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Also, I don't want to get into the specifics of how effects and video editing are done, but copying a project and it's materials is not the same as copying downloaded movies. Things have to be relinked to new file paths, re-rendered, fixed etc. Lots of pro-apps and plugins have to be installed/tested. It takes time, especially if you have a lot of developed stuff. Getting everything seaworthy and ready to go could take at least a week, so I don't wanna have to do that 2 times in a row and loose an extra week.

Not to mention those annoying node-locked licenses where you have to get the company to provide a new serial number or allow for another activation.
Just tried to refresh my order status page for the 9000th time and got "Were sorry. Something went wrong with your request " anyone else?


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Apple computers usually launch/update right after their announced, this "later this year" teasing, then "december" (right before december) then "dec 30th shipping" (for almost no one) is nothing like that. A glitchy phone that needs some bugs fixed is usually still a phone before the update, this isn't like a software delay.

Some people want theirs, others need theirs for work. On my current (dying) rig there are a great many jobs that I cannot do anymore, and some big ones that are almost done but can't be finished until I migrate to functional hardware. This delay has cost me both time and money, so yeah, I can complain.

Had they been honest my life might suck a lot less, I would've had no problem getting something cheaper that worked months ago, but they blue balled me from July through January and now it's too late cause I can't sacrifice all that time for nothing, it could ship tomorrow for all I know... (yeah right) :( Almost 20 years I've used Apple products, never experienced anything like this.

I do feel for you and I would think that all fellow professionals here have been in the same position, with material due out of the door and your system fails, falls over or simply dies.

If your earning your living on a piece of hardware, you need to make sure you have a disaster plan to deal with all situations. I'm not talking corporate disaster plans either, as a lone worker in a similar position to you by the sound of it, I have a mental plan to cover all the situations for repair, replacement, or loaning/renting of alternative machines.

It's hard to hear, but your situation is your problem not Apples.
january = jan 31
Q2 = jun 30
2014 = dec 31

i understand that one can hope companies mean the first day of that month/quarter/year, but to expect it seems, well, overly optimistic and setting oneself up for disappointment.

Legally, yes. PR? Absolutely not. Apple prides itself in "delighting" - where it aims to under-promise, and over-deliver. Frankly, this has been quite un-Apple.
It's hard to hear, but your situation is your problem not Apples.

I never said it was apple's problem, although I would not be in this situation were it not for apple. And I become more and more aware of the latter with each passing day.

Also my rig isn't completely dead, it's just very limited and slow, and not getting any better. If I have to go the final week or so with no computer, then that's the boat I'm in at this point.
Just tried to refresh my order status page for the 9000th time and got "Were sorry. Something went wrong with your request " anyone else?

Me too. I just spoke to Apple about it. It's just system maintenance and the order status page is expected to be up again by 1pm UK time. I noticed something similar happen the other day and wondered if it was some kind of big order update and was disappointed. I expect we all will be again today. Nothing to do with our new toys I'm afraid :(
how long have you been without functional hardware?

you could just buy a 5,1 on monday, have it tuesday, and this could all be done.

in fact, why not just buy a 5,1 from apple's refurb store, and 'evaluate it' for 2 weeks. by then, you after very likely to receive your nMP (or at least have a firm date) and you can choose what works best.

if i had non-functional hardware, i couldn't go months and months without getting something. i for sure would not be able to wait on a 1st-gen product. i'm amazed you could take that risk.

still, apple were clear when you placed the order: ships in january. gotta assume that is "on or before january 31st". that's pretty much the way it is with most people/companies/industries.

january = jan 31
Q2 = jun 30
2014 = dec 31

i understand that one can hope companies mean the first day of that month/quarter/year, but to expect it seems, well, overly optimistic and setting oneself up for disappointment.

Its simply absurd to suggest a temporary computer for two weeks !
Part of my anxiety in this long wait for my nMP, is the thought of what a pain it will be to reinstall all my apps, setting, etc on the new machine. That's just not something I would do temporarily.
Its simply absurd to suggest a temporary computer for two weeks !
Part of my anxiety in this long wait for my nMP, is the thought of what a pain it will be to reinstall all my apps, setting, etc on the new machine. That's just not something I would do temporarily.

