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I bought a 2015 15 MBP last week (or the week before - don't remember) and I have it in my work environment now. It's very nice - a touch faster doing most things. It basically does things slightly faster (I assume because of the faster processor and the discrete video). The main reason I like it is that it can drive 2XQHD + Internal display which I couldn't do with my 2014. Both are fine for what I need and stuff happening some milliseconds faster doesn't really matter but it's nice to know it's there. Someday Apple will make a laptop that I can comfortably upgrade to.
Just purchased my macbook pro 13 inch last night. Kind of confused so maybe a little clarification if anyone reads this and can assist.
I ordered off of Amazon first and when received the laptop yesterday it seemed to be an older model. Promptly have already returned it to UPS to be sent back to Amazon. Went to Apple store and purchased one from there. Salesman advised it was the mid 18 year one however looking at the model number and specs on the laptop it is showing 17 year.
I have the non-touch bar with 256gb. 13.3. Model #MPXT2LL/A
Is this the latest one or did I get ran over twice in this deal?
Thanks all!
Just purchased my macbook pro 13 inch last night. Kind of confused so maybe a little clarification if anyone reads this and can assist.
I ordered off of Amazon first and when received the laptop yesterday it seemed to be an older model. Promptly have already returned it to UPS to be sent back to Amazon. Went to Apple store and purchased one from there. Salesman advised it was the mid 18 year one however looking at the model number and specs on the laptop it is showing 17 year.
I have the non-touch bar with 256gb. 13.3. Model #MPXT2LL/A
Is this the latest one or did I get ran over twice in this deal?
Thanks all!

The non-touch bar model wasn’t updated in 2018 so the latest model is 2017. If the salesperson at the Apple store told you it was a 2018 model that was wrong information. He/she might have meant that it was manufactured in 2018, but even if that is the case it is still a 2017 model.

If you can swing it I’d reccomend the base Touch Bar model. It’s quad core, has two more ports, an improved keyboard, and just better all around performance.

It all depends on what you are doing, though. I have had the 2016 non-touch bar model for 27 months and it has been a great machine that is prefect for my modest needs.
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If you can swing it I’d reccomend the base Touch Bar model. It’s quad core, has two more ports, an improved keyboard, and just better all around performance.

It all depends on what you are doing, though. I have had the 2016 non-touch bar model for 27 months and it has been a great machine that is prefect for my modest needs.

Just out of interest for modest needs, did you get the 8GB or 16GB Ram?
Just out of interest for modest needs, did you get the 8GB or 16GB Ram?

I got 16GB of RAM and a 512 SSD. I wanted to have enough local storage after only having 256 in my last MBP and enough RAM in case my needs changed a bit down the road.
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Update from my side - Loving it so far as it is a lot faster although it does get a bit warm just using Chrome and iTunes... Any tips on keeping it a bit less toasty?
I've got my very first MacBook Pro 15" yesterday. I've never had a Mac before, only Windows. And yes, I'm very happy with it. Some things are familiar when you have iOS devices. The sync between all them with iCloud is great.

But I still don't understand why they are so expensive. Mine costs 2,799€, got it a bit cheaper from Amazon directly. Yes, the MacBook Pro's are great devices but of course too expensive.

Got the one with 16 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD and the 2,2 GHz 6-core processor. Very happy with it.

The funny thing is... I only need it for web surfing, mails and writing messages. And the sync with iCloud to have everything (really everything, not like iCloud on Windows) on my notebook. Maybe in future to edit photos and videos... 13" MacBook Pro would be enough for me if you look at the specs. Don't really like the specs of the normal MacBook and the Air. But 13" is too small for me. My Windows laptop, which I have used over 8 years, is a 15 incher.
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I am happy to say that I have joined the Apple world of things. A few weeks ago I changed me cell phone over to the iPhone XS and started from there.
I have been needing to get a new notebook for my photography and minor video editing. I decided on the 15" MacBook Pro with 16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD and the 2.6 GHz i7 6-core processor. Didn't know at the time but should have got the 32 GB RAM, I didn't know that you couldn't upgrade until after the fact. It should be fine tho. I do have a couple questions.

1. What cables are recommended for hooking up my 2 27" monitors. They have an extra display port on them.

2. I have an i1 monitor calibration tool, is the MBP screen able to be calibrated?
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I am happy to say that I have joined the Apple world of things. A few weeks ago I changed me cell phone over to the iPhone XS and started from there.
I have been needing to get a new notebook for my photography and minor video editing. I decided on the 15" MacBook Pro with 16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD and the 2.6 GHz i7 6-core processor. Didn't know at the time but should have got the 32 GB RAM, I didn't know that you couldn't upgrade until after the fact. It should be fine tho. I do have a couple questions.

