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Works Great

I am in the process of ripping my copy of The Dark Knight with Handbrake now. I was having problems too but the forums on the handbrake website helped me.

Basically File --> Open Source (Title Specific) then type Title "1" should be good to go. I followed those instructions from the handbrake website and I'm in the process of ripping it as we speak. So here's to hoping!

This worked great
So Close....

I've almost gotten mine to rip, but I'm having a problem with sound. I'm on a G4 with OS 10.4.11 and I used fairmount to decrypt the dvd and then I opened up one of the VOB files within the video_ts folder with the source for handbrake. When it finishes ripping, I have perfect image quality, but I have no sound at all. Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong? Is there a file you are supposed to rip with the VOB file? Help would be appretiated :D
I've almost gotten mine to rip, but I'm having a problem with sound. I'm on a G4 with OS 10.4.11 and I used fairmount to decrypt the dvd and then I opened up one of the VOB files within the video_ts folder with the source for handbrake. When it finishes ripping, I have perfect image quality, but I have no sound at all. Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong? Is there a file you are supposed to rip with the VOB file? Help would be appretiated :D
I am very doubtful that HB 0.9.1 will work with anything like Dark Knight. Upgrade to HB 0.9.3 and follow the steps earlier in this thread.
I am very doubtful that HB 0.9.1 will work with anything like Dark Knight. Upgrade to HB 0.9.3 and follow the steps earlier in this thread.

Thanks dude, I shall try and see what it does on 9.3. Is there really that big of a difference between the versions though?
It works using Handbrake

All you have to do is choose File-> Open Source(Title Specific). Then enter title 1. When this is done, you can edit your settings for ripping. I got it to my iPod Touch. Then just start the rip. Note: It will take a little longer to rip the DVD because it is a 2 and a half hour movie.
need little more help

Has anyone got this to work on tiger version 10.4.11. I used fairmount and that worked but now everytime I put it into Toast it freezes. What is the next step
AnyDVD and Handbrake don't even do the same things. You are comparing apples to oranges. Or wordprocessors to spreadsheets. Or in this case DVD rippers (AnyDVD) to transcoders (Handbrake).

AnyDVD makes a copy of a DVD and removes copy protection. Handbrake takes DVD (VOB) files and transcodes (converts) them into various formats suitable for playing on various devices, such as iPod or AppleTV. Handbrake will utilize an installed copy of VLC to attempt rip (copy) the DVD, but it has no native code to do that itself.

Yeah knew that, wish they had a version of ANY DVD for Mac;)
I decided to get AnyDVD with HD Option (for future Blu-Ray) and it handled The Dark Knight without any problems.

In the past I was using "DVD Decrypter" to decrypt and copy the VIDEO_TS Folder to my main competer disk drive. Then I would use Handbrake to encode it for AppleTV. I have converted 95 DVD's and this is only the second DVD that DVD Decrypter could not handle. However, since DVD Decrypter is no longer supported I decided to give AnyDVD a try since I have seen it recommended a number of times. I have to say it works quite nice. I have Windows and it runs as a DVD Driver so that it will decrypt on the fly. However, for me I just used the "Rip Video DVD to my Harddisk" option which decrypts and copy's the VIDEO_TS Folder to my main computer disk drive.

However, it is a little expensive. DVD Decrypter is FREE but unsupported. AnyDVD is fully supported and cost EUR 63.20 (approx. $81.69 USD). I am not sure but about 1/2 the cost is for the HD Option. Also, if you buy before 1/2009 the web site says no future upgrade charges.

In case you are wondering, I have no connections whatsoever with the AnyDVD Company SkySoft.

TB SlySoft
Not true, If y;)ou bought it, you can copy it, I do and That is the copy I loan out to friends to watch, while my copy stays pristine

That's basically the definition of the illegality associated with copying movies.

If you bought it, you can have a backup of it. It's just too bad that to do so you have to circumvent copyright protection and break the law.
Of course it's legal. Don't be daft. Lending libraries across the country do it. You can loan anything you own.

It's the copying for profit or mass distribution to anonymous strangers that is illegal.

Please don't be mind-fugged by "pseudo-lawyers."

Is true. And how is copying it and loaning it out to friends legal?
Of course it's legal. Don't be daft. Lending libraries across the country do it. You can loan anything you own.

It's the copying for profit or mass distribution to anonymous strangers that is illegal.

Please don't be mind-fugged by "pseudo-lawyers."

Can you make me a copy of your OS X install disc and loan it to me? I lost mine.

Ripping DK...a possible solution

If you want a full rip of the DVD, mount the disc using Fairmount and then just drag and drop the contents of the disc to your hard drive.

If you want to encode the video for iTunes, Xbox 360, iPod, Apple TV, etc. do the following:

1. Insert the disc into your computer.
2. Launch Handbrake
3. File -> Open Source (Title Specific) ...
4. Select the DVD
5. Hit "Open"
6. Type "1" into the Title box
7. Handbrake should now be able to rip and convert the main film.

If this fails, rip the DVD to your hard drive with Fairmount and use "Open Source (Title Specific)" on the VIDEO_TS folder.

Also, first post! Hi everyone!

I've just successfully ripped DK region 2 using Ripit, mac version downloaded from MacUpdate.
I ripped the disc in ripit which took about 45 mins and then used HB to reformat to MP4, this has worked fine and seems to over ride the bad sectors placed by WB. I hope this helps
I've been unable to rip the Dark Knight using Handbrake or MTR. Has anyone else had success?

Yes I have and I used MTR 14mUBk'ed I downloaded a torrent and opened it with lime downloaded it installed and it worked also it is for mac.
Ok here is the link that will download that latest version of MTR the one I used to rip dark night. Also make sure to read the read me part first there is one step you have drag a file into your library before it will work so just read the read me and in 2 minutes you'll be ready to go this is the link after you click on the link you will go to the rapidshare site then click free user and in 30 seconds the download will start and its a small file 2.4MB
Sorry to resurrect this old thread.

I know I am a little late to the game, but I am having trouble ripping a copy of The Dark Knight.

I want a full DVD rip with full functional menus, subs, etc.

I know Mac the Ripper won't work.

I have tried using Fairmount. I was able to open the DVD and see the video_TS files. I dragged them to the desktop(about 7gigs worth). After 3 hours of transferring I got the files. I then transferred the folder to my movie folder. I then tried to watch it in Front Row and Plex. The movie menus seem to work, but once I start the movie Front Row just freezes up and Plex quits the movie back to the video select screen. If I try to watch the individual vob files with VLC I can't get anything to happen.

Obviously something wrong. Am I doing something wrong? What have other people done? This is one annoying DVD. :mad:
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