I totally agree with you. There is no way that I would spend thousands of dollars for 3 year old technology either - and don't see why anyone would advise it. And to suggest someone buy a computer from apple with the intent of only using it for a couple weeks and returning it is absolutely ignorant. Behavior like this is why retailers are shrinking their return periods and revising return policies.
Its simply absurd to suggest a temporary computer for two weeks !
Part of my anxiety in this long wait for my nMP, is the thought of what a pain it will be to reinstall all my apps, setting, etc on the new machine. That's just not something I would do temporarily.

well...i can see why you would say that, but i was responding to someone being overly dramatic and saying they have a machine that 'gets more non-functional every day'. to me, that is kind of an absurd notion. painting it as though there are no options is silly.

on the other hand....

the MP5,1's have been shown to kick some a$$ with today's apps. they didn't suddenly become dogs. granted, the future will change things, but if it is about getting work done TODAY and finishing projects, there ARE options. to say otherwise is disingenuous.

the nMP requires external storage. moving to a new machine (rMPB, iMac, MBA) for a few weeks may not be SO bad. first off, the guy's machine is 'non-functional' (how one runs a business without a functional machine is something i cannot imagine; if i did not have a functional machine i'd have to find an alternate solution immediately). there's the possibility that one could figure out that this machine works just fine.

also--i've got to emphasize this, like, five times -- the guy says he has a non-functional machine. anything is better.

look, i get being upset that we don't have our orders immediately, but some folks want to find reasons to complain and not solutions to their problems.

if someone's machine is truly non-functional and critical to business, then you get something that works and is available TODAY. appears to me like the problem is being overstated, and that if he can get by the nMP is not so critical to business.

hell, there have been plenty of places that had stock configs available for next day delivery, if one was so inclined. if we are comparing to a non-functional machine, it is hard to say a 6c/d500/16-64GB RAM (easily upgraded from stock)/256 would NOT be an improvement over a nonfunctional machine.

i know this thread is about whining a bit -- and i've got my share of nMPs on order right now, so i'm in the same boat...i just don't see much point in whining.
Well I guess I should have known better than to complain about Apple in a place such as this.

My main complaint centers around lack of communication as it is hard to make decisions without information. I will be calling Monday to see if I can get more info but I doubt they will give me any. My computer work is heavy in the winter and that is dwindling. I have to travel for a shoot soon and this complicates the shipment of the nMP.

Might decide to pick up something used or just soldier on using the slower set up I have now to get me to fall when I really need a faster computer. (although now would be better)

Signing off here as reading all this just makes me more disappointed with Apple. I have better stuff to do.

I do wish you all early shipments. Maybe if I cancel mine, you will move up in the line.
So much for your theory -

The one ordered at 6am is a 8c/64gb/1tb/D700 which matches only 1 other config in the US store, at 12:30 which also shipped.

The other, at 5:45am is a 6c/64gb/1tb/D700 which matches 2 other configs. One ordered at 12:30 which also was shipped, and one ordered at 12:39 which doesn't have any update status. There's no username attached to it, so its possible that person just hasn't come back and updated the sheet. Though its also an edu order (like mine) which I've known in the past sometimes gets de-prioritized.

I was informed though that about 2-3 days ago my order came up for approval, hoping thats a sign that things are moving.

PJNanook 12:20 am - Hasn't shipped
Cal 1:07 am - Shipped 1/11

Same configuration.

Just hoping something good comes out of this wait - like a new display.
PJNanook 12:20 am - Hasn't shipped
Cal 1:07 am - Shipped 1/11

Same configuration.

Just hoping something good comes out of this wait - like a new display.

This seems to further aggregate me. I made an edu order and I have a feeling these are being further delayed for some unknown reason.
Looks like they got a supply of D300s based on the 2 that shipped out today.

I ordered within the first hour, still no go.

Has anyone seen a 12 core budge at all?
Looks like they got a supply of D300s based on the 2 that shipped out today.

I ordered within the first hour, still no go.

Has anyone seen a 12 core budge at all?

Ah, you think the supply of the GPU is hurting the process? Surely they have a pile in hand before they ramp up production?

And you're right - it seems the only 12-cores that are in the wild are review units.
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My main complaint centers around lack of communication as it is hard to make decisions without information. I will be calling Monday to see if I can get more info but I doubt they will give me any. My computer work is heavy in the winter and that is dwindling. I have to travel for a shoot soon and this complicates the shipment of the nMP.

I just ordered mine today from B&H (yep...saved $500 in taxes) and when I asked the guy if he had any idea about when they would be shipping...he said "you know...Apple doesn't tell us anything! We NEVER know when stuff is coming in. It's just an 'Apple' thing I guess."

So, looks like everyone is in the same boat and at the will of Genus Malus.
I just ordered mine today from B&H (yep...saved $500 in taxes) and when I asked the guy if he had any idea about when they would be shipping...he said "you know...Apple doesn't tell us anything! We NEVER know when stuff is coming in. It's just an 'Apple' thing I guess."

So, looks like everyone is in the same boat and at the will of Genus Malus.

My experience is that vendors like B&H aren't getting anything faster than people who order from the online Apple store (or in-store.)

By the way, you still owe that $500 in tax. Your state requires you to declare it on or before April 15th. No free tax-free ride in this country, my friend.
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