1. What cables are recommended for hooking up my 2 27" monitors. They have an extra display port on them.

2. I have an i1 monitor calibration tool, is the MBP screen able to be calibrated?

i1 profiler software should work, yes. Just make sure to turn off true-tone in your display settings.
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Bought a secondhand 2017 MBP 13” 3.1 i5 8/512 a couple weeks back with AppleCare+ til July 2021.

Sold my 2012 MBP 15” for $520 and bought the 2017 for $1100. Couldn’t pass up the great deal even though I knew of the keyboard issue.

In fact, the keyboard had 2 stuck keys, functional but flat. Took it in to the Apple store on a Wednesday and got it back Friday with a new topcase. Couldn’t be happier with the experience, but will probably resell a few years down the line before the keyboard replacement program ends. Other than the keyboard issues great upgrade for me.
Although I thought about waiting for the 2019 update, I did an impulse buy today of the 13" 2018 base model with Touch Bar. I'm coming from the 13" 2016 base model (also Touch Bar) - basically because I can return it within 14 days.
I really wanted to have the quad core CPU for mixing music because the 2016 model wasn't capable to handle the project size I usually have and I wanted to have a complementary device next to my maxed out 2017 iMac. So after setting the new MBP up as a new computer and installing everything and connecting my Audio Interface (UAD Apollo Twin), I must say, I'm feeling very good with the purchase so far. I didn't opt for the 16GB as I'm usually only doing full audio tracks mixing and don't have any midi or virtual sampled instruments in my projects. (actually producing/writing songs is a task for the iMac)
I loaded up a 60+ song I mixed recently on the iMac and it played back without any hitches. This comes with a lot of plugins as well.

Some more general observations from the first hours compared to the 2016 one:
+ the keyboard feels a lot better to me and is indeed less annoying to listen to
+ moving around in the OS, starting programs, using Safari... everything feels faster and more snappy
+ True Tone is awesome - everything is more easy on the eyes. Especially now in the evening
(+ battery life in the first hours feels waaaay better than on the 2016 model)
- the speakers are quite different. At this point I prefer the more direct sound of the 2016 model. The 2018 model sounds more muffled due to its low-end boost. It looses quite some definition in the high and mid frequencies but it sounds more rounded
- the 2018 model gets way more warm more quick
- while bouncing the aforementioned Logic project the fans also get way louder and they are audible from time to time during tasks, where there weren't audible on the 2016 one

I will see how much I like it in the coming 13 days but after day 1 I tend to keep it and sell the 2016 one.

Well did you keep it - I am considering the same upgrade from 2016 to 2018 MBP w/TB. So sorry just saw that you returned it. Thanks!
Well did you keep it - I am considering the same upgrade from 2016 to 2018 MBP w/TB. So sorry just saw that you returned it. Thanks!

Yeah I really liked the 2018 model a lot but in the end I couldn't really justify the extra cost as the resale value of the 2016 one wasn't as high as I expected.
I got 16GB of RAM and a 512 SSD. I wanted to have enough local storage after only having 256 in my last MBP and enough RAM in case my needs changed a bit down the road.

How are you finding the 512GB option? Is much of it taken up by the system? Just asking because when I move back to the Mac I’m not sure if is should go 512GB or 1TB (the MacBook Air goes to 1.5TB now).
How are you finding the 512GB option? Is much of it taken up by the system? Just asking because when I move back to the Mac I’m not sure if is should go 512GB or 1TB (the MacBook Air goes to 1.5TB now).

The 512 has been fine for my needs for the past two years. I’m not at my MBP now but not much is taken by the system. I think it’s less than 30GB.

More is always better, I think, and personally I’ve never regretted getting more internal storage so if it is in your price range I’d go for 1TB or as much as your budget allows for.

I don’t do video editing and don’t keep a lot of large files on the internal drive. I keep some of my music collection, some of my photos, all of the files I’m working on at the moment, and a few games on my machine. All the rest of my stuff I have on external drives and in the cloud. With my use I have about 250GB free of a 400GB partition. The rest I have partitioned for boot camp as I do a bit of development for some Windows apps.

