Tim Cook is another soulless executive who has achieved corporate goals for the investors and nothing more. We can all applaud him for making the shareholders happy (after all, most companies are about increasing shareholder value and not much else). Tim Cook has no product vision or a coherent vision for Apple. He is an excellent controller who has created the illusion of a company that cares and products we still want to love, but the innovation and rare flashes of sheer genius are not there and that was not his role.
Is his reign over, I think not. And, if it is, it will be because he has made all the money he can deal with and not that he completed a great product vision. What replaces him will be no different. We have to accept that Apple is now run for the benefit of shareholders and not as an advanced research company for new ideas. It will continue to make competent products that are well made and cost a premium, but gone are the days of products that bring together a myriad of ideas from around the world into something different. Such is life and it will always be like this as the business world converts money making ideas into money for the shareholders. The products become incidental to that objective. Carefully honing an appearance so that customers continue to buy the products is part for the game plan. After all if people stopped buying them, how would you pay back the investors? Cynical yes, pragmatic yes, good for consumers not necessarily so.