smoothed out the pins in the shackle on a bench grinder, again something I didn't do several years ago.
My first attempt at sandblasting-only a couple of parts here done
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I finished everything for this side today, although I'm debating about completely replacing the suspension drop link. It would be fine aside from the fact that the rubber is shot in it and I don't think I can buy those bushings separately.
BTW, for those of you who don't seem to know any different, this is called "maintenance" and not "breaking down every time I drive the car."