Good luck with whatever you decide! The new Airs look like nice machines.
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I just ordered a new 2018 15" MBP with 2.6 i7/16GB/512GB/560x for around 15% off regular price. AppleCare is a must, I'll do it once I receive it.
I've recently sold my base 13" 2015 rMBP for a loaded 15" 2015 rMBP and even though I liked the performance bump, the 2015 isn't powerful enough for me.
Got a decent trade-in offer for my mid-2017 MBP 15" i7 2.9/16gb/1TB/560 and picked up a 2018 MBP 15" i9 2.9/32gb/1TB/Vega20. Was going to wait for the 2019 but figured trade-in value was going to be less the longer I wait.

Been surprised with the speed bump and actually like the keyboard. Knock on wood, so far no bridgeOS errors or slow wifi on wake and hopefully it stays that way.
If it weren't for the price I'd be 100% happy with the 15" MacBook Pro. Despite it's flaws I haven't owned such a good machine before.

But my wallet. It cries. I could have bought an Air and the new OLED TV I've been eyeballing.
I sold both my 2016 Retina MacBook and 2016 MacBook Pro and picked up a 2018 13-inch MacBook Pro (2.7 / 16GB / 1TB) with Apple Care Plus from a forum member here. Actually feels great consolidating to one notebook and an iPad Pro. Just waiting on a great deal on an eGPU and I'm set :)
Just bought rMBP early 2015 8/256 refurbished from one of stores in Tokyo for about 820 US. Like new, full set (even microfiber cloth and stickers are included) - manufactured second half of 2015. Screen is like new, keyboard like new, only 10 cycles on battery. LCD bleeding is ok. Maybe was display model or just barely used by someone... happy with my purchase - likely I got 1 more year of staingate replacement coverage, and keyboard feels just like home on these (hate new MPB kb feel and failure). Only issue I had is fan stared constantly spinning on max after I delete some apps. But after resetting SMC it is ok now! Maybe it is because I moved my old system from MPB 2011 via thunderbolt and some old files left causing this fan issue.
Very happy to got this puppy! I AM willing to buy a new one from apple, but I can not do it before they will fix keyboard issues! That is why I was searching for a good one 13 inch 2015 retina model. Hope it would serve me for a couple of years before the next re-design!
I took advantage of a coupon BestBuy sent me and picked up the 2018 / 256 / 15” MBP model for $2118 after tax. My first and last MacBook Pro was the mid 2015 model, which was excellent.

I’m surprised to report I actually like the keyboard and find it quite nice to type on.

I tried a couple Windows laptops this year and my photo editing workflow was too laggy to stay. I’m happy to be back with an OS that keeps my apps running fluid and snappy.
I just ordered a "2017" MacBook Pro 13", the one without the Touch Bar, from Amazon. Amazon and B&H have these on sale for $1099 ($200 less than Apple Store). It was between that and the similarly priced, current MacBook Air. It just didn't make any sense to me to buy the Air. It'd be a newer machine but basically the same price for a significantly slower processor, only a slightly bigger (.3") screens, slightly better battery life, and only 200MHz faster than the 2014 MacBook Air I'm upgrading from.
I just ordered a "2017" MacBook Pro 13", the one without the Touch Bar, from Amazon. Amazon and B&H have these on sale for $1099 ($200 less than Apple Store). It was between that and the similarly priced, current MacBook Air. It just didn't make any sense to me to buy the Air. It'd be a newer machine but basically the same price for a significantly slower processor, only a slightly bigger (.3") screens, slightly better battery life, and only 200MHz faster than the 2014 MacBook Air I'm upgrading from.

Eh. At that price I think the Pro is a good choice but the Air isn't really much slower than that Pro in stock config. But you do get a nicer screen and speakers at the expense of Touch ID and keyboard.

Hope you like it. I absolutely adored the 13". If it played TF2 better I'd have stuck with it versus being inane and spending so much on the 15". I think you'll be astounded how nice it is coming from an Air.

I gave a 2017 Air to my lady friend after realizing I could never go back to the old style laptops. That 13" Pro definitely feels like it fills that roll. I wouldn't be surprised if it disappears off of retail channels soon. It's too close to the new Air.
Just picked up a refurb 2018 13inch MacBook Pro, the 2.7GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 version with 512gb and 8gb Ram. Got it with AC+ for the same price as the standard spec version (2.3ghz). Not bad at all.

This is replacing my dual graphics 2015 MacBook Pro (which I'm keeping). Was concerned about the 8gb ram, use capture one pro and photoshop but after testing out a borrow of a 2.3ghz with 8gb Ram, found it managed very well. My main work is done with a Mac Pro but this wee laptop feels very fast and capable of handling quick 4k edits etc.

Going against the flow here but, I also really like the keyboard ... feels very precise and fast to use.
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