Although I thought about waiting for the 2019 update, I did an impulse buy today of the 13" 2018 base model with Touch Bar. I'm coming from the 13" 2016 base model (also Touch Bar) - basically because I can return it within 14 days.
I really wanted to have the quad core CPU for mixing music because the 2016 model wasn't capable to handle the project size I usually have and I wanted to have a complementary device next to my maxed out 2017 iMac. So after setting the new MBP up as a new computer and installing everything and connecting my Audio Interface (UAD Apollo Twin), I must say, I'm feeling very good with the purchase so far. I didn't opt for the 16GB as I'm usually only doing full audio tracks mixing and don't have any midi or virtual sampled instruments in my projects. (actually producing/writing songs is a task for the iMac)
I loaded up a 60+ song I mixed recently on the iMac and it played back without any hitches. This comes with a lot of plugins as well.
Some more general observations from the first hours compared to the 2016 one:
+ the keyboard feels a lot better to me and is indeed less annoying to listen to
+ moving around in the OS, starting programs, using Safari... everything feels faster and more snappy
+ True Tone is awesome - everything is more easy on the eyes. Especially now in the evening
(+ battery life in the first hours feels waaaay better than on the 2016 model)
- the speakers are quite different. At this point I prefer the more direct sound of the 2016 model. The 2018 model sounds more muffled due to its low-end boost. It looses quite some definition in the high and mid frequencies but it sounds more rounded
- the 2018 model gets way more warm more quick
- while bouncing the aforementioned Logic project the fans also get way louder and they are audible from time to time during tasks, where there weren't audible on the 2016 one
I will see how much I like it in the coming 13 days but after day 1 I tend to keep it and sell the 2016